He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2751 Two independent Hupa!

After successfully defeating the demon god Hupa, Xiaozhi flew over Latias, and when he got close, he turned over and landed on the ground.

At this moment, the huge Hupa fell in a pit in the desert. With its huge body, only its bulging belly and six arms scattered on the ground could be seen, as if the arms had been broken.

However, Demon God Hupa's endurance was outstanding. After being beaten until he fainted, he lay awake for a short time before he woke up again.

"Uh huh..."

He let out a muffled groan, reconnected the arms on both sides of his torso, supported the desert ground with one hand, and slowly raised his head.

Just looking at all the ancient gods who had regained their freedom in the sky, and the connecting bridges that allowed me to control them at will, were completely cut off, I suddenly felt annoyed.

Only when he uses the golden ring and the summoned target passes through it, can he establish contact and control the latter's consciousness.

Thinking of this, the demon god Hupa looked at the figure standing on the bank of the sandpit with an even more angry expression.

"Damn it, humans...!"

It's all because of this guy, otherwise I could have easily taken Hupa's body!

Only this time, there was a hint of fear in Demon God Hupa's eyes...

He had never experienced failure in his life.

No matter what kind of Pokémon he summoned to fight back then, including the legendary Ancient God, he had never been defeated.

In the end, it was just sealed by the Pot of Punishment, not a direct defeat.

It can be said that Xiaozhi was the first person to defeat him head-on!

"The situation is not getting worse for the time being..."

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Demon God Hupa standing up. Although he still had a violent look on his face, he did not attack immediately.

It seems that at least we can communicate now, right?

"Don't do it yet, Hoopa... I mean Big Hoopa!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand to signal the latter not to take action yet.

Little Hupa was floating next to him, with a stern face and trembling lips.

It doesn't know what Xiaozhi has planned.

Either hand over your body, or seal and destroy the other party. Are there any other ways?

"First of all, little Hoopa's body can't be given to you."

After hearing this, Demon God Hupa immediately got up and was about to do something. Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand to stop him:

"But I can also not use the Pot of Punishment to seal you again, but set you free!"

The word "freedom" actually made Demon God Hupa calm down a lot.

After being sealed in the Pot of Punishment for so many years, what he wanted most was not little Hoopa's body...but freedom.

You can go wherever you want, and you can summon whatever you want, without any restrictions.

This was also his life before being sealed.

If you just want to be free, the only way is to obtain the body of Little Hoopa, right?

"I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry..."

Xiaozhi quickly comforted him and raised a finger:

"You should be different now than before, right? In the past, you had to occupy Little Hupa's body to move, but what about now? Have you checked your own physical condition?"

After saying this, Demon God Hupa was really stunned for a moment.

With his tall body, round head and thick body, he looks like a rough man who doesn't know how to think.

"It seems...I haven't really thought about this!?"

Demon God Hupa subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his chest.

Now he is an existence formed by a group of consciousness that has survived for thousands of years and the surging and powerful Hupa energy.

This has never happened before.

"Do you mean that I can continue to survive in this form? You won't use that annoying bottle anymore?"

Xiaozhi smiled and nodded, why can't the two Hoopas live together.

Since the consciousness of the two is completely different, in Xiaozhi's eyes, these are two completely independent Pokémon.

So they can survive independently, so why do they have to fight to the death?

"Shocked! This is a good idea, Xiaozhi!"

Little Hoopa was the first to speak out in surprise and agreed greatly.

It can do away with most of the power that was sealed away!

It doesn’t matter if you lose the ability to return to your liberated state…

However, after this battle, little Hupa could feel that his strength had suddenly improved a lot.

It seems that as long as I exercise regularly and push my limits, I won't be able to return to the form of punishing Hoopa...?


Demon God Hupa looked silent, but his eyes were already a little more moving.

If it had been done before, he wouldn't have been so troublesome and would have snatched his body away...

But the problem is that now he has been defeated by the human beings in front of him, and the ancient god's thugs are no longer obedient.

It seemed like he had no choice at all. If he shook his head, he might be forcibly sealed again.

"However, the current form cannot be maintained for long."

Just lowering his head to check his physical condition, Demon God Hupa shook his head.

He is not in a complete liberated form, and the color of his body is darker than that of the real demon god Hupa.

If you look closely, you can see that the edges of his body are like mist.

Now he does not have a real body, but relies on solid consciousness and powerful power to forcibly blend it together.

You can still show great power in a short period of time, but after a long time, it will eventually dissipate...

"In other words, you only need to have a real body for this plan to work, right?!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand nonchalantly.

Build a body?

He is experienced!

Seeing Xiaozhi's confident look, Demon God Hupa paused, it seemed that there was really a method.

"Human, if you can help me find a new body and keep all my powers..."

Then he looked at Little Hupa again, and his frown gradually relaxed:

"Then I can choose to let this little guy go and never take his body again."

Speaking of which, although little Hoopa occupies a physical body, in terms of memory and personality, he is more like a newborn baby.

The relationship between them is somewhat similar to that of father and offspring, or perhaps it is the relationship between brothers...?

"OK! Then it's settled!"

Xiaozhi slapped his chest and confidently said:

"I will be responsible for your body, and I will definitely allow you to live independently and freely!"

Then he turned around and smiled at Little Hupa.

"Thank you, Xiaozhi...!"

After the latter laughed for a while, some small pearls appeared in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey, it's a small thing~!"

Xiaozhi chuckled and then breathed a sigh of relief. Now, Demon God Hupa should be fine for the time being.

Although the latter has a violent personality, he is also led astray by the meddlesome people in the desert.

According to those stories, Demon God Hoopa should have a similar personality to Little Hoopa at the beginning. They are both naughty and playful Pokémon who like to show off their abilities and are fond of playing pranks. They are not evil in nature.

Since it can be biased, it can also be corrected!

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