He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2805 Fierce battle! Lin Dou vs Guzma! !

The ensuing battle showed a 40-60 situation, and Guzma was the latter.

Every time the Rainwing Moth flies in the air, there are water droplets on the edges of its body, and its movements look very elegant and agile.

"Rainwing Moth, the ultimate absorb!!"

Several green energy-like vines were suddenly pulled out and tightly wrapped around the entire body of the ancient armor.

Although the latter is powerful, it is completely unable to break free from such a flexible and incorporeal binding move as Ultimate Absorption.


After a burst of energy extraction, the ancient armor lost all its physical strength and fell to the ground.

Next is Rinto's Shield Sword Monster, which is the same Pokémon as the referee. It can use the "King's Shield" move to switch between shield form and sword form at will.

In the shield form, not only the double defense of the whole body is greatly improved, but also the power of the opponent's melee moves can be gradually reduced.

And when the Shield Sword Monster uses an attack move, it will return to the sword state, with particularly outstanding attack power. Its body is an indestructible sword, and it can swing out powerful slashes!

"Holy Sword!"

Finding an opportunity, the Shield Sword Monster struck the Rainwing Moth with his holy sword, who had no time to dodge.

The latter's blood skin was extremely thin, and he fell down like a broken wing on the spot, unable to fight.

"The situation is quite tense, basically one person per game."

Serena bit her lip and carefully paid attention to the tactics and strategies of both sides, as well as the characteristics, moves, etc. of their respective Pokémon.

Maybe he will become his opponent in the finals.

She is already thinking about the script for the final!

After all, his opponent in the semi-finals, Mrs.

If you fight six against one, you can defeat the opponent no matter what.

Looking back to the arena, Guzma released the next Pokémon called Spadeer.

"The Staghorn Bug is a door bug from the Alola region. It has both electric and bug attributes. It generates electricity with its abdomen and concentrates the electricity into its large jaws, releasing an electromagnetic beam with amazing energy to shoot down bird Pokémon."

A voice came from Xiaozhi's illustrated book.

Bugs in the Alola region can even kill bird Pokémon!

"Spade Cannon Bug, use the electromagnetic gun!!"

Following Guzma's command, the slender jaws of the staghorn cannonball charged up, and then with a "boom", it fired out a powerful electromagnetic laser!

"Block it, King's Shield!"

Even though the Shield Sword Monster entered the shield mode at the first time, his whole body was still bombarded by the electromagnetic cannon and was knocked backwards. Finally, he hit hard against a protruding rock wall on the arena.

Before the Shield Sword Monster could recover from the dizziness caused by the impact, an extremely wide range of electric current shot out in front of his eyes, covering it from the sky.

Sizzle! !

The combination of electromagnetic gun and electric discharge successfully broke through the King's shield of the Strong Shield Sword Monster. A burst of electricity surged around the latter's body, and he fell from the air due to the electricity. The steel sword body twitched and trembled on the ground.

The Shield Sword Monster has lost its ability to fight!

"Wow, is this spade farmer and cannon insect so powerful?!"

This made Xiaozhi exclaim in surprise.

This is a house bug in the Alola region. Logically speaking, it should be similar to house bugs such as big butterflies, pink butterflies, and nanny bugs, and its offensive power is not very outstanding.

But just now, the electromagnetic gun of this stag farmer gunworm was extremely powerful!

Ash is becoming more and more interested in the Alola region.

It is estimated that the tropical island environment gave birth to such a powerful insect that can even kill birds?

"Damn it. Lizard King, prepare to fight!"

Rinto had only the last two Pokémon left, and this time he sent in the Lizard King, which had some resistance to the powerful electric shock move of the Spade Cannon Bug.

"Hey, seek death, spade farmer and cannon insect, use insect buzz!"

Guzma looked like he was unwilling to let go of his opponent and launched a fierce attack.

The two spiked mandibles of the staghorn cannon worm vibrated at a high frequency like a tuning fork, and then released a sharp insect sound to the surroundings.

This made the Lizard King suddenly turn dark, and the effect was outstanding!

"Don't let it continue to be used, Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The Lizard King understood, and despite the discomfort, he swiped his needle-leaf tail forward, and instantly blew out a hurricane with countless flying blades.

Whistle rustle!

The fierce storm of flying leaves caused the slug, cannon, and insect to stagger in the air, making it difficult to maintain the insect buzzing move.

It’s just that the Lizard King also has a blue light that weakens his special attack ability.

However, Lin Dou's expression did not change, so it was not a big problem. His Lizard King was a physical attacker.

I brought the Flying Leaf Storm specifically just to occasionally use high-power big moves. After knocking him down, his special attack weakened.

In terms of speed, Lin Dou's Lizard King clearly has the upper hand.


With a flash of his body, the Lizard King jumped several meters and arrived above the head of the Spade Farmer and Cannon Worm.

"Now, Leaf Blade Slash!"

Immediately afterwards, he raised the knife and lowered it. The blades on both sides of his arms condensed and struck hard at the back of the stag farmer and the cannon insect!

Leaf Blade Slash·Two consecutive chops!

Two consecutive slashes directly pressed the stag farmer's cannon insect from the air to the ground, splashing countless dust.

When the dust dispersed, the Lizard King jumped back in front of Rin Dou, and the Alola door bug had already fallen there, unable to fight.

The continuous fierce movements of the battle caused applause and cheers from the surrounding venues to rise frequently.

"one two three"

In the audience seat, Yulijia counted the Pokémon status of the two trainers on her fingers.

Rin Dou only had the Lizard King and the last ace, Elledor.

On Guzma's side, Giant Claw Mantis, Rainwing Moth, and Shovel Cannonball were down, and there were only three Pokémon left, which gave him an even greater advantage!

Guzma was really fired up, with a furious look on his face.

I actually killed three of my own Pokémon in a row. I must destroy you today!

"Come out, Alidos!!"

This time he sent Alidos, a classic villain Pokémon from the Johto region.

This colorful and gorgeous four-legged spider has a pattern on its belly and back that looks like a grimace. It looks like a poisonous Pokémon at first glance.

"Do they have insect and poison properties?"

Rin Dou suddenly frowned. Both attributes were particularly unfavorable to his Lizard King.


Taking advantage of Lin Dou's daze, the Alidos launched a surprise attack and spit out a bunch of white spider silk from its mouth, trapping half of the Lizard King's body.

"Break it quickly, Leaf Blade Slash!"

The Lizard King also reacted quickly, swinging the Leaf Blade Slash continuously, and soon split all the silk on his body.

It's just that the spider silk is extremely sticky, and a lot of it is still stuck on the Lizard King's body. The remaining traces have to be pulled off bit by bit by hand, and the knife cannot cut it off.

This also caused the speed that the Lizard King was proud of to begin to decrease! (End of chapter)

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