He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2758: Don’t be afraid of the local tycoons having money, just be afraid of the local tycoons

After resting for a night in the Valley of Creation, Xiaozhi and his party planned to return to Desert City first.

At the exit of the valley, many locals were crowded to see them off.

"Anyway, this time... thank you, Xiaozhi."

Balza stood at the front, showing a sincere smile of gratitude, and shook hands with Xiaozhi with a smile.

If Xiaozhi and his party didn't happen to pass by this desert this time...

The consequences may be really unimaginable!

"Haha...it's a small thing."

Xiaozhi grinned, and the corners of his mouth twitched without leaving any trace.

Why is there a feeling that it was because he "just happened" to be here that many subsequent dangerous events were triggered?

"So little Hoopa, what do you say, do you want to come with us?"

Xiaozhi looked at little Hoopa and asked.

The intimacy between the two was already full, and he wanted to take Hupa to travel with him in the outside world.

The latter was suspended in the middle, looking at the crowd on both sides with confusion.

Finally, little Hupa made up his mind and said:

"Xiao Zhi, I want to stay here!"

After this fight between gods, little Hupa finally had the idea of ​​becoming stronger.

In the past, it was just a waste of life, getting up at 12 noon every day, eating something casually, playing games, having dinner casually, and then going to bed... It was this cycle every day.

So after so many years, the strength has not changed at all.

Although the threat has been removed now...who knows what will happen in the future.

"Hoopa is going to start working out now!"

Little Hupa's arms flew away from his body, clenching them in the air to cheer himself up.

"Oh, you are very ambitious, little Hupa, you can definitely do it!"

Xiaozhi and the others naturally encouraged him cheerfully.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I've already chosen the perfect place for little Hoopa to exercise!"

Balza came over with a smile and rubbed Hupa's head.

The statue of Lord Arceus!

One of the Creation God clones has agreed to help train Little Hupa.

Naturally, he would not refuse such things that could consume energy.

"Probably after giving little Hupa some exercise, my battery will reach zero... Good!"

At this moment, the clone of Arceus was already waiting for the arrival of his cheap disciple in the statue.

To a certain extent, little Hupa can be considered a disciple of the Creator God?

"Xiao Zhi, I will strive to cultivate my own liberated form, and then I will come to play with you!"

Hupa's goal is to transform himself into the same form as the demon god Hupa, with a huge body, six golden rings, and powerful power comparable to the ancient gods!

"OK, let's travel together again then~!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Hupa's little head, and then said in a straight tone:

"Then it's agreed, Hoopa!"

"Okay! Xiaozhi!"

After the formal farewell, after sending Xiaozhi away, Xiao Hupa even hurriedly grabbed Balza's sleeves and hurried in the direction of the statue of Arceus, urging him again and again.

"Hurry up, Baza! Get stronger, get stronger!"

Balza can serve as its temporary trainer and enter the statue with it to practice.

After bidding farewell to everyone in the Valley of Creation, Xiaozhi and his team, together with Prince Saliman, walked out of the valley and were suddenly hit by the hot desert wind.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but after the fight between the gods, it seems that this desert has become hotter?

Xiaozhi finally noticed a cloud of strong men floating next to Saliman.

"Ah, Di Diyun! I have forgotten you!"

Xiaozhi finally came to his senses and apologized quickly:

"How about we go back now and ask Hupa to send you back to the Hezhong area before he goes into seclusion?"

After all, Tu Tuyun is here to help him this time.

Although there was no output at all...but being accidentally stranded in the Kalos area would not be a good idea.

"Don't worry, my best friend, Ash!"

However, Saliman just grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled confidently:

"My private plane will personally pick up Brother Tuyun!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body seemed to be emitting a dazzling golden light, causing Xiaozhi and others to subconsciously squint their eyes to prevent being blinded.

"Not only that, I have invited Brother Diyun, as well as his brothers Leiden Yun and Tornado Yun to be our bodyguards in Desert City. The treatment is definitely the best in the industry!"

Saliman said cheerfully, and the land clouds beside him followed him, and then nodded silently.

Give... too much.

It would be better to simply agree.

For example, the Johto Pokémon League next door hired Suicune to work, and the Kanto region also hired Flame Bird as the mascot for the Quartz Convention...

Working part-time is not a rare thing among Legendary Pokémon.

And the treatment given by Saliman is much higher than that of the Pokémon League!

Not only that, he also contracted the work of his other two younger brothers at once!

And if it is surrounded by barren desert, even if tornado clouds and thunder clouds like to cause wanton destruction, this land is enough for them to vent their excess energy.

So this private jet journey is not so much about sending away land clouds as it is about picking up thunder and lightning clouds and tornado clouds.

With the highest courtesy, Saliman personally went to invite him.

Xiaozhi and others: "..."

You rich people really know how to play.

Good guy, before I knew it, Saliman also gathered a lot of mythical beasts!

And at this moment, Seliman is still holding Aladdin's pot in his hand, which is the true form of the demon god Hupa.

This is also his strategy!

"Lord Demon God! Next, you can settle in our desert city. This prince will build you the tallest building in the city as soon as possible as your resting place!"

"For the first wishing ceremony, if someone really collects six corner devices... I actually suggest that you place the seventh device, which is the main body of the divine pot, at the highest point in Desert City."

"At that time, the lucky person will stand in the most conspicuous position, wipe your bottle, and summon you out!"

"I will also hold the grandest banquet in the city and do the greatest publicity so that everyone can witness this historic scene down there!"

Obviously, Saliman knows how to understand the psychology of the demon Hupa.

This combination of punches immediately made Hupa throw his head back and laugh, feeling very happy!

As expected of a descendant of Desert City, the service is comfortable!

"make a deal!"

So the demon god Hupa agreed generously and allowed Saliman to hold him carefully in his arms.

If you are making a wish for the first time, just make it a little easier and make your real body location public directly.

The lucky ones who find six devices will naturally know where to find the final location!

Xiaozhi and his group: "..."

Don’t be afraid that the local tycoons have money, just be afraid that the local tycoons have brains!

It feels like Desert City will flourish even more and reach ridiculous heights under Saliman’s leadership!

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