He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3081: Learn from the same sect’s Koga Ninja!

Chapter 2878 The Koga Ninja who came from the same sect under his tutelage!

Didi didi!

Soon, the rotating screen on the field began to flicker again until the picture froze.

On the left is a handsome and solemn man with short black hair tied into a small braid. Just looking at the hairstyle of the avatar, he looks a bit like an ancient man.

On the right is a melancholic curly-haired man with a British temperament, mature and handsome appearance.

Ninja Murakami, Ippei, versus Dr. Buratano!

"Wait a minute, why is the Doctor also a contestant?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew that Yiping was not inferior to the Alliance King. This time he came to Miare City specifically to participate in the Conference of Power.

But Dr. Buratano has never heard of it!

As they watched the two of them appear on stage, the gossip about Citron came to their ears:

"It is said that many of the second batch of players who received invitations were judged based on their performance when a catastrophe occurred in Miare City."

Among those violent plants, Dr. Bratano and his Mega Biting Land Shark put in a lot of effort and performed well, so they were qualified.

The last one was a battle between two beauties, big and small, but the second one was two handsome guys with completely different styles.

"Ah, it's Dr. Buratano, he's so handsome!!"

"I heard that he has some relationship with the evil man Vladali, but it seems that he has not been affected."

"Is that a ninja on the other side?! Strange, there are ninjas in our Kalos area?!"

Lively discussions suddenly erupted around the venue.

In terms of the number of powerful trainers in the Kalos region, there may not be as many as in other regions.

But when it comes to looks and the number of handsome guys and beauties, she is definitely confident!

Even Xiaozhi, who came from out of town, felt that his appearance had skyrocketed as soon as his feet landed on Carlos' ground?

As for this battle, there is still some difference in strength.

Yi Ping's first Pokémon is Turtlefoot (not cannon fodder)——

As ninjas, their partners are either high-speed ninja-type Pokémon, or cutting warrior-type Pokémon like Turtlefoot Giant Armor and Cleaver Commander.

And Dr. Bratano's first Pokémon was an old acquaintance, Blastoise!

After all, in order to study mega evolution, his research institute had many Kanto royal families.

"Secret attack on key points!!"

But in terms of strength, it was obvious that the turtle-footed giant armor was superior. After a few rounds, he used a sharp sword test to cut through the chest and shell of the water arrow turtle, and the winner was determined.

"Come back, turtle-footed giant armor, and then, Koga Ninja!!"

After coming out on top, Yi Ping performed a seal gesture and immediately released his strongest trump card.

Bratano is not a fighting doctor, but he is also very interested in Pokémon battles.

In his early years, he was also a passionate trainer like Xiaozhi.

Throw the Poké Ball, and a handsome sand shark waves its fins and shouts loudly!

"Bite fiercely!!!"

Naturally, his second Pokémon was the Biting Land Shark, which he had tamed specifically for the purpose of studying mega evolution. After that, it became his personal partner and was always with him.

"Then, mega evolution!!"

Bratano didn't hesitate for a moment, when he activated the mega evolution, turning the Biting Land Shark into a square-jawed figure holding a bloody scythe.

"Dragon Claw!!"

The battle started, and Mega Liebite Land Shark took the lead and rushed out. Its sickle-shaped claws attached to the shadow of the dragon's claws and slashed out boldly.

Dr. Bratano is still confident about Koga Ninja, and this is the starting Pokémon he distributed.

No one understands Carlos's family better than him!

However, Ippei's Koga Ninja just stood there and silently made a seal gesture.

Whoops! !

The powerful and heavy dragon claw struck the Koga Ninja Frog, even tearing the frog's body into two halves on the spot.

The tragic scene made many viewers cover their eyes subconsciously.

To my surprise, no bloody limbs flew out.

The Koga Ninja just turned into a puddle of white foam and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Bubble Flow·Substitute!?"

In the audience seat, Xiaozhi blurted out and exclaimed that he was familiar with this move.

Ninja Village's special way of using a substitute does not require a large amount of stamina to be used to create a substitute like normal avatar moves.

Of course, the Bubble Flow and Substitution Technique has a certain limit on the number of times, but the number can be re-buffered through subsequent battles.

"Yan Hui!"

The Koga Ninja's body was hidden in a pile of scattered white foam. He appeared instantly and kicked out an upward knee strike.

Bang bang!

Yan Hui slammed into Mega's square chin biting Lu Shark, and knocked the latter away.

"What the hell is that substitute technique?!"

Dr. Buratano was immediately confused. Does the Koga Ninja Frog still have this ability? !

And this sharp and silky movement

"It's very similar to the movements of my Koga Ninja."

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi said in a deep voice.

After all, they all practice action ninjutsu of the Ninja Village School, and their fighting methods are very similar.

"Flying Water Shuriken!!"

Next, the Koga Ninja continuously threw shurikens made of blue water, using exquisite and extremely fast shuriken techniques.

"Don't lose to it, Linshe!!"

This made Mega Liebite Lu Shark have no choice but to keep using his scales as sharp hidden weapons, firing them out frequently. The shurikens and dragon scales colliding in the center of the arena continued to make explosive sounds.

The scale shot move will allow the weight-reduced Biting Land Shark to continue to increase its speed, but it will lose the protection of its scales and its own defense will also decrease.

During the high-intensity collision of hidden weapons, the Koga Ninja Frog suddenly sprang out, and in an instant he was in front of the Biting Land Shark.

"Secret attack on key points!"

With Ippei's soft drink, the short black-purple blade condensed in Koga Ninja's hand condensed into shape and was drawn out instantly!

Boom! !

The secret attack on the vital point immediately knocked the biting land shark back several meters.

Hit the nail on the head!

Even Liebite Land Shark's defense was reduced a lot due to the scale shooting, and the damage it received was even higher!

"How is this action possible?!"

Buratano was greatly frightened, as he must have known that the speed at which his Mega bit the land shark had also increased accordingly.

Under such circumstances, this Koga ninja frog can still launch weird and unpredictable quick attacks? !

With an ancient heritage, the ninja from the darkness of Kalos is indeed powerful!

"Frozen light!!"

In the end, Koga Ninja quickly fired an ice escape ray, and the pulse beam fell hard on Liebite Land Shark's chest, freezing the latter into a large ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

You must know that Liebite Land Shark is an Earth Dragon.

A blow that is four times more restrained!

Boom boom!

As the ice fragments exploded, Liebite Land Shark's figure collapsed to the ground, exiting its mega-evolved posture.

The outcome has been decided, and the jounin, Ippei, won the second game!

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