He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2989 First encounter, Lilia! ?

Seeing a man and a mouse suddenly squatting on the ground and getting entangled, Ibrahimovic on the other shoulder began to blink in confusion.

Is this a normal island entry ceremony? Do you want to jump down and shake your head?

"Beep beep! Pikachu's strange disease has appeared! Let me record Lotto properly this time!"

Rotom is Brother Understanding. It has turned over and pointed the camera at Pikachu.

Now you can start performing!

Pikachu and Ash looked at each other, and finally it swallowed hard, and after being mentally prepared, it jumped off Ash's shoulder.

Take a deep breath and step up the stone steps.

For the first few seconds, nothing seemed to happen, so Pikachu walked up with a puzzled expression, and his expression gradually relaxed.

The next moment, a severe pain began to spread from the soles of the feet throughout the body, as if being continuously chopped by countless sharp blades of air!


Pikachu's expression changed drastically, and the hair all over his body suddenly exploded!

Then he jumped up suddenly as if his feet were being burned, rolling on the ground holding his own feet, accompanied by heart-rending screams.

Damn it, this time I let my guard down first and then made a sneak attack! ?

Seeing an electric mouse suddenly screaming on the ground, many people at the dock looked at it curiously, with strange expressions on their faces.

Rat abuse? But there are no sharp knives around.

Xiaozhi: ""

He could only press the brim of his hat, not sure whether Pikachu's performance was true or false.

"What a perfect acting performance Lotto~!"

Rotom, on the other hand, acted like a senior photographer, constantly changing angles while taking close-ups of Pikachu while touting the emotional value.

In the end, even Ibrahimovic looked at Pikachu rolling on the ground with admiration.

"Bui~!! (As expected of Pikachu-senpai~!!)"

You have to record and study it carefully. This should be the first lesson Pikachu-senpai teaches it.

Xiaozhi quickly bent down to cover Ibrahimovic's sight. A good child must not be led astray by Pikachu.

"Excuse me, are you Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town?"

At this time, there was a burst of questioning from the side.

The voice was gentle, with a hint of courage to ask.

Xiaozhi turned his head and looked in the direction outside the pier, and found that the person speaking was a girl wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

She has a delicate and fair face, with loose princess-cut blond hair, and her hair is tied into two braids on both sides of her cheeks.

Wearing a white short dress with light blue trim, mid-socks and flat boat shoes are also of the same color.

She was standing outside the dock door in a pretty way, like a noble princess, exuding an elegant and gentle temperament.

This kind of dress is quite common in the Kalos region, but in resort island areas like Alola, there probably aren't many.

"Wow...this is Pikachu, and Eevee?!"

The blond girl with a wide hat was immediately attracted to the two Pokémon carried by Ash.

The Pikachu on the ground seems to have passed the labor pain, and is lying on the ground panting heavily...

Uh, does it look like a bad Pokémon?

And the Eevee on Xiaozhi's shoulders, with its soft and frail temperament, immediately hit her cute spot.

The blonde girl suddenly took a deep breath, raised her little hand as if she had the courage to do so, and slowly and tentatively reached out to Ibrahimovic.

Well, the doctor lady said that I should try to touch strange Pokémon more often!


The sudden movement of a stranger's hand also startled Ibrahimovic, who was afraid of strangers.

Just as he was about to dodge, he remembered that he was now traveling with Xiaozhi and had to work hard to overcome his timid personality.

Well, that satellite-headed man said that he should try to contact strange human beings more often!

So, Ibrahimovic closed his eyes tightly and tried not to dodge, and the blond girl also stretched out her palm with a sullen face.

Xiaozhi: "...?"

Although he didn't understand what happened, he didn't interrupt.

Finally, Lillie's palm successfully touched Ibrahimovic's face, and her fingers felt soft.



After completing the difficult task of touching a Pokémon (being touched by a human), both of them let out a long breath and celebrated excitedly.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He was caught in the middle, and the scene was somewhat strange.

After contact, both Lillie and Ibrahimovic realized that each other seemed to have certain "character flaws" and that they were both "patients". The eyes they looked at each other suddenly became much friendlier.

After a while, Lillie noticed that there was Xiaozhi between them.

Because her attention was previously focused on Eevee on Xiaozhi's shoulder, she was almost in front of Xiaozhi unknowingly. She quickly exclaimed, covered her mouth and stepped back.

"Ah, I'm sorry...my doctor asked me to try my best to interact with strange Pokémon. I accidentally fell into a trance just now!"

Ash waved his hand and didn't care. He could feel the blond girl's love for Pokémon.

After coming back to her senses, Lillie quickly took off her wide sun hat, bowed lightly, and said seriously:

"I forgot to introduce myself...my name is Lillie, and I'm a student at Alola Pokémon School!"

"As commissioned by the principal, I came here to pick up a trainer named Xiaozhi from the Kanto region."

Lillie's words were quite formal, and she held up a mobile phone in her hand. On the screen was the latest full-body photo of Ash when he was directing the battle at the Tournament of Power.


I don’t know if it’s because of the filters used in the photos, but Lillie always feels that the boy in front of her is different from the one in the photos?

At first, I didn’t dare to come up and ask.

Then he saw Pikachu rolling on the ground. There was also a Pikachu next to Xiaozhi's leg in the photo. Only then did he confirm it and took the initiative to step forward.

"Oh Lillie, I'm Ash Ketchum! And here's Eevee, Pokédex Rotom, and uh, Pikachu."

Xiaozhi finally pointed at Pikachu, who had already gotten up from the ground, and his expression immediately dropped.

He remembered that when Pikachu was slashed before, his whole body was sent flying and the thick wood not far away was broken. The main theme of the scene was violence.

Today, it was just rolling on the ground a few times... the scene was a bit quieter?

However, Pikachu's aura did seem to have dropped a bit, and he seemed very weak.

However, now Xiaozhi has long been accustomed to it. As long as he passes the initial threshold, Pikachu's strength will slowly recover and even break through the limit, becoming stronger.

At the same time, Lillie was also secretly looking at Xiaozhi.

This person looks to be the same age as me... maybe 1 or 2 years older than me at most, right?

According to the principal, it seems that he was a powerful trainer specially invited from outside to guide them in Pokémon battles? !

As a teacher... But Xiaozhi looks no different from Kachi and the others, right? !

However, Lillie was a polite and good child and did not express her doubts. Instead, she smiled and politely walked ahead to lead the way.

"Then let me lead the way now, Xiaozhi um... Teacher Xiaozhi?"

Adding this suffix is ​​still weird! ! (End of chapter)

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