He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2812 The situation is reversed, vs. Squid King!

Bang! !

Two powerful moves collided head-on in mid-air, and a deafening explosion was heard from the location where they met.

The blazing flames under the heavy pressure of high temperature spread and fell on the body of the Super Armored Rhinoceros.

And the force of the arm beating also hit Feng Su Gou hard on the face.

As the surging energy exploded, both Super Armor Rhinoceros and Wind Speed ​​Dog flew upside down and slid to the edge of the arena before stopping.

"Search the house." "Ouch"

When the dust settled, the two Pokémon looked similar. They fell to the ground, their eyes rolled around, and they could only whine and murmur.

"Super-armored rhinoceros and wind speed dog lose their fighting ability at the same time!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately said loudly, not forgetting to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

It had been a crushing game before, but how could it suddenly turn into a close match? He had never seen such a weird schedule trend after being a referee for so many years.


Even Xiaozhi in the stands couldn't help but frown, feeling that the Wind Speed ​​Dog just now felt inexplicably inconsistent.

As if he suddenly gained a power that was not his own?

And how could the breath coming from his body be so familiar?

"I once felt something was wrong in the Pokémon Village near Yingxue City. I felt this aura even earlier!"

Not only the wind speed dog, but also the squid king behind him seems to have this smell?

"Anyway, you will know the whole story next, right?"

Xiaozhi quickly sat upright and looked at the arena with wide eyes. After losing five Pokémon in a row, Miss Junsha only had the Squid King left.

He wanted to see what this squid king was doing!

"Thank you for your hard work, Super Armored Rhinoceros!"

On the field, Serena let out a breath and took back the super-armored rhinoceros.

Despite the near miss, Super Armored Rhino still accomplished its goal and pushed away all the five Pokémon in front of it.

Then the next step is the most dangerous opponent!

"Jie Jie~!"

Without Miss Junsha's command at all, the squid king had already sneered and squirmed into the arena relying on its tentacles.

The dark and fierce light in his eyes makes people shudder!

Serena quickly calmed herself down. She obviously still had five Pokémon, so she had the advantage. There was nothing to panic about:

"Please, Mrs. Hua Jie!!"

Her second Pokémon is Lady Huajie. After completing its final evolution, the Graxitia flower originally held in her hand has been completely integrated with her body.

Among the flower clusters on the top of the head and around the face are pink petals like the Graxitia flower.

"Mrs. Hua Jie, use the power of the moon!!"

The first move is a fairy-type ultimate move, which is extremely effective against the Squid King!

Mrs. Hua Jie raised her hands with a proud expression, and a pink light bullet condensed above her head and was thrown out.

"Jie Jie!"

The Squid King has complete freedom of expression. The tentacles on both sides are attached with pink-purple light and turn into sharp blades, slashing continuously from left to right!

Spiritual blade!

The two slashes accurately hit the power of the moon, instantly detonating the energy bomb in mid-air, stirring up a large amount of pink smoke.

Before the smoke dissipated, Mrs. Hua Jie was suddenly startled. She saw a dangerous purple light in the smoke, telling her that it was coming.


This time, the Squid King made two tentacles thrust out, and the front end was covered with poisonous purple light, and he attacked straight away!

Fortunately, Mrs. Hua Jie quickly rose into the air and was able to avoid this dangerous poisonous blow.

"Ultimate absorption!"

With his backhand, two green light vines extended from both ends of the calyx on his lower body, which resembled a skirt, and quickly popped out, trapping the Squid King firmly.

Sizzle! !

The ultimate absorbing move begins to drain the Squid King's physical strength.

After just sucking for a long time, the Squid King didn't react at all, and didn't seem to lose any blood, which made Serena look surprised.

The grass attribute is twice as effective, and her Lady Hua Jie is fused with the power of the Graxitia flower. The ultimate absorption power of the Miracle Seed prop is definitely not low!

Why doesn't it work at all? !

In a sense, ultimate absorption is also a kind of tentacle.

In terms of the ability to control tentacles, the Squid King is unique in the Kalos region. Otherwise, how could he become the leading actor in local vulgar comics?

"Jie Jie~!"

It sneered, and was completely unhindered by the red light of the ultimate absorption. It even dragged Mrs. Hua Jie in front of it with a backhand.

The two tentacles of the Squid King have also been raised.

It's not to tie up the target, but the poisonous light at the front end lights up again.


The poisonous blow hit Mrs. Hua Jie's stamen hard, causing the latter to whine suddenly, and her body twitched and was thrown away.

Outstanding effect!

"Mrs. Hua Jie, you have lost your ability to fight!!"

The referee immediately shouted.

This scene also made the audience at the venue dumbfounded.

Wasn’t it still the case of Serena’s crushing game?

Looking at the posture now, why does it seem like the opposite Madam X player is about to start ransacking the house? !

"Sure enough, it's amazing."

Serena's forehead was already sweating profusely. After taking back Madam Hua Jie, she stared at the Squid King closely, trying to find any flaws.

It's so strange, even though he received a multi-buff ultimate absorb, he seemed to be fine.

"Let's play again and explore the truth!"

Serena tried to calm herself down and launched a backhand attack on the powerful Bully Panda.

With both evil-type Pokémon, you might be able to discover some weaknesses!

"Bullet punch!"

As soon as he appears, the bully panda bites the bamboo leaf at the corners of his mouth, clenches his fists and rushes out. Combined with his "iron fist" characteristics, this bullet punch is extremely powerful!

However, the Squid King didn't even think about dodging, and his body still stood there.


Until the bullet punch hit its chest solidly, denting its soft squid body by half a meter.

However, the Squid King's tentacles thrust out quickly, and the surface was covered with dangerous and poisonous light!

Poison attack!

This is a style of play that chooses not to dodge or defend, but to trade injury for injury!


The bully panda was startled and quickly retracted his fist to dodge, but his huge body was unable to dodge and was scratched by the poisonous blow.

Although it didn't deal any damage, it was unfortunate enough to trigger the additional effect of the poison attack.

The bully panda's nose turned purple and he fell into a state of poisoning!

And then, this squid king became even more desperate, completely abandoning defense or dodge, and just attacked blindly, with extremely crazy momentum!

Boom! !

Until a tentacle glowed red and hit the domineering panda on the chest with astonishing force, sending the latter flying out.

The brute force trick hit!

Outstanding effect!


Instead, the huge body of the bully panda collapsed and lost its fighting ability! ?

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