He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 269 Just now, the Viking Gym exploded...

After defeating the Viridian Gym and getting the green badge, Xiao Zhi took back the dragon head, twisted the big c Pikachu with one hand and ran towards the gate, his face flushed and full of interest.

At this moment, he really wanted to share this kind of good fortune with his two best friends, that would be triple happiness.

But when he ran out of the gate, the two of them had already disappeared.

"You mean that beautiful girl and foreign friends?"

"They went back to the Pokémon Center to play cards."

Next to it, the two Spartan guards of the Viridian Gym who guard the gate kindly reminded them.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi frowned, secretly thinking that these two bad friends, he was already angry as usual.

But today he had to bear it, and soon, he hurriedly ran towards the Pokémon Center.

Bad friends belong to bad friends, but at this moment, he has won eight badges and officially qualified for the challenge of the Quartz Alliance. He almost shouted out excitedly about such things, but he had to hold back first.

Audience, I want an audience who can applaud and deduct 666!

"Pikachu let's go!"

Xiaozhi twisted the nape of Pikachu's neck, and walked quickly...


Inside the Viking Gym.

The trio of acting hosts, the Rocket Team, has already been side by side with Rikuza, and the boss, Sakagi, has already left for the Johto area. No one is in charge of the museum.


In a certain laboratory, a needle is flying out of thin air, which is very strange, and there are low voices around from time to time, and two fainted rocket team soldiers are under their feet.

And in the center, a humanoid Pokémon covered in steel armor still didn't move, but strangely, at this moment, he was turned over, and the area around the two butts was already red, as if stung by a bee .

And the tip of that needle was even crooked.

"It's strange, I have stuck 30 needles towards the buttocks, and the needles are all crooked, why is there no response?"

Does Lao Chaomeng naturally know that the buttocks are the thickest part, which rarely stimulates the nerves.

So the spanking needles don't hurt.

"Forget it, let's wake it up physically..."

Chi's old man Chaomeng simply threw away the needle, and with his powerful thoughts, a big blue hand condensed in the air, tearing off the steel armor covering the Muggle Chaomeng's head on the spot, revealing the electric current inside. Vigorous.

Without the cover of the armor, Muggle Mewtwo's sleeping face was like a child's, very innocent, completely devoid of the previous violent look on the field.

"But I hate children the most."

Lao Chaomeng controls the big hand of Nianli, and facing the latter is a series of ruthless slaps.

"Crack clap clap..."

This is a series of slaps of superpower attribute, powerful, and when it reverberates in the air, it even arouses waves of ripples, and the entire Viki Pan Gym is trembling.

It's just that, this Muggle Mewtwo's white face was beaten into a red fat pig, and it was still sleeping like a dead dog, without any reaction.

"The power of the Rockets' tranquilizers...cannot be underestimated..."

Even if he is as powerful as the old man Chaomeng, there is nothing wrong with it. He even secretly knows about the Rockets' black technology.

Now that the soul of this new Chaomeng has been enlightened by them, and the fetters have been established, the next step is to travel to the world alone, strengthen its own strength, improve its knowledge, and become a truly powerful legendary beast Pokémon.

Instead of continuing to be bound by the Rockets, being a wage earner.

It was he who tried to use his soul energy to invade the latter's new words again, but at this moment the latter's soul space was firmly sealed and protected, and no interference was allowed at all.


Just when Lao Chaomeng secretly had a headache, he only heard an inspiring roar coming from outside the Viking Gym, in the southeast corner of Viking City.

This is a human voice, which should not have been able to reach such a long distance, but Lao Chaomeng heard it.

Similarly, this Muggle Mewtwo heard it too.

The sound hit his ears, which made his brows twitch slightly.

And the content of the voice made him frown, his expression was tangled, and his body twitched even more, as if he was having a nightmare.

"Is this the fetter that hurts to the deepest part of the soul? It was so terrifying at that time..."

Even Pension Chaomeng has to be convinced by Yu Chi's sophisticated prediction...


In the Spirit Center.

Xiaozhi found his two best friends. At the moment, the two of them are fighting the landlord with Miss Joy from the Viridian Fairy Center. Yingyingyanyan is very happy.

Who is Xiaozhi?


"Good brothers, my God of War is back!!"

As soon as he entered the door, there was a loud voice, and the sound shook the cards in the hands of the three of them.

Xiaozhi happily threw two Pokéballs, and the red light flashed. It was the big hero this time—the pink Butterfly and the skull dragon. Although the two Pokémon are still in the yellow blood stage at the moment, they are temporarily regained mobility.

Then he took out a delicate green leaf-like badge from his pocket, and proudly held it up in front of the three of them, signaling that they could start licking it.

"Wow, it's really a green badge."

"Use Ba Dadie and Skull Dragon? Is this gymnasium a sea-type gymnasium? It's waterier than our Hualan gymnasium?"

Xiaoxia blew herself up and said, the limit is one for one.

Ba Dadie doesn't usually fight as a vase, and the skull dragon was born not long ago. It can be said that these two are the weakest two in Xiaozhi's team. With these two, they defeated the eighth gym. It is unbelievable.

"What! The two of them worked hard this time! The future is promising."

Xiaozhi was unhappy on the spot, complaining about his Pokémon.

Then he carefully pinned the eighth badge on his chest, two rows of eight, neatly hung in the lining of his coat, exuding a faint luster.

Eight badges, coupled with his vigorous and mature face, he has indeed grown a lot during this journey.


Xiaozhi took a deep breath, clenched his hands into fists, and then roared at the top of his voice, as if he was swearing or encouraging himself.

"I have collected all 8 badges!!"

"No, this is just my first step!!"

"I, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, will win the league championship and become a Pokémon Master!!"

Xiaozhi's expression was full of vigor and vigor, and after yelling, the blood in his chest was even more boiling, as if there was a flame burning in his heart.

If you have a good thing, you have to shout it out loud. As long as you don't feel embarrassed, it will be someone else who is embarrassed.

Of course, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia in front of them didn't feel any embarrassment, because this was Xiao Zhi.

If you don't say that, it will embarrass them instead.

Along the way, from a trainer who didn't know anything, to a trainer who has won eight badges, they understand what Xiaozhi's words mean better than anyone else.

Even Chi in the soul space nodded secretly, although his face remained unchanged, his body was shaking unconsciously on the pension chair...



It's just that Xiaozhi's voice just fell, a shocking explosion sound suddenly came from the north, and there was a sudden explosion in the ears of everyone, and all the rapid vibrations that caught the eyes produced double images, and the entire Viking City was trembling violently. It seemed like a terrible disaster had happened.

After the sound of the explosion subsided a little, the four of them ran out of the elf center in a daze, looking in the direction of the explosion.

At this moment, a thick black smoke filled the sky in that direction. The fire brigade and the police were all rushing to the rescue.

Looking at the location, it is probably in the direction of the Viking Gym.

"Hey, ah, oh..."

Ms. Joy used the official walkie-talkie to communicate for a while, and quickly understood what happened. Seeing the three people with confused faces, she could only reply slowly:

"Just now, Viridian gymnasium exploded..."

Three people: "?"

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