He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 271 Photographer, Archer

"Xiaoxia, I have Admiral Claw Crab, can I exchange it for your mediocre Porkby?"


By the small river, everyone set up a bonfire and began to eat, while Xiao Zhi tried to exchange.

"Hey, the meat quality of my pincer crab... My pincer crab has a strong will of water, which is more suitable for you. Pokéby is not a water-type Pokémon."

"Oh, then see if Borkby is willing to follow you."

Xiaoxia raised her brows, and placed Borkby on the ground, but the latter took a few steps forward with her short legs, and then turned back to Xiaoxia's legs.

Pokémon is also connected in the egg stage, and it has a deeper bond with Xiaoxia.

"Ah, Bo Bao's mother loves you to death!" Xiaoxia immediately became proud, her eyes glowing pink, she hugged Bo Kebi into her arms again, and rubbed the latter's face.

"We don't want male mothers, do we?"

"A armor strike armor strike beep~~"

Helpless, Xiaozhi could only give up, picked up a bowl of curry rice bitterly, and took a few mouthfuls of rice, which had a sour taste:

"It doesn't matter. Looking at it like this, I guess it doesn't have much fighting power. It must be that the illustrated book is talking nonsense again."

"Hee hee. I don't care anyway."

Xiaoxia was smiling and feeding Burkeby.

Cold knowledge, generally speaking, doesn't matter, only the second person really doesn't matter.




Suddenly, the leaves of a nearby shrub trembled. Xiaozhi's hearing was extraordinary, and he stopped eating immediately. Pikachu also lifted his head from the rice bucket and shook his ears.

One person and one mouse looked at each other, and they were connected instantly, but they stood still.


There was a sound of pulling the engine plate, and a sense of horror of being locked by modern weapons rose in his heart. Xiao Zhi and Pikachu didn't dare to be careless, and immediately flew away at the same time.

"Be careful, there are snipers!"


Xiaozhi moved like a monkey, he threw Xiao Xiafei out in an instant and pushed him to the ground.

On the other side, Pikachu also swooped out, and fell to the ground, holding Tockby in his hand.

Xiao Gang: "?"

He was awkwardly holding the curry rice in one hand, not knowing what to do for a while.

Why no one protects me?


Just half a minute later, the air was very quiet, as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, what are you doing, do you want to take advantage of this beautiful girl!?"

Xiaoxia pushed Xiaozhi away from her body, she was not kind in front of her, and the food of several people was knocked to the ground by Xiaozhi's riot.

Xiaozhi quickly argued:

"Listen to my explanation, there are snipers here!"

"Xiaozhi, have you finally fallen ill?"

"Where are there any snipers in broad daylight?"

The two looked at Xiaozhi like a fool, and they didn't blow up the Viking Gym, and even if there were snipers, they wouldn't come to snipe them.

"Hmph, then I'll prove it to you!"

Xiaozhi patted the dust off his clothes, let out a cold snort, and threw an elf ball backhand. With the flash of red light, a blue medium-sized turtle appeared by the small river, posing in a naive pose .

"Cami Turtle, use the water gun on that location!"

"Cami Kame Poof!"

Cammy Turtle is like a soldier who sticks to the order, without asking any more questions, and immediately shoots a jet of water in the direction pointed by Xiao Zhi, and the attack speed is extremely fast.


The water gun hit the target, and half a second later, the bush suddenly trembled violently, and then a figure jumped out of the bush.

I saw that the man was about 11 or 12 years old, wearing an artist-style costume, brown-red curly hair, and a black camera hanging from his neck.

His whole body was soaked by the water, jumping up and down like a flea, trying to shake off the splash on his body, still complaining.

"Hey, why are you attacking suddenly!"

Xiaozhi immediately retorted:

"You are sneaking around there, the problem is you."

"Even so, you can't attack directly. My camera is very expensive and not waterproof!"

The man looked at the machine in his hand worriedly, his expression seemed to be bleeding.

"Oh, that is indeed my terrapin's recklessness."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and put the Cammy Turtle back into the elf ball.

Kami Turtle: "?"

Turtle wants to give you a big punch today.


A few minutes later.

"Hi everyone, my name is Archer, and I'm a Pokémon photographer."

After some conversation, the three of them realized that the man in front of them was a photographer who specially took pictures, and the sound of the machine board and the feeling of locking were all from the camera.

"Dude, your camera can't do it. Look at my Apple photobook. It has 1 million ultra-high pixels. The front camera also has a beauty selfie function. The most important thing is that it's waterproof. It's okay to throw it into the water like this. thing."

Xiaozhi backhanded the illustrated book deep into the river and shook it for a while. When he picked it up, it was still in normal operation, but there were a few unobtrusive double images and black lines at the top corner of the screen.

"Using a picture book to take pictures? It's funny. Of course, you have to use a SLR to take pictures. This is called professional equipment."

Archer sneered with a somewhat swollen expression.

You must know that there is a chain of contempt in the photography industry, but no matter which brand despises which brand, but one is absolutely at the bottom of the chain of contempt, no matter what camera you want to step on. .

Mobile phone, illustration book.

1 million pixels?

Not even a fraction of the SLR in his hand.

"So why are you secretly filming us?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but wondered, a blush flashed across her face, secretly thinking that someone could finally appreciate her beauty.

Archer quickly explained with a smile:

"Oh, I didn't want to take pictures of you, I just wanted to take pictures of this electric mouse."


Hearing this, Pikachu was so ashamed that two red dimples appeared on his face.

Xiaozhi was even more confused.

"Then you just say it directly, I wish my Pikachu would be on fire tomorrow."

"The crux of the problem is that I just want to shoot a Pikachu with natural movements and demeanor. Once I explain my intentions, the Pokémon becomes wary, and loses the natural cuteness and liveliness of the electric mouse."

Archer explained that he is a person who pursues perfection, and when taking pictures, he naturally also pursues perfection.

"Come on, let me show you my works by Zeng Jin."

Archer took off the SLR, and showed the works taken by Zeng Jin one by one, and the three of Xiaozhi moved together curiously.

"See, this is the owner of the Sakura Pavilion in Hualan City, look at this figure, this swimsuit biki... oh oh sorry, I made a mistake..."

Archer flipped through the photo records again and again, but there were a lot of them, not only the eldest sister Sakura, but also the calamus and peony among the three sisters.

Even after turning over the three Hualan sisters, there was also a private photo of the owner of the Golden Pavilion, Nazi...

Xiaoxia: "..."

Gan, this kid is lsp, no matter how you look at these angles, it looks like a candid shot! ?

How dare you secretly take pictures of my three older sisters!

What annoyed her the most was that all three sisters took pictures, but they didn't take pictures of her? What a shame!

"Hehe, this was all taken randomly by a friend of mine who came to my house last time, I don't understand..."

Archer explained with a dry smile, upright.

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