He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2889 As a trainer, Chaomeng appears!

In just a few rounds, Karuni's Gardevoir instantly killed Alexi's double-bomb gas and Damn Eel King, without even using the mega evolution, ending the battle completely.

This scene actually made Serena more confident.

"Well, I am the top 16!"

At least she forced that Gardevoir's mega evolution!

Although I always felt that something was strange about that game at the time, as if someone had secretly helped?

After Karuni's competition ended, it was the turn of Water King Zhimi to take the stage, still dressed like an elegant chef, but with some aqua blue patterns sewn on the clothes.

"End the battle Blastoise, Dragon Wave!!"

With the terrifying turret power of Mega Blastoise's super launcher, Zhimi easily ended the battle and got a ticket to the quarterfinals.

"It seems that the quarter-final stage is the real highlight of the Tournament of Power!"

Citron couldn't help but sigh.

After all, the Tournament of Power is not like the World Championship. It can bring together trainers from multiple regions. There are really only a limited number of local masters in Carlos.

In addition, the competition has only been planned in the past six months. It is actually quite difficult to gather eight king-level trainers in the quarterfinals.

As for the last game of the top 16 stage


Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and his expression suddenly became serious.

This left Serena and Citron beside them a little confused as to why Xiaozhi suddenly started to sit upright.

Will he be a master in the end?

Players like Miss Karuni and Ai Lan have already appeared on the stage.

Beep! Beep!

Soon, the portraits of two players were frozen on the player's electronic screen.

The one on the left is Balza, an old acquaintance. Xiaozhi was so stunned that he almost forgot about this person.

Little Hupa is gearing up and preparing to show off his cultivation achievements at this conference.

And the player on the right——

In the mug shot on the screen, most of the head was covered by a dark green cloak, and the facial features could not be seen at all, only a straight and resolute chin was revealed.

After a while, the two of them took the stage. Balza was dressed handsomely in a red and white warrior robe, and his handsome face attracted applause from the venue.

After all, Balza is half a Desert City native, so he can be said to be a home player who can barely compete with him in this Tournament of Power.

"Shocked ~ so many people!"

On the shoulder, little Hoopa floated with him. He covered his mouth and was frightened by the flash flood and tsunami-like scene around him.

But this made it eager to try.

As for the opposite side

"Is it a human? Or a Pokémon?!"

Balza looked intently at the "contestant" opposite who was slowly taking the stage. He was wearing a dark green cloak and robe that almost covered his entire body, with only the ends of his arms and lower limbs exposed.

And what is that moving thing at the back, the tail? !

"This player's name is Mewtwo? What's the origin? I've never heard of it!"

"Uh, take off your cloak, it's so mysterious!"

"These arms and limbs are not as good as Chai Xi's, and his skin is also bloodless. This guy is a little weak!"

"Why don't you wear shoes and go barefoot? Is this some kind of local custom in Desert City?!"

Chaomeng's appearance on the stage caused a lot of discussion in the venue. This look was really weird.

Xiaozhi was also very energetic. Sure enough, this guy Chaomeng was also going to participate in the competition.

Especially when he saw Chaomeng take out a Poke Ball from his waist, Xiaozhi's eyes widened.

This is to command other Pokémon to fight as a human trainer!

"something never heard of"

Not far away, the champion Karuni, who had fought against Mewtwo and knew the inside story, also opened her beautiful eyes wide and said it was incredible.

Just like a normal zoo, the Thunder King Kong is locked in the window for humans to watch.

Now a Thunderbolt King Kong backhand shut the human into the display window, and he watched it openly from the aisle.

This is definitely a milestone in the relationship between humans and Pokémon!

If Dr. Ohki knew about it, he would probably be able to write a dozen sociological papers on Pokémon changes on the spot!


The referee Kuailong also came on stage and waved his paw in the direction of Mewtwo in a friendly manner.

Hello, Mr. Financial Owner~!

There were restless sounds all around the venue, but the two people on the stage ignored it, threw the elf ball, and entered a fighting state.

This actually made Xiaozhi relax.

If Mewtwo, who possesses absolute power, did not go on stage to fight in person and participated in the conference in a well-behaved manner, he would be less threatening.

After all, with the destructive power comparable to that of the ancient gods, few people here can stop Chaomeng!

But if you are just a trainer


Ash's eyes suddenly lit up. He had never "battled" with a Pokémon before!

boom! boom!

On the field, Balza's first Pokémon was not little Hoopa, but a majestic warrior eagle.

On the other side, Chaomeng sent a

Bulbasaur? !

In addition to being 1/2 larger than the normal Bulbasaur, this Bulbasaur's body is also covered with messy off-white lines, as if paint buckets have poured water on its body.

This makes the originally mature and steady temperament of Bulbasaur become a bit weird and evil.

The battle begins!

"Although the eccentric warrior eagle uses air blades!"

Balza took the lead in launching the attack. He wanted to see how much this weird guy weighed.

The warrior eagle soared into the sky, its wings instantly wielding countless sharp air slashes!

Mewtwo on the other side, wearing a cloak, was silent.

However, his telepathic ability was even more proficient than Kaluni's, and this strangely patterned Bulbasaur received the instructions in its mind.


There was a deep sound, and countless sharp flying leaves flew out from the huge petals behind the Bulbasaur flower, shooting out from the front.

Bang bang! !

The flying leaves collided head-on with countless energy slashes, making continuous explosions in mid-air. An even blow caused residual leaves to fall down in the middle.

However, before the Flying Leaf Knife was completely released, several brown vines suddenly shot out from the back of Bulbasaur, and they quickly grabbed the warrior eagle in the sky.

"So fast!?"

Balza was shocked. The last move hadn't ended yet. Did he already use the special move of the vine whip? !

However, the warrior eagle followed his old partner who had experienced many battles. His strong body moved back and forth between seven or eight vines, but he was not strangled and tied by the vines.

"Now, use acrobatics!"

Even during the process, the whole body of the warrior eagle was suddenly covered with light blue light.

The weight of his body suddenly lightened, he dodged back and forth with nimble acrobatic movements, avoided the vine whip, and dived towards the target! (End of chapter)

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