He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3048 Tell me, how do you want to die? !

Chapter 2845 Tell me, how do you want to die? !

"Why is this person so strong!!"

Fradali was shouting crazily in his heart.

He has investigated Xiaozhi's intelligence. Although he is extremely talented, at most he is only at the level of champion Karuni.

In addition, the Koga Ninja in front of me is obviously a new Pokémon that Xiaozhi only conquered after he set foot in the Kalos region. He only traveled for more than half a year in total. No matter how much his strength can be improved, there is a limit, right? !

What did that golden shuriken strike just now mean?

There was also the previous feeling of one person and one frog, looking from a distance as if the souls were fused together, giving Fradali an unprecedented sense of fear.

Even when he faced Karuni, he didn't feel this way!

"Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, why do you want to stop me? Only I can make this world no longer painful!!"

Vladali seemed to have lost his mind, his eyes were bloodshot, he glared at Xiaozhi angrily, and kept chattering.

Why did the young man in front of me have such a powerful force, but he chose to stand on his opposite side!

"Only those who follow me are the chosen ones, and they are the ones who can change the world!!"

He was so paranoid that he didn't even pay attention to the fallen Pokémon on both sides, and just kept repeating his point of view over and over again.

"Uh, has BOSS completely lost his mind?"

Kuseloschi next to him suddenly had a bad feeling.

Suddenly an unplanned idea pops up, a ridiculously strong kid has a great idea, hurry up!

It's outrageous. The flying water shuriken thrown by Koga Ninja just now is more powerful than Kaluni's ace Gardevoir? !

"Koga Ninja, please take a rest first!"

After Koga Ninja hit this blow, Xiaozhi temporarily put it back into the Poké Ball, and then rested well.

As for Fradali’s violent appearance, there are also the opinions he keeps outputting from his mouth.

Although Xiaozhi is not aware of the power, after being baptized by multiple villain organizations, he has not been affected by Vladali in the slightest.

Even a little want to laugh.

However, considering that the other party made his Koga Ninja use its ultimate strength for the first time today, he still held it back.

Thank you, experience pack!

But whether it was his Brikaron or the ongoing rampage of plants surrounding the city of Miare, he had to do something now.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

In short, destroying the instrument on Vladali's wrist should be able to eliminate this disaster, right?


Pikachu nodded, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

Has it now been reduced to a butt-wiping scene at the end?

This reminded Pikachu of the time when he first set foot in the Kalos region. At that time, all the drama was placed in front of him, but he disdainfully pushed it all to the Bubble Frog and Alpha Frog who were still in the growth stage.

By the time the latter evolved into the Koga Ninja Frog, it was already too late!

Even if the time had to go over again, it would still be too lazy to do anything.


Pikachu jumped out, its tail attached to the metallic cold light, and rushed towards Fradari.

The latter was still immersed in his own paranoid world and was unaware of Pikachu's rapid approach.

Until Pikachu jumped up and swept out with its tail.


Suddenly, a burst of telepathic blue light fell on Pikachu, forcibly restraining it in mid-air, making it difficult to continue swinging its tail.


Pikachu frowned. Is it possible to lock its movements with just a strong mental thought?

Do you really think it can't lift the knife?

The trip to the Kalos region is coming to an end, and Pikachu's strength has naturally returned to its peak, even stronger than at the end of Unova!


After struggling harder, Pikachu suddenly became confused.

Why are you still motionless? !

I can't break free from the shackles of this mind power at all!

Is it possible that I have really changed? !


Xiaozhi was also startled, and subconsciously looked at Kuseloski next to him, thinking that it was the big fat scientist who was doing this and that he was using some strange instrument.

But when he turned around to look, there was only a flying saucer-shaped aircraft left in the air, and the figure on it had long since disappeared.

Kuseloschi chose to run away on the spot!

Where there is life, there is hope!

If Vladali dies here today, then the future Team Flare will need his great new leader to lead!

"Isn't that the one?"

Xiaozhi's frown deepened. If the source of telekinesis was not the other party, then who was it?

He was about to look around to see if there was an ambush from Team Flare, but suddenly he felt that his head and limbs were out of control and he could not move.


Although Xiaozhi exhausted all his strength, his face turned red, but he still couldn't break free.

"Damn it, whose mind is strong?"

Although he is most afraid of superpower moves, he can release such powerful telekinesis energy, which is at least the level of legendary Pokémon, right?

Wait for him to do something

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The next moment, Xiaozhi and Pikachu, who was maintaining the iron tail movement in front of Vladari, all flashed and disappeared.



This scene frightened Xiaozhi's Sonic Dragon, which was still flying nearby on standby.

So the Sonic Dragon no longer paid attention to Fradali, and flew around, releasing its own ultrasonic waves, looking for the locations of Ash and Pikachu.

On the top platform of the Prism Tower, only Vladari was left alone, and two unconscious Pokémon on the ground.

"what happens?"

Even Fradali looked confused.

After thinking for a moment, Vladali's face turned red, and he suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, and then he couldn't help but raise his head and laugh:

"Sure enough! The world is on my side!"

The Kalos region must be helping him!

Even the entire land knew that what Vladali did was right, so he took action to teleport this dangerous kid away!

After all, Carlos' land can even use "crazy plants".

There is nothing strange about forcibly moving the target away instantly.

"This land has a will of its own!"

For a time, Fradali became more determined in his ideals!


However, before he could laugh wildly for more than 5 seconds, there was a flashing sound in front of him, and then a figure appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The opponent was wearing a blue-grey hood and cloak, but his face and limbs exposed under the clothes looked extremely pale.

Not a human, but a Pokémon? !

"Pokémon I've never seen before"

Fradali was stunned for a moment. He looked strange, but he soon understood and said in surprise:

"Are you the messenger of the land of Carlos?"

The "messenger" in front of him was none other than Chaomeng, whose carefully prepared counterattack conference was suddenly destroyed.

Especially now, when the instigator is about to die, you are still laughing and joking with him? !

Veins popped up on Chaomeng's forehead instantly, with suppressed anger in his eyes, he asked in a deep voice:

"Just tell me, how do you want to die?"

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