He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2749 The decisive battle, high-voltage electric shock! !

Inside the stone tower in the Valley of Creation.

Balza is still exerting all his strength to output his superpower. At the intersection of the three attributes of energy, the Pot of Punishment has begun to take shape, and the color of its surface is also close to the pink and gray colors on Hupa's body.

"By the way, why is it so quiet outside?"

While outputting his power, Balza was also muttering secretly in his heart.

They have been building the Pot of Punishment for some time. It stands to reason that the Demon God Hupa would have brought his army of ancient gods to bomb the Valley of Creation.

But there was no vibration at all?

In his expectation, Xiaozhi should not be able to resist for long, and was forced to retreat to the Valley of Creation, fighting while protecting the stone tower.


It's just that now we have to race against time, and Balza doesn't dare to use his spare strength to sense the situation outside with his superpower.

But beside her, Yulijia was lying on the balcony next to her, looking curiously in the direction of Desert City.

After all, she only needs to command the Pokémon to continuously release moves, and people don't need to stay by her side all the time.

Since the Valley of Creation is surrounded by mountains, it is impossible to see any specific scene from a flat surface.

However, Youlijia saw several flashy laser beams rising from the sky from time to time, and clouds of shock waves suddenly exploded in the sky, and she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Wow, it's like setting off fireworks, so colorful!"

Citron was also standing by the balcony. He pushed up his glasses, and it seemed like there was a collision of moves.

This means that Xiaozhi is really fighting against the demon Hupa and several ancient gods alone.

Although I have long known that Xiaozhi is very powerful, it seems that I still underestimated this partner.

"Xiao Zhi.!"

In comparison, Serena's eyes were full of worry.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"Citron, the three of you, Demon Fire Red Fox, please take care of you!"

Serena suddenly warned in a deep voice.

Next, the Demon Fire Red Fox, the Turtle-footed Giant Armor, and the Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus all need to do a steady output of energy. The presence or absence of the trainer himself has no special effect.

Then she grabbed the balcony railing with one hand and threw a Poké Ball with the other hand.


The red light fell, and the Tanabata Blue Bird appeared outside the stone tower. Its cotton wings spread out, and it was ready to take off immediately.


Serena jumped over the railing and landed on the back of Qixi Blue Bird.

"I'm not worried about Xiaozhi. I'd better go check out the situation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Tanabata bluebird beneath him also flapped its wings in unison, immediately rose into the sky and flew towards the battlefield where the gods were fighting.

Citron even noticed that the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird was halfway through its flight when its body was suddenly enveloped in a burst of light, and then its fluffy feathers became denser and grander.

The flying speed also increased sharply, flying towards the sky quickly.

"Did mega evolve?"

Citron watched Serena leave, really determined.

"So cool, Serena!"

Yulijia grabbed the railing and exclaimed with shining eyes.

Not to mention the hurdle riding action just now, she seemed to see the shadow of Xiaozhi for a moment!

"Anyway, we'll leave it to Serena over there. Yurika, let's go back and help Mr. Balza!"

"Yeah, brother!"

The brother and sister also mustered up their energy and turned back to help.

On the other side, on the battlefield where gods fight.

Boom boom boom! !

Terrifying electricity exploded on Demon God Hupa, and even formed a lightning pillar rising into the sky, attracting the attention of many ancient gods.

"Huh? That electric mouse has become a lot stronger?"

Ryuken Rayquaza stopped for a moment and showed an appreciative look.

"Huh? Is that electric mouse so powerful?!"

Giratina next to him was a little surprised. He always thought that the mouse on Ash's shoulder was a decorative vase.

It seems that I will have to be more careful with this little guy in the future.

After receiving a severe blow, the figure of Demon God Hupa fell straight from the air, and his consciousness was almost fainted.


However, he still managed to hold on, and with six magic hands, he flicked away the current.

"It was so dangerous, I almost fainted just now."

Just after eating a thunderbolt, the demon Hupa was still frightened.

Once he faints, even if his will is only temporarily dizzy and blank, the consciousness of the six ancient gods around him will be restored instantly.

But when he wants to exercise control again, it's not that simple.

"Hey, what a meaty guy!"

Xiaozhi secretly marveled, this guy has the level of endurance of an ancient god, and a series of big moves that destroy the world are not enough to completely defeat him.

The demon god Hupa also used all his strength, throwing all the rings on his six arms like a vent, with each palm aiming at a ring.

This time, he didn't swing his fist

Instead, each arm spreads its fingers, and dark black energy continuously gathers in the palms, forming countless dense black rings.

Boom! !

The next moment, six beams of evil waves roared out at the same time, shooting into the golden ring with all their strength.

And under the spatial shift of the golden ring, the trajectory direction of the six beams of evil fluctuations also changes accordingly.

Boom! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

For a moment, there seemed to be 12 beams of evil waves appearing in the sky at the same time. The demons were dancing wildly, the entire space was blocked and restricted, and the heart-stopping evil power was surging everywhere!

There were even two shots fired directly in the direction of Ash and Latias.


Xiao Hupa was in a hurry and quickly threw out three of his golden rings, trying to help Xiaozhi and Pikachu resist the attacks.

It's just that the three golden rings were completely unable to withstand the "12 Paths" of evil waves, and Hupa was completely confused.

Any wave of evil like this would pose a fatal threat to Latias, so Xiaozhi immediately commanded:

"Latias, use Mist Ball!"

Mega Latias understood, and quickly opened his mouth to gather his strength and throw out a mist ball, his exclusive move.

Boom boom! !

The mist ball exploded in front of him, forming a thick gray smoke that covered Latias' figure.

The smoke even spread all the way to the location of the demon god Hupa, covering it together.

If everyone loses their vision, it will be beneficial to Xiaozhi's side.

After all, the demon god Hupa is nearly 5 meters tall, and his every move and every move is filled with an aura comparable to that of an ancient god. Such smoke cannot eliminate the former's figure.

At this moment, he is a huge target!

On the contrary, Pikachu and Hoopa were extremely small, and Mega Latias also immediately distanced themselves and tried not to touch them.

Through the smoke of the smoke, Xiaozhi transmitted the sound of the power of the waveguide to the minds of Little Hoopa and Pikachu at the same time.

"Hupa, use the extra-dimensional hole to help Pikachu move!"

"The winner is decided, Pikachu. High-voltage electric shock!!"

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