He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3051 Looking for Xiaoruan! ?

Chapter 2848 Looking for Xiaoruan! ?

On the other side, the Citron brothers and sisters were following Korni, and Doroba and others took refuge in a square area near the venue.

Several of them were very good trainers, and there were also a few top 16 players from the Miare Conference to help. They each released their own partners to block the outside.

"Magnet monster, discharge!"

Citron's self-destructing magnet releases an extremely wide range of electricity, blasting towards the oncoming violent plants.

"Charizard, use flames!!"

Although a single burst of electricity could not destroy the menacing plant rhizome, Doropa's fire-breathing dragon next to it cooperated with a breath of flames and finally succeeded in burning the thick plant.

There are similar situations all around.

"Lucario, wave missile!!"

"Blastoise, water cannon!!"

"Myrtle, use magic leaves!!"

Kerni and the others are cooperating with each other, so it is not a big problem to join forces to deal with these plants, and the safe area surrounded by several people behind them has gathered a lot of people taking refuge.

"If I hold on for an hour, I can barely hold on, but how long will these plant tides last?"

Citron was panting and looking embarrassed.

And what is the principle of these giant plants? Even the legendary ancient god Zigerd cannot have a huge amount of energy continuously, right?

"I don't know where dad is."

Limo had no contact with the brothers and sisters, but it was not a big problem. Hettroit followed him, and his father seemed to be an excellent trainer when he was young.

If you protect yourself, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Looking at the landmark building in the center of the city, the original sci-fi Prism Tower has completely changed.

Countless vines extend out from the middle wall, growing leaves and branches.

Looking from afar, the Prism Tower is about to turn into a towering red tree!

"Damn it, my Prism Tower!"

Citron's heart was bleeding. How long would it take to restore his prism tower to its original state?

Now, he can only place his hope on that man.

"Xiao Zhi, work harder!"

He muttered silently. In this situation, his first reaction was not to rely on some champion to turn the tide and end the disaster. Instead, the figure of Xiaozhi appeared in his mind!

Even the fight between gods in Desert City can be stopped. Now it's just a Myare City, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

"elder brother!!"

At this time, there was a sudden panic sound from behind, which made Citron startled, thinking that the house was being robbed from behind.

Turning around, he saw that nothing happened in the middle area where his back was protected by many trainers.

But there were tears in the corners of Yulijia's eyes, and she eagerly and worriedly opened her small satchel towards Citron.

"Brother! Xiaoruan is missing!!"

It was obvious that Xiao Ruan was still in the bag when he left the Miare venue just now, but when he got here, Xiao Ruan suddenly disappeared.

"Dong dong?"

Even Dongdong Rat, who was sleeping in his bag, woke up and spread his hands helplessly.

Now there are rioting plants everywhere, even high-rise buildings can be easily knocked down and smashed, and there are also those evil Team Flares.

Xiao Ruan was already a puddle of mud, now he must not be trampled into a mud cake!

"Uh, Zygarde?"

Hearing this, Citron was relieved, thinking it was something big.

Seeing that Youlijia was about to cry, he quickly comforted her softly:

"Don't worry, Xiaoruan is a legendary Pokémon and won't be hurt."

Speaking of which, Vladali said before that the red Brikaron was Zygarde. What was that little softie?

Are there two Zygarde in total?

Does this disaster have something to do with Xiaoruan?

Citron suddenly reacted and felt a chill in his back.

In other words, Xiao Ruan should have the ability to create such a disaster-level plant riot at any time, right?

"Brother! Let's go find Xiaoruan!"

Yulijia pulled Citron's hand and begged.

"Hey, it's so dangerous outside! Xiaoruan will protect himself!"

Citron naturally refused sternly. It is safest to stay in this protective circle with everyone now.

"But brother! I always feel that Xiaoruan will be in danger. I have a strange feeling that I have never had before!"

Yulijia was so anxious that she almost cried. She held Citron's hand hard:

"Let's go help Xiaoruan!!"

Just as Citron was about to refuse again, his eyes met Yurika's for no reason.

He knows his sister best, she is lively, playful and loves to join in the fun.

But today, it was the first time that he saw such a firm and serious look on Yulijia's face.

"Is it possible that Yulijia really has some connection with Xiaoruan?"

Citron couldn't help but hesitate. Yurika was now considered a legendary Pokémon trainer. Maybe the two of them really had some connection.

Is Xiaoruan really in danger?

"Xitron, take Yulijia with you, we are here to help!"

Kerni, who had been eavesdropping next to her, couldn't help but interrupt.

Like Xiaozhi, she is a person who believes in intuition. If Yulijia is so serious, she should do it.

Moreover, the scale of plant riots in this area is milder than before.

Like a big wave rushing from the Prism Tower towards the entire city of Miare, the Miare venue is located in the third ring road. After blocking the first wave of offensive, now more of these violent plants are in the seventh and eighth rings. ravaged areas around the city.

Yulijia immediately cast a grateful look at Korni, who grinned and gave a thumbs up to Yulijia.

After much thought, Citron finally made a decision.

"Okay, I'll take you to find Xiaoruan, but let me declare in advance that if you encounter danger, I will bring you back as soon as possible!"

Any legendary Pokémon is not as important as the safety of his own sister.

"Okay! Let's go find Xiaoruan quickly!"

Yurika suddenly burst into laughter, holding Citron's hand and running forward.

As for where to run?

She just ran a few steps and froze in place.

The surrounding areas were either bumpy gravel pits or raised ruins. She didn't know where Xiao Ruan was? !

"Hmph. Considering this situation in advance, I invented this instrument a long time ago! I named it the Little Soft Treasure Hunting Machine!"

Citron suddenly took out a palm-sized detector from his backpack and even hummed proudly.

Every time he showed off the machine he invented, he couldn't help but show off.

"Then now, ON!!"

As he pressed the start button and the machine started running, an indicator raised above quickly pointed in the direction of one of the streets.

"So is Xiaoruan there? Follow me quickly, Yulijia!"

Citron immediately trotted out with the machine in hand, and in front of him was his self-destructing magnet monster that was constantly releasing strong current to open a path.

Yulijia, who had always been sarcastic towards Citron's instruments, finally changed her attitude today and subconsciously blurted out:

"The power of science is so great!"


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