He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2896 Quarterfinals, Ash vs. Flame Chicken Mask! (Down)

"Do you have any more fire moves? Bricalon, use spikes to defend!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi responded unhurriedly. He had already understood the new moves that Brikaron had mastered after evolving last night.

Bricaron understood, turned his back, and faced the incoming flame fist with his spiked armor.

Tsk bang! !

The powerful flame fist hit the carapace hard, making a sonorous explosion, but it seemed like it hit an iron plate.

Bricalon remained motionless and endured it completely.


Instead, the electric dragon's eyes shrank, feeling burning pain as his fists were pricked by sharp thorns.

"Now, gavel!!"

Bricaron smiled proudly and turned around quickly. One of his arms had already clenched a fist, and a layer of emerald green giant hammer energy coat was condensed on the surface.

Poof! !

A powerful and heavy mallet hit the electric dragon directly and flew out, falling heavily to the ground.


Flame Chicken Mask was a little surprised. This ordinary-looking Yusanjia seemed to be much stronger than ordinary Pokémon.

Besides Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja Frog, is the other Gosanjia so powerful?

Flame Chicken Mask raised his hand and did not give up the fight:

"Electric Dragon, use Dragon Wave!!"

Although it cannot mega-evolve, its electric dragon is enough to use dragon-type moves. After a while, pink-purple dragon-type arrogance has gathered around the mouth of the electric dragon.

"In that case, let's let them see something new~"

Xiaozhi suddenly smiled mysteriously and pointed his finger in the air:

"Bricalon, use Thousand Arrows Volley!!"

The next moment, Bricalon lifted his back, and the accumulated emerald green energy turned into a ball of light and shot into the air, with many green hexagonal energy fragments scattered on the surface.

Until the green ball of light came to the top of the electric dragon's head, it exploded in an instant.


It turned into dense green energy arrows, overwhelmingly falling from the sky! !

"This is?!"

Under the mask, Uncle Limone had his mouth wide open.

Isn't this the exclusive move played by Zigold, the original Z god? How come it was used by this Brickaron? !

The rain of arrows falling from the sky left the electric dragon with no place to dodge, and even the dragon wave it shot was detonated and exploded on the way.

Many green arrows even landed on the electric dragon's back, and an irresistible force suddenly pressed its head down until it hit the ground.

Boom boom! !

When the smoke and dust dispersed, they saw that the ground around the electric dragon was filled with energy arrows. After a few seconds, it gradually turned into hexagonal energy fragments and dispersed.

The electric dragon at the center was lying on the ground with its entire body, its back like a mountain king, filled with green arrows.

Outstanding effect!

Thousand Swords Salvo is a ground-type move, and it has the effect of forcing the opponent to the ground!


After one blow fell, when all the energy arrows dispersed, the electric dragon fell to the ground, unable to move, and lost its ability to fight.

"This is?"

The sudden change on the field also caused Xiaoruan, who was sleeping soundly in Yulijia's satchel, to poke out his head.

The familiar smell made him think that his good brother Z2 was fighting on the stage.

As a result, I took a closer look and found that it was a bald old man.

"Strange how this guy can use our power?"

Xiaoruan muttered secretly in his heart.

Is it because he has been possessed by Z2 for a long time, or is it because Team Flare's machine allows Z2 to use Bricalon's body to continuously use his own power, resulting in strange mutations?


After successfully landing this blow, Xiaozhi shouted loudly, and Brickaron in front of him also crossed his arms proudly, assuming the daily pretentious posture of "Koga Ninja".

This is what Xiaozhi discovered during last night's practice——

My own Brikaron actually mastered Zygarde's exclusive moves? !

I don’t know why, but this is a great thing!

"Not only have the basic abilities and qualities been greatly improved, but there are even powers exclusive to the ancient gods!"

Of course, the power of the exclusive moves is definitely not as effective as 50% Zygarde's use, but it's enough!

Now Brickaron, maybe he can really challenge his own Koga Ninja head-on!

"Then keep fighting, the most dangerous opponent will be next!"

Xiaozhi did not take back Bricalon, and was ready to go all out and let Bricalon win the game perfectly.

Today's Bricaron can definitely do it!


Bricalon also punched two thick fists in a fierce manner.

It is the chosen one, a genius more powerful than Koga Ninja's talent! !

"So it's a ground-type move."

On the opposite side, after Limone took back the electric dragon, his expression became extremely solemn.

Ground moves, even those with the power of the ancient gods, are also fatal threats to your own flame chicken.

"Hahaha~! But we are the night knights of Miare City who are not afraid of anything! Come out, Flame Chicken!!"

Instead, Limone laughed wildly and deployed his trump card.


And at the first moment, the flame chicken's whole body glowed greatly, completing its handsome mega evolution, and blazing flames suddenly shot out and burned from the wrist, with high momentum.

"Use the strongest fire kick!!"

The Mega Flame Chicken jumped up, its right leg ignited with blazing flames, and kicked out like a Kamen Rider!

Especially on a sunny day, let the temperature of the flame continue to rise!

Xiaozhi suddenly grinned and responded:

"It's a sunny day. It's actually good for us, Brikaron, use the sun blade!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bricalon suddenly raised his arms, clasped his hands together like a knife, and the white-green energy beam condensed into the form of a short energy blade in his hand.


Under the bright sunshine, the short energy blade even turned into a long energy blade more than three meters long in an instant! !

Sunlight Blade, the physical attack version of Sunlight Flame, requires one round of energy storage. It can also be cast instantly in sunny weather!

Boom! !

The next moment, Bricalon waved his hands together, and the long blade in his hand slashed diagonally, hitting the center of Flame Kick's foot head-on.

In terms of power, it even overshadowed the power of the flame kick. Not only did it scatter the dangerous flames, it even pushed the entire body of the flame chicken out.


The Mega Flame Chicken quickly flipped backwards to relieve its force, but when he stood firm, the sole of his right leg was still numb, and he could only raise his leg high to relieve the numbness.

"How can he be so strong?!"

Limone was already sweating profusely. Not to mention forcing out the Koga Ninja Frog, the Brikaron in front of him was also difficult to conquer!

"It's not over yet. Bricalon, use Thousand Waves!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted loudly and called out Zygarde's second exclusive move!

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