He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2726 The troops are divided into two groups

In an instant, the surroundings were surrounded by continuous changes of heavy rains and dry days, mixed with whistling yellow sand, and the climate was completely chaotic.

"Is this Hoopa's true power?"

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel his scalp numb under the pressure of the two ancient gods, and was forced to take a step back.

Can summon ancient god-level existences at will, and even directly control them as thugs, manipulating them at will

This is currently the most outrageous power he has ever seen, bar none!

"Hey~! Do you still want to defeat me? Then defeat Groudon and Kyogre first~!"

The demon god Hupa flew high in the sky, laughing proudly.

Thousands of years ago, although he could also remotely drag out ancient god-level beings, he was unable to control the latter's consciousness.

Therefore, the ancient gods who were summoned by him thousands of years ago would wreak havoc on the surroundings after coming out, and directly engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with him, causing great disasters to this land.

But things are different now, he is powerful enough to control the will of these ancient gods!

Demon God Hupa did not directly launch a fierce attack. It was just fun to annihilate the whole group of people at once!

Show off the unparalleled power of his demon god and make everyone prostrate themselves at his feet! !


In front, Groudon, with some magma still flowing on his body and dripping from his claws and tail, remained silent.

He was probably taking a bath in the lava and falling asleep. As a result, he was suddenly captured as a young man, and the lava on his body was not even drained away.

On the other side, Kyogre was suspended in the air.

Although the pectoral fins on both sides look like wings and don't wave much, they can still float steadily in the air.

The body was still involuntarily overflowing water to both sides, and part of it fell on Groudon's face next to him.


The skin of the latter's lava armor was extremely hot, and it was evaporated into mist before the water flow even got close.

"What to do, Xiaozhi?!"

"This is the case."

Behind them, Citron Serena and the others had no idea. The scene in front of them was completely beyond their understanding. They could only hope for Xiaozhi, who had seen big scenes before.

However, when fighting against two ancient gods at the same time, there is an existence who is not inferior to the ancient gods watching them.

There are even more than two golden rings on Demon God Hupa. Who knows if other ancient gods can be summoned.

Even Xiaozhi seemed to have a headache.

"It's about to affect Desert City."

Prince Saliman was also worried.

They were at the center of the violent weather, and Desert City had only been affected so far, only the rain and the scorching sun were changing.

But this situation seems to be getting worse. If this continues, the entire Desert City may be destroyed!

"The top priority is to recreate the Pot of Punishment!"

Balza spoke in a weak voice to find a way out for everyone:

"I must return to the Valley of Creation immediately and recreate it in the stone building where my ancestors once made the Pot of Punishment."

"Do you have ground, water, and fire Pokémon? The raw materials of the Pot of Punishment are these three natural elements, plus the guidance of my superpower!"

With the plan in mind, several people's eyes lit up.

"My demon fire red fox, turtle-footed giant armor, and armored tyrannosaurus can combine these three elements!!"

Serena took out three elf balls, and the elements were just right.

"Then I. I'll help Mr. Balza!"

"Yu Lijia also wants to help!"

Citron and Yulijia supported the weak Balza from the left and right.

"In this case, the pot of punishment is left to you, so hurry up and take action."

Xiaozhi nodded to a few people, and then the task of delaying time was left to him!

"Sarah, you also need to return to Desert City first, so that the residents there can temporarily stabilize and prevent any major chaos from happening. If the situation cannot be prevented from expanding, you must organize the citizens of Desert City to temporarily evacuate."

Saliman was also explaining to his sister, but there was a hint of a last word in his tone.

"Brother, you won't come with us"

"As the crown prince, I have to stay on the front line!"

Saliman showed his royal courage and already had a luxurious ball in his hand.

"Come on Sarah, I'll cover you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the luxurious ball, and the majestic pillar giant appeared in front of him.

Originally, the 2.5-meter rock god pillar was already quite huge, but compared to the two ancient gods in front of it, it was as small as a baby.

Xiaozhi looked at Saliman with some surprise, not expecting the latter to be so bloody.


However, the Rock God Pillar suddenly appeared and was stunned on the spot.

Although it has recognized Saliman, as my opponent in the first battle, will you prepare Groudon and Kyogre for me? !

Who can withstand this! !

It's just an ordinary rock god pillar, not a god pillar king!

Yan Shenzhu just wants to go back to sleep now. It seems okay to wait for the next ten years for human trainers or something?

"Serena, you should also leave here quickly and follow Mr. Balza!!"

Xiaozhi quickly looked at his little friend and said seriously.

Serena and the others also knew about this situation. Their Pokémon alone could not help at all. If they stayed here, they might make Ash try to avoid him.

"I know. Be careful, Ash!"

She could only nod solemnly to Xiaozhi, and then sent the demon fire red fox to the front and started to lead the way.

Demon God Hupa has sat back on the huge throne, like a noble watching slaves fight in the arena, with one hand still resting on his chin, which is quite comfortable.

"Want to run? Hip-hop~ This game cannot be without an audience~!"

An arm below came out of the body, its sharp claws inserted into the golden ring, and instantly appeared in front of Serena and the others.

The ghost claws stretched out and were about to grab the Demon Fire Red Fox and Serena together.

Xiaozhi immediately raised his hand and pointed:

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu understood and jumped out in an instant. The silver light of his steel tail was bright, and he lashed out at the opponent's extra-dimensional attack with great force!

Bang bang! !

There was a low explosion sound, and the magic ghost claw bounced back and retracted into the golden ring.


After landing, Pikachu smiled proudly, "I'll give you this stupid hand first!"


The demon god Hupa on the throne even let out a muffled groan, quickly brought his palm back to his face, and kept blowing on the red and swollen area.

It hurts!

"Damn it, that damn rat is so powerful!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Serena quickly led a group of people and ran towards Desert City.

Their current location is southeast of Desert City. If they want to go to the Valley of Creation, it would be better to go back to Desert City first.

"Now, we are the only two left."

After a while, only Xiaozhi and Suliman were left.

It's just that the latter is just trying to be brave on the surface. Just like his Rock God Pillar, facing this scene, he has no idea at all! (End of chapter)

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