He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2722 The speedy thief!

"Well. Leave the rest of the restoration and maintenance of this ruins to me!"

Prince Saliman thought that the other party was a follower of Hupa, and was angry that the descendants of the royal family who had profited were ignored. He immediately waved his hand to express that he had taken care of everything.

Although it is still impossible to determine what the specific situation was back then.

But even if it is simply an ancient ruin, it is worth protecting.

"I want to make up for it now, it's too late!"

Balza stood up from his position, scolded condescendingly with a sullen face.

The appearance is so weird, and the whole body exudes a black-red energy field.


Hupa was also startled and shrank into Xiaozhi's arms in fear.

The Balza in its memory was a gentle and reliable big brother. Every time it and Mayali were mischievous in the Valley of Creation and were caught by adults, Balza would apologize to them in disgrace.

But now Balza.

He even still has the aura of the bad Hoopa from before? !

"Hupa, have you found the two golden rings? The third golden ring is right here with me, come and get it~!"

At this time, Balza, who was on the stone steps of the high platform, took out a golden ring from his arms.

This made Hupa's eyes brighten. It was its last golden ring, and it was indeed in Balza's hands.


It's just that Balza's appearance is so weird now that it even frightens Hupa. It grabs the hem of Xiaozhi's clothes and doesn't dare to go over.

"What's wrong, Hupa, why don't you come over? We grew up together. Is it possible that our friendship is not as good as the strangers you meet outside?!"

Balza's voice became louder and louder, full of anger, like a volcano about to erupt, which made Hupa even more afraid to go over.

"Come here and dedicate your body to the Demon God!!"

Balza suddenly changed his tone, taking on a bit of crazy piety.

The next moment, he raised the long-necked magic bottle in his hand. The color was similar to Hupa's skin, and there was a pair of small curved corners similar to Hupa at the mouth of the bottle.


Balza opened the bottle, the eye pattern on the bottle lit up red, and a strange black shadow gas suddenly floated out from inside.

At the same moment, Hupa seemed to be possessed by a strong mental thought, and was tightly restrained in place, unable to move his whole body!

"Ah! This again.!!"

Little Hupa's face suddenly turned green. He had been controlled like this before.

Immediately afterwards, another consciousness of his own will appear in his mind, trying to forcibly erase his existence and seize his body.

"Don't resist, because this body belongs to me~! Haha!!"

This time, not only Hupa, but also several people around him heard an arrogant and rough sound, which made people's hair stand on end.

"In the end what happened.?"

Saliman and Princess Sarah were completely confused and had no idea what was happening.

But Xiaozhi and the others had heard the outline of the previous article several times before, it was about the Pot of Punishment, and it was about robbing the body, and they understood what it was all at once.

"Wasn't the demon Hupa in the Pot of Punishment sealed again? How could he come out again?"

Citron held his head and was at a loss.

Xiaozhi was facing Hupa, who was shaking violently and struggling violently inside his body, not knowing how to help.

Moreover, Hupa's body continued to spurt out black and purple flames, and his aura gradually became cold and violent, as if he was about to be completely robbed of his consciousness.

"Hahaha!! Last time you had three golden rings on your body, and with the help of my super power, you could exert your strength to its maximum. But now I still have one golden ring, let's see how you can resist the Demon God. will.!!"

On the high platform, Balza was holding the open pot of punishment with one hand and the palm-sized golden ring with the other hand, laughing loudly.

The body is still filled with evil and black energy

Obviously, his consciousness was completely controlled by the Pot of Punishment.

"Even if the magic pot is tightly closed, does it still have the power to confuse people?"

Serena said uneasily.

It seems that after the Balza brothers re-sealed the demon god Hupa, the former's mind was gradually corroded by the magic bottle. No wonder he has never been in contact with Mayali.

However, the other party's loud laughter gave Xiaozhi inspiration.

This guy gave all the answers on how to break the situation.

"Pikachu, use God's Speed ​​and get close to him!!"

Hupa was still struggling and was about to lose his support. Xiaozhi simply pointed his finger at Balza on the high platform.

Pikachu understood, took a quick leap, and turned into a misty blue light and rushed out!


"Is Pikachu so powerful?!"

This scene actually surprised the Saliman brothers and sisters to be able to display such rapid speed.

Especially the former. There is a handsome wind speed dog in his backyard, which also masters super speed moves. But its speed is far inferior to that of this electric rat.

Hell, I actually wanted to throw Pikachu into the river to feed the savage bass.

"What a fast mouse!"

On the high platform, Balza was also startled, and he immediately concentrated on activating the defensive barrier.

The same pendant of Arceus on his chest shone with light, and Balza exerted his superpower to the maximum, forming a barrier to isolate foreign enemies.

His superpower is much stronger than Mayali's.


However, the speed is still not as fast as God's speed. In a flash, Pikachu has completely passed through the superpower barrier and arrived behind Balza.

call out!

Then it turned into a flash of green light, and with great speed, it jumped back and forth, and in the blink of an eye, it was already back on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Balza quickly lowered his head and looked at his body. He didn't feel any pain and couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"Hmph, it's so fast, but it's a weak attack and nothing happens?!"

Balza finally reacted and realized that his left hand was empty.

Originally, there was a small gold ring clutched on it.

But at this moment, the small golden ring was in Pikachu's hand. Because the two were opposite colors, Pikachu didn't even notice that there was something in his hand.

Pikachu, used the thief trick!

"Well done!"

Xiaozhi praised and took the small golden ring.

With the combination of speed and thief, Pikachu can probably take off Balza's underwear, let alone anything in the opponent's hand!

So now, it’s time to return the property to its original owner!

Ash moved quickly, like a hula hoop, and pulled it up from the bottom of Hupa.

It was a perfect fit, and the little golden ring just stuck on Hupa's chubby belly.

At this moment there are two gold rings on the horns, plus a gold ring on the belly.

Hupa's strength has returned to the realm of ordinary fantasy beasts!

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