He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2784 Round of 16, Serena vs. Ayaka!

Too strange.

The Fradali in front of her made Karuni feel very strange, and even a little afraid...

Fradali used to be a philanthropic entrepreneur full of justice and love, helping poor people in distress everywhere.

But now...Karuni can no longer see through this man.

Even the other party's words, which seemed to be obsessed with "the world remains beautiful", were even more incomprehensible.

"Uh, isn't this person confessing his love to me?"

Looking at the man with crazy eyes in front of her, Karuni couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart.

But what she was knocking was Fradali and Buratano’s CP!

"In short, you have influenced other people with your excellent acting skills and beautiful appearance... It can be said that you have dedicated your life to making others happy. If everyone could be like you, how beautiful this world would become...! "

Having said this, Fradali seemed to have finally made up his mind and stood up abruptly:

"I can't tolerate an unbeautiful world, something must be done...I'm sorry, please allow me to leave first."

After saying that, Fradali turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute... I also called Buratano, how about you two chat later...?"

Karuni wanted to raise her hand to signal the other party to sit down, but Fradali had already left the cafe.

Only Karuni was left with a confused look on her face.

"What on earth is this man thinking?"

After thinking to no avail, seeing many passers-by gradually gathering around her, Kaluni could only get up and prepare to change places.

Forget it, I'll let Buratano communicate with him later. These two are old friends.

The Kalos region has always been peaceful, but she didn't associate it with any disaster at all...

The Miare Conference competition is still going on in full swing.

Today we have officially reached the top 16.

The remaining players now all have a few tricks up their sleeves, and it can even be said that each player holds the trump card for mega evolution!

"Suddenly, mega evolution has become popular~"

As Dr. Buratano, who specializes in mega evolution, he couldn't help but sigh.

I always feel that a year ago, mega evolution was still a rare thing even in the Kalos region.

The first round of 16 match was Serena's battle.

At this moment, the time was approaching, and Serena was already standing on the player command platform at one end, and a blond trainer in a short skirt was standing on the other end of the platform.

The first round of 16 match was a battle between two cute and beautiful female trainers, which instantly detonated the atmosphere of the venue.

And everyone has been chasing them all the way, knowing that the two people facing each other at this moment are not flowerpots, and their strength is very outstanding.

"Mega evolution! Absol!!"

Xianxiang was not polite. After sending her ace Absolu, she shook her keystone earrings and immediately chose the mega evolution.

A burst of brilliant light fell, and a pair of small wings sprouted from Absolu's back, and the gray-black waning moon horns above his head became flatter.

The hair on its wings and limbs stood up, and its body naturally exuded an intimidating aura. Weaker Pokémon would even be frightened into running back into the Poké Ball.

Serena also had an extra Poke Ball in her hand, with a solemn expression.

The opponent is not weak. If she also sends the mega Tanabata Blue Bird, she may not be able to defeat the opponent...

"As expected, it has to be you! Demon Fire Red Fox!!"

Serena shouted low and used her ace general on her backhand.

Although the demon fire red fox is restrained by the opponent's evil attributes, the opponent even has the tyrannical aura of a mega evolution...


With a wave of the demon fire red fox wooden staff, the front end ignited with flames, without being intimidated by the opponent's momentum.

"Absol, sneak attack on key points!!"

Ayaka took the lead in launching the attack. The corners of mega Absol's head were covered with a sharp black-purple luster, and he sprinted forward with all his limbs, slashing towards the target head-on.

"Block it, reflective wall!"

Serena naturally used her famous wall move.

The demon fire red fox quickly swung the wooden staff in front of him, and a transparent light wall appeared out of thin air to protect the front.

call out…!

The secret attack penetrated through the vital points, and its power was immediately reduced by half, and then it struck the demon fire red fox.


Even so, the demon fire red fox was still knocked back several meters, letting out a muffled groan.

Outstanding effect!

"Has the power become so powerful?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had previously battled against this Xianxiang player's Pokémon that had evolved to a mega level.

At that time, the opponent seemed to have just mastered the mega evolution, and his strength was average...

But today's strength is absolutely different.

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem... Serena still has a Pokémon."

Citron also said with a tense face.

The top 16 will still be three versus three, and it will not be six versus six until the top 8.

At this moment, Serena only lost to a turtle-footed giant armor, while Xianxiang player had already defeated Cool Leopard and Wrestling Eagle Man in succession, leaving only the last ace.

At this moment, the move was effective. Xianxiang was not going to let go of this demonic red fox, and immediately said loudly:

"Black gaze!!"

Mega Absolu's eyes were fixed, and a black single-eyed shadow fell on the Demon Fire Red Fox, forcing the latter to be unable to leave.

"In that case... the demon fire red fox, use the will-o'-the-wisp!"

Serena kept trying to attack, but Absol couldn't dodge the will-o'-the-wisps flying out from the demon fire red fox.


After the flames came into contact with the latter's body, they exploded. The will-o'-the-wisp had no effect at all.

"It's a magic mirror property."

Xiaozhi shook his head and saw the clue.

He is quite familiar with Mega Absol. The magic mirror feature makes it completely immune to all transformational moves, and can even bounce back negative effects. It is a very buggy feature.

Fortunately, the demon fire red fox is of fire attribute and will not fall into the burn state.

"Now, even the characteristic exchange moves that the demon fire red fox is good at can no longer be used."

Citron's heart also started to hang.

If the characteristics can be exchanged, the Demon Fire Red Fox can obtain this powerful characteristic and give the opponent a useless fierce fire characteristic.

At this moment, Serena's only option was to fight head-on.

"Magic Flame!!"

The demon fire red fox wooden stick was swung, and several balls of flame were condensed and thrown out.

Mega Absol is flexible and can run quickly on the field. The wings on its back can even support it for a brief glide.


While leaping high to avoid the magical flames, Absolu's figure hung upside down in the air.

"Evil Wave!!"

Even in this state, he can still shoot out a beam of evil waves from his mouth, bombing out with great force!

After the mega evolution, Absolu is very powerful in both physical and special attacks!

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