He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2782 The difficulty increases and enters the top 16!

The passionate explanations of the host and Dr. Bratano were frequently heard from the loudspeakers at the venue.

From time to time, there were also sharp comments from Karuni.

As the league champion, she naturally can't be eloquent throughout the whole process...but Buratano doesn't have this baggage.

When he was young, he was also a trainer who was keen on fighting. When he had a rare opportunity, he naturally gave high-pitched explanations.

"Oh~ This time Serena doesn't seem to be as smooth as the previous two rounds?!"

Now in the top 32, Serena faced an elite trainer.

The starting turtle-footed giant armor was defeated by the opponent's pumpkin monster.

This is an extra-large pumpkin monster, with an exaggerated body size of nearly 2.5 meters and a rather intimidating appearance.

The giant turtle-footed armor of water + rock was restrained by four times the grass attribute. It was attacked by the opponent's shadow and combined with a seed bomb, and was eliminated directly by K.O.

"When we reach the top 32, it's not that simple anymore...?"

Serena's mood didn't have many ups and downs. She never thought she could keep playing like this.

"Get ready to fight, Demon Fire Red Fox! Burning with rage!!"

However, with the appearance of the trump card Demon Fire Red Fox, the situation suddenly became clear.

Faced with the weird and unpredictable ghost-type moves of the Pumpkin Monster, the Demon Fire Red Fox waved his wooden staff and hit a rare backhand shot of anger.

The evil energy turned into a flaming red curtain aura, instantly shocking the pumpkin monster and making it difficult to move.

Outstanding effect!

"Big characters Explosion!!"

This time it was Serena's turn to throw a combo punch. The blazing flames roared out and hit the Pumpkin Monster in the face, causing a huge flame explosion at one end of the arena!

Next is the opponent's Kuchiki Demon, which looks sinister and dangerous...

But Serena was very familiar with this kind of Pokémon, having picked up countless of them in the misty forest south of Yingxue City.

It took almost no effort to determine the winner easily, including the opponent's third Pokémon, which was also quickly defeated...

"Contestant Serena from Chaoxiang Town, advances!"

The referee then raised his hand to signal.

In the stands, Xiaozhi smiled and nodded, and even applauded:

"It went very well, Serena, she advanced from the top 32 to the top 16!"

However, it can also be seen from this game that the level strength of the Demon Fire Red Fox in Serena's team is obviously higher than that of other Pokémon.

Even the Tanabata Blue Bird that can mega evolve cannot compare to it.

There are only 4 games left to win the tournament!

Looking over the past few days, there doesn’t seem to be any particularly outstanding players…

"Maybe Serena can really reach the top of her career and win the championship in her first year!"

Xiaozhi secretly thought, this result is even more powerful than his own back then!

Not only Serena, many familiar players also advanced successfully, but I didn’t see anyone overturning.

Doropa's record was similar to Serena's, and she advanced after defeating a Pokémon.

Tierno's battle was still thrilling. This time, even the Mega Water Arrow Turtle was beaten into a state of paralysis by the ice and snow dragon on the opposite side.

"So it turns out that the ice and snow dragon also has the property of freezing skin?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin matter-of-factly. Skin-type properties can transform general attribute moves into corresponding attributes. They are very powerful and changeable characteristics.

Before, he thought that the ice and snow dragons had the snowfall characteristics of Serena's one.

After a fierce battle, only the last Pokémon were left on both sides. Mega Blastoise and Ice Dragon stood at opposite ends of the arena. When they reached the limit, the competition was only about willpower.


Suddenly, the water arrow turtle moved and leaned forward slightly.

But during the dumping process, the water arrow turtle still half-knelt on the ground and supported himself.


Instead, the huge figure of the ice and snow dragon fell to the ground, making a roaring sound.

"Contestant Tiereno from Chaoxiang Town, advanced!"

Listening to the referee's decision, Tiereno burst into tears and was very happy.

I thought I was going to lose, but I didn’t expect to survive another round!

The top 16 of the Carlos League...even if it's a success!

This title shouldn’t be too unpleasant, right?

"Well, this guy Tierno makes people so worried in every game!!"

In the stands, as a childhood sweetheart, Shana's heart kept rising and falling like a roller coaster, and she couldn't help but scold her.

But the ending is always good. Two of her childhood sweethearts successfully reached the top 16.

Several other familiar players also entered the top 16 with different performances.

For example, player Xianxiang finally used the power of mega evolution in this round. A pair of wings grew from the back of Absolu, who was as white as snow, and his figure became more holy and divine.

The grandiose Uncle Louis even held up an oil-paper umbrella. When he opened it, the keystone inside burst out with dazzling light.

It's just the biting land shark that has completed its mega evolution...

On the contrary, her appearance has declined and she has become a standard shoehorn face!

And that handsome Rinto player, his Elledor also mastered the mega evolution and completed the transformation handsomely.

"Leaf Blade Slash!!"

With a sharp leaf blade slash, he rose into the air and struck a sonic dragon hard on the back.

Even with the reverse attribute, the Sonic Dragon was still knocked down from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

"Rinto players, advance!"

The referee's voice fell, and the handsome mega Allredo flicked the white cloak behind his back and exited the evolutionary state, his movements extremely cool.

In the audience, enthusiastic cheers arose, with female voices accounting for the majority.

Although in battle, Rin Dou is not as fierce as Ai Lan in the previous term... but his temperament and appearance alone are enough.

"Tsk, why is this guy so pretentious like Ilima?"

Just passing by him, Guzma, who appeared in the next scene, had a gloomy face and sneered disdainfully.

The chatter of a group of ignorant women is also disgusting!

It's best to face this green-haired guy next time and destroy him directly!

Guzma's voice even said it directly, causing Lin Dou to freeze as he walked over.


Why does this foreign white-haired man seem to be so hostile to me?

As for Guzma, who took the stage last, there was not much excitement in the top 32 battle.

It is still a strong armored warrior who completes the fierce one-piercing three.

Moreover, each move was aimed specifically at the opponent's vital parts, once again knocking the opponent's two Pokémon into the ICU.

"Hey, hey, why is this Alola so savage?!"

"Alola is like this, they are all barbaric natives."

“Isn’t the meat not even cooked there, but eaten directly?”

It's just that the arrogant and domineering Guzma gradually aroused dissatisfaction in the audience, and many people even started to blacklist the area.

"Humph, a bunch of ignorant fools!"

Guzma became even more excited about this and left the field with his hands in his pockets.

"That's not right. I remember that there was a challenger in Alola before. He was an elegant Prince Charming... No, it was Prince Dark Horse!"

"Yes, yes, that one is much more elegant and handsome than this Guzma!"


Halfway through leaving the field, Guzma was in a bad mood again!

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