He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2760 Looking for Fat Hali and Xerneas!

Chapter 2760 Looking for Fat Hali and... Xerneas!

Diancie was lying on her back on a chair, wearing sunglasses, and a small diamond stood on both sides to serve her closely.

When it comes to being a princess, she is also a professional.

"However, I feel like I've forgotten something...?"

However, such a luxurious life always makes Dianxi feel strange.

Until she subconsciously turned her head and looked at Xiaozhi next to her.


"I have forgotten all the important things!"

The two men raised their heads sharply at the same time, exclaiming in shock.

Dianxi is also looking for the legendary X-god, Xerneas!

And Xiaozhi also wants to find the whereabouts of his fat Hali.

They originally planned to let Little Hoopa regain his original power and use the latter's golden ring to help them find...

As a result, the farewell was in a hurry. Although little Hoopa successfully recovered all his power, both of them also put the incident behind them!

Little Hupa has already gone into seclusion at this time. Is it still too late to return to the Valley of Creation...?

"No, now, there is another way..."

Xiaozhi and Dianxi looked at each other, and then looked at the demon Hupa who was using a golden ring to transmit power and chewing fruit.

The power of the two Hoopas comes from the same source, and even now the Demon God Hoopa is more powerful than the Little Hoopa, so it is naturally easier to find them.

So they walked to both sides of the demon god Hupa. Dianxi held up a few fist-sized grapes, while Xiaozhi used his strength to lift the Coke cup half a person's height, and took the initiative to bring it to the former's mouth.

Demon God Hupa raised his eyebrows. He was not like little Hupa who only knew how to play pranks. He could tell at a glance that the two of them wanted something.

"Let's talk first and let this demon hear your request."

He did not agree immediately, but glanced sideways at the two of them.

By the way, this Diamond Princess is so handsome... It would be great if she could be my personal maid!

"That's it, Hupa, I want to find my lost fat Hali, Dianxi wants to find Xerneas..."

Xiaozhi got straight to the point and explained quickly.

Demon God Hupa raised his eyebrows, chuckled disdainfully, and showed a proud look.

"It turns out it's just such a small matter. Although you haven't gathered all the components of Aladdin's pot... but since it is Xiaobiao's request, I will make an exception and help you!"

Well, Xiaozhi's strength still makes him very afraid.

If I help Xiaozhi now, the latter will probably not attack me easily in the future, right?

Then you will be directly invincible!

And this kind of finding Pokémon is a piece of cake for him, as easy as opening his mouth to drink Coke.

Immediately, the demon god Hupa levitated and spread out his six arms completely. A golden ring flew out of one of the thick arms and grew larger in the air.

"Then let's start with Xiaobiao's Fat Hali..."

He first visualized the appearance of Fat Hali in his mind, then combined it with Xiaozhi's aura, and locked the range in the Kalos area to find the target.

"Come out!!"

The next moment, the golden ring slowly rotated, and a scene connected to the distance appeared inside.

Xiaozhi quickly cheered up and looked inside, feeling excited.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I last saw Fatty Hali, and I still miss him strangely.

Just the scene inside the golden ring was frozen. It seemed to be a towering canyon area, and a fat Hali was grabbing the rope next to it and crossing the bridge cautiously.

Next to him, there was a girl wearing overalls and red frizzy hair, who was also crossing the suspended bridge in a panic.

The strong wind blowing from high altitude caused the entire rope lock to sway...

Xiaozhi: "?"

Why is it this girl again? !

He even glanced far away, and sure enough he could see the trainer named Ai Lan, riding on the back of a fire-breathing dragon.

Ai Lan: "???"

He also noticed Xiaozhi opposite Jin Huan, who looked equally confused.

why is it you again?

Once was a coincidence, but twice...

Couldn't it be this guy who has actually been spying on them remotely? !

And this time, there was not only Dianxi beside Xiaozhi, but also a demon giant. The aura emanating from the latter's body made even the fire-breathing dragon under him startle.

What kind of Pokémon are these? Why do they feel like seeing ancient gods, so scary? !

"Ah, is it wrong?"

Seeing the look on Xiaozhi's face, Demon God Hupa naturally guessed that he had not found the correct target, and couldn't help but look confused.

Then the scene of the golden rings disappearing. This time, I closed my eyes and contemplated it carefully.

It shouldn’t be, it’s related to Xiaozhi, and it has the appearance of Fat Hali...

He searched every corner of the Kalos area with only this goal!

Seeing Xiaozhi's expression gradually changing from expectation to suspicion when he looked at him, Demon God Hupa's old face turned red.

Is it possible that my strength has deteriorated because of drinking ice cola?

"Ahem...there's a little problem."

Demon God Hupa coughed in embarrassment. It was a bit embarrassing to make a mistake in the field he was best at.

Then he looked at Dianxi next to him and quickly changed the topic:

"In that case, let me help you find your target first!"

Dianxi's eyes lit up and she said solemnly and sacredly:

"I want to find Xerneas and let him enhance my power so that I can truly save the Diamond Kingdom!"

Although, it seems that this country has been completely forgotten these days.

The two little diamonds next to him burst into tears of gratitude.

"There will be no problem this time!"

Seeing that he only wanted to capture an ancient god, the demon god Hupa felt confident.

He can even capture a third god like Kyurem and control his consciousness, let alone a normal ancient god.

Speaking of which, although he is a fantasy beast from the Kalos region, he has not yet captured the local ancient gods, Xerneas or Yveltal.

The demon Hupa gathered enough strength to fly high again and threw a golden ring.

"Come out! Xerneas!!!"

Seeing that the local ancient god, Serena, the Citron brothers and sisters, including Princess Sara, all gathered around with interest.

It's just that the golden ring grew bigger for a long time, but nothing flew out from it.

Xiaozhi and Dianxi quickly moved their heads, only to see that it seemed to be a closed underground secret base room, with the surrounding walls and ceiling made of solid metal.

There's nothing special here...

Only in the center of the room stood a large dead tree!

It is larger than a dead tree five or six meters high, with only a yellow-gray trunk and extremely densely branched branches at the top, without any green leaves.

The roots at the bottom were cut off at the waist and placed flat in the center of the metal floor.

It seems that someone forcibly cut off the roots of the tree and moved a whole dead tree here...?

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