He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 293: The Drowning Horned Goldfish


Under the chaotic background board, the paintings of Kodak, Marsh King, and Silly Beast are incomparably clear and strange, with unobstructed expressions, and there are no disturbances caused by the surroundings.

"Da da da..."

A large claw crab, only 8 taels in size, suddenly jumped onto the shore, pinched the marsh king's thigh, and then pinched the tail of the slow beast, and finally pinched the tail of the Koda duck.


It jumped back into the water again.




The three sages didn't show any movements or expressions, as if their nerves had been stripped away.


Among the three, Kodak's reaction arc was the shortest. After 2 minutes, his face suddenly turned blue for no reason, and he ran anxiously on the spot, trying to blow his painful tail.

It's just that the hands are too short, so I have to keep turning in circles, and I can never touch my own tail.

Comedy and tragedy are staged at the same time.

Everyone: "..."

Xiaoxia: "..."

She rubbed her forehead, feeling that since taking over these three Pokémon, she has gone further and further on the road of being the strongest water attribute trainer!

"However, why do I feel that there is still a corner missing?"

"Indeed, one cannot do without four."

Not only Archer thinks so, but even Xiaozhi and Xiaogang feel that something is missing.

Amateurs who are full and full of folks will often create some inexplicable sayings. These people actually don’t know anything about Pokémon, and they even refer to color as a flash.

But there is some truth to some points.

For example, this group of people regards Duck as a Pokémon that no one can see through.

Slowpoke is a Pokémon that doesn't know whether it can see through or not.

Marsh King is a Pokémon that doesn't matter if you don't see it through.

Then this lacks the most critical kind of Pokémon, that is, the Pokémon with red roots and the ability to see through everything.

"Didi. The fourth is Marsh Leap Fish, a water-type Pokémon, a Pokémon in the Yoshien area."

The illustrated book recognized the keyword and gave a positive reminder.

"Is it the Fangyuan area where you can walk everywhere in the empty space, and throwing a stone can knock you unconscious..."

Everyone sighed for a while, not knowing how earth-shattering the scene of the Four Sage Empresses talking about Taoism in this episode would be, and the earth surged like a golden spring.

Archer even felt that once he took the photo of the four sages discussing Taoism, not to mention the gold medal in the Yuanzhu Phoenix Photography Contest, the Phoenix King would be able to retire directly next year. It would be more appropriate to change the name of the competition to the Yuanzhu Archer Photography Contest.

He is actually a man with wolfish ambitions, deep in his heart he secretly wants to kick Feng Wang off the altar.

But the scene is very chaotic at the moment, and the matter of the fourth saint can be put aside for a while, and everyone looks at Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia: "?"

"Now you can understand the language of Pokémon, quickly translate, gkdgkd."

The three of them naturally urged.

Xiaoxia: "..."

She really couldn't refute this, so she had to look at her three-stupid Pokémon, and after a quick exchange, she realized the reason for the chaos.


It turned out that in this creek, a cute horned goldfish suddenly drowned, thrashing and struggling frantically in the water. Its mother, Goldfish King, had never seen a horned goldfish that couldn't swim, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

Seeing that the horned goldfish was about to drown, a kind and gentle Mary Luli, who was dozing on the shore, extended a helping hand, picked it up and carried it to the land on the shore, temporarily cutting off the water source.

Unexpectedly, the ground on this bank is a grassland. Once the horned goldfish falls into the grassland, the skin of its body will be cut by countless flying blades, as if it has lost its fighting ability.

Mary Luli: "?"

Touch porcelain, this is what it did not expect.


Seeing that his child was unable to fight, Goldfish King immediately lost his temper, and hit Marilulli with a powerful water gun.

And Mary Luli is not a Pokémon to be messed with, she erupted on the spot, raising her hand with a freezing fist, the chill was overwhelming.

How many Pokémon of Kuailong's level have been killed by it with bare hands, how dare you provoke me with a small ornamental fish today?

Do you really think that I, the dragon slayer, can't lift a knife?

All of a sudden, by the stream, water-type Pokémon fought one after another!

On one side are completely aquatic Pokémon, mainly goldfish kings, including carp kings, big tongue shells, agate jellyfish and so on.

On the other side, there are amphibious aquatic Pokémon dominated by Mary Luli, including Mosquito Frog, Claw Crab and so on.

"Da da da..."

The splashing AOE attack even affected several passing sparrows and monkey monsters.

This is a good time, originally it was just an internal battle of aquatic products, but now all those flying in the sky and walking on the ground joined the battlefield, and a group of demons danced wildly.

A melee of birds, mountains, delicacies and aquatic products, the skills are rushing, and the fragrance is overflowing...


"Kami Kameha!!"

On one side, Xiaozhi's Cammy Turtle, who had been eating melons and watching the show, even bent over with a smile, laughing at these Pokémon for fighting over such a thing.

If you are not strong enough, you are doomed to be mediocre in this life.


A ball of black mud flew over, Kamigui couldn't dodge in time, and was covered in face on the spot.


Cammy Turtle immediately became furious, and took out a pair of black sharp-framed sunglasses from his waist with his backhand and put them on. With the turtle shell straightened, he was about to teach these ignorant Pokémon a lesson.

Anyone in this backyard can be messed with, just don't mess with me Kami Turtle!


Just before it exploded, another three green energy shells flew over, and the grass-attribute energy balls released by the gods did not know where, and directly sent it a bar to bloom and fish for the moon, and its head was split open.

The effect is outstanding!


Kami Turtle became enchanted instantly, and a strong blue water gushed out around his body, turning into a blue energy coat and covering his body, which was a sign of entering the characteristic torrent.

Its hp was reduced to 1/3 by an unknown aoe.

Kami Turtle was extremely angry, and was about to release a huge tide spin of a strengthened version of the torrent, and when everyone was involved, he was stopped by the frog grass beside him.


002 Froggrass stretched out a bunch of rattan whips and stopped Kamigui with a calm face and thick limbs.

Although Froggrass is a lonely guest in the world, he is also a good person. When he was not in the team, he was the guardian of the group, specializing in protecting weak Pokémon and mediating disputes between Pokémon.

It does not like such disputes.

In the final analysis, it was just a misunderstanding. Goldfish King didn't touch porcelain on purpose, and Mary Luli didn't mean to hurt her.

I hope the backyard of the Damu Research Institute is peaceful.


Let it be the froggrass to settle the dispute.

Froggrass has a strong view of the overall situation, and immediately discovered the source of the dispute. The horned goldfish that was dizzy from the grass was actually awake at this moment.

Although the grassland will cause grass attribute damage to it, it will not be able to fight if it is dead, but if it is drowning, it is a matter of life.


A beam of bright golden light condensed on the petals on the back of the Froggrass. The energy accumulated to the extreme, turned into a beam of golden laser light, and suddenly shot vertically into the sky, shooting the white clouds above the head through a big hole, piercing the sky!

Sunshine and flames! !

The golden light and the terrifying energy impact made all the Pokémon present stop their movements and subconsciously look at the source.

What is this bastard who is blooming with garlic wanting to do?

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