He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2729 Hupa, you still have to study hard!

"Turtle, are Lugia here?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. Although the Lugia in front of him had his mind controlled, he could recognize him.

He should be the Lugia that lives in the deep sea of ​​the Orange Islands, and is also the father of his little Lugia.

Uh, it should be the father, right?

He quickly looked at the last golden ring, and the demon Hupa was also gesturing with his palms in the air, exerting his power.

"Since the opponent has Reshiram, then I will send out the black dragon Zekrom, no, it must be stronger!"

With a thought in his mind, Demon God Hupa temporarily changed the recruitment target and locked it in an ice cave on a small island south of the Hezhong region.

Before he could see him, the golden ring began to spit out thick cold white mist, making everyone present shiver.

The next moment, a gray-black ice and snow dragon came out menacingly.

Its body leans forward, its head and wings are covered with hard ice, and its body presents a strange asymmetrical shape.


Xiaozhi was shocked. This time, even Brother Chi's hibernating Kyurem was forcibly recruited?

At this moment, in front of the demon god Hupa, there are the twin gods of Fangyuan, the twin dragons of Sinnoh, the United Kyurem, and a former sea god Lugia.

A total of six ancient gods stood in mid-air.

No, there are five, and one Groudon is still standing on the ground, looking a little inferior and ruining the formation.

The pressure from the gathering of the six gods was overwhelming. Even Xiaozhi and Reshiram couldn't help but be forced to take a step back. The pressure was huge.

This is an unprecedented all-star lineup!

"Xiao Zhi, what should I do?"

Little Hupa timidly pulled at the hem of Xiaozhi's clothes.

If that doesn't work, why don't you just ride Reshiram and run away? !

However, Xiaozhi took a deep breath and managed to straighten his back from the oppression of Liushen, with a firm gaze.

There is even a rare hint of fanaticism deep in his eyes.

He hasn't experienced such a battle for a long time!

Unexpectedly, I would encounter such an unprecedented level of battle between mythical beasts while vacationing in this desert.

It’s so enjoyable!

"Palu, from now on you should watch and study hard!!"

Ash was once again given Hupa's unshakable back and began to take action.

If you can summon me, won’t I continue to summon you? !

He put one hand on the silver feather pendant around his neck and whispered:

"It's your turn, Lugia. Even the sea god Lugia, you are enough to defeat him now!!"

The words fell.


There was only a harsh tearing sound, and three claw marks appeared out of thin air in the middle of the two groups of people confronting each other.

It was as if the space had been torn apart by some inexplicable existence.

The next moment, a hole with uneven edges opened.

In an instant, everyone felt the aura of doomsday, full of desolation and destruction.

The scene inside the hole, as far as the eye can see, is a dilapidated ruin, covered with a layer of crimson filter, it is a world that has been destroyed.


A black and purple figure suddenly flew out from inside.

It has a similar body structure to Lugia, but its body color is completely different.

The skin is dark purple, the abdomen and the shell of the eye mask are pale, and the eyes are dark red from beginning to end, as if the mind is being controlled.

It is the descendant that mutated from Lugia, Dark Lugia! !

With a combination of dragon and ghost attributes, it might be more appropriate to say that his father is a Pluto dragon.

After Dark Lugia came out of the reverse world, he immediately flew to Xiaozhi's side, just about to rub his head for a long time.

But the momentum of the six ancient gods in front of him was too strong, so he had to look up first.

There is even one of them who is his cheap father Lugia?


Dark Lugia was stunned. After receiving Xiaozhi's call, he immediately found the corresponding location in the reverse world.

Then use Shadow Strike to tear open the connecting channel and come to the real world.

"How about it, if the opponent is your father, can you deal with it?"

Ash asked as he raised his hand and rubbed Dark Lugia's cheek.

However, Dark Lugia shook his slender neck, then focused his gaze, took the initiative to fly into the air, and came to the position opposite Lugia.

He has long wanted to beat up his cheap father.

When Ash conquered Dark Lugia, the relationship between father and son was not very friendly.

Today's Dark Lugia's body size has exceeded 3 meters, but is less than 4 meters. Compared with the former Poseidon's body size of 4.5 meters, there is still a slight gap.

But in terms of momentum alone, coupled with Yinxie's attribute combination, it is not inferior to the opponent in the slightest!

Prince Saliman, who had been watching the battle, was completely numb.

He originally thought that it was outrageous that Xiaozhi had a nest of second-level gods in his family. Now he could even summon a first-level god like Hupa? !

More than one? !

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Demon God Hupa were playing a game of beast chess, each summoning powerful thugs one after another to compete with their respective lineups.

It's just that Xiaozhi has only summoned two ancient gods so far, but the opponent has six!

He had just thought of this when he suddenly discovered that the hole leading to the reverse world in the center of the battlefield was not closed.

Suddenly, a huge dragon head poked out from inside.

The gray head is covered with golden shells on both sides, and there is a golden arc crown on the forehead.

Hades Dragon, Giratina!

Giratina stuck out half of his head, looked around curiously, and made an ancient and low voice:

"What the hell, is it so lively here, Xiaozhi?"

A true first-level god is worse than a dog!

Even Giratina, who had lived for who knows how many years, was stunned for a moment.

He was originally a little curious as to why Xiaozhi summoned Lugia so suddenly today, so he followed him to have a look.

After practicing under his own hands for so long, little Lugia has now learned all the abilities of his ghost dragon, enough to be able to stand on his own.

Unexpectedly, I saw an incredible scene!

Xiaozhi did not expect to be able to summon this strange and changeable Pluto Dragon, so he asked casually:

"Oh Giratina, how about we have a war going on here, do you want to help?"

Giratina is usually too lazy to do this kind of thing, and at most he just watches the show from the side.

But this time, he noticed the Sinnoh twin dragons next to him

"Hmph, are these two guys again?"

Giratina didn't have any good impressions of the Space-Time Twin Dragons, and his face suddenly turned dark.

Everyone is a being created by the God of Creation, and they often fight with each other. Why do they have to live in an inverted world when they cause destruction, while these two dragons can freely travel between their own world and the real world?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

"Hmph, Xiaozhi, today I will give you a rare help and educate these two stupid dragons!"

So Giratina flew out of the hole and faced Dialga and Palkia! (End of chapter)

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