He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3189 The Legend of Necrozma

The ultimate metropolis.

Soon, the three of Xiaozhi, led by Xionila, headed to the central lighthouse.

Climbing up the stairs, Xiaozhi discovered that these light sources were not actually some black technology, but simple high-power lamps?

"This is a light-emitting device that our scientists have spent decades of hard work developing. And all the power of the entire city must be concentrated together to light it up and run it."

Xiongnila proudly introduced.

It is precisely in this way that in the ultimate city full of darkness, it is like lighting up a star.


Other people in the metropolis basically have no power and are doing other things.

Xiaozhi and the three of them looked at each other. Isn't this just an ordinary light bulb?

You don’t have Adiga here?

And the lighting doesn’t consume much electricity, so it doesn’t require the whole city’s electricity to maintain it, right?

The three of them could only lament again that the technology tree of this world was really crooked.

Especially when it comes to light-related fields!

Therefore, there is no elevator in the lighthouse.

It took a while just to climb up to the 100-meter-high floor. Ash wanted to release Cresselia and fly up directly.

"This is a no-fly zone for Pokémon!"

Xiongnila quickly reminded them that they are still very religious here.

Xiaozhi could only put away the Poke Ball and curled his lips.

While walking bored, he thought of something and said casually:

"Talking about the three ultimate beasts just downstairs of the lighthouse."

Xiongnila nodded and replied:

"Yes, those are the ultimate beasts tamed by Mr. Chi. We use them to guard the most important central lighthouse."

Previously under the lighthouse, he saw a slender Explosive Muscle Mosquito, whose deflated muscles seemed to have not yet recovered.

And a paper sword with a very blunt edge.

This is an extremely small ultimate beast, like an origami man. It's hard to find unless you look carefully.

There was also the evil eating king lying on the ground helplessly, looking like he was starving and thin.

This Pokémon was supposed to be one level bigger than the Ancient God, like a small building, but that one looked quite anorexic and malnourished.

Xiaozhi: "."

He couldn't say whether it was Brother Chi who beat him up like this, or whether the people from the Ultimate Investigation Team didn't know how to raise Ultra Beasts after they took over?

After a long time, both Lillie and Man Yue were too weak to walk.

The old man Cionila was also panting from exhaustion before they climbed to the top of the tower.

Go around the outside of the flat tower top, walk up the last circle of stairs, and enter from the side.

At the top of the tower is a closed hall room, surrounded by glass.

The luminous tubes of the Metropolitan Lighthouse are all covered on the surface of the building. Through the scattered light, you can see clearly what is going on in the hall on the top of the tower——

The place is very empty, except for a huge black crystal that is nearly five meters high in the center.

It is sharp-edged and translucent, and one can barely see the "frozen" existence inside the crystal.

Its body also seems to be made of black crystal, but the color is darker and opaque, forming the trunk and limbs of the whole body.

There are three claws at the end of the huge crystal hands, and gradient-colored triangular prism-shaped crystals protrude from the back of the hands.

The small head seems to be colorful, but it is wrapped in prism-shaped black crystals, which is not obvious, and there are spikes on the top.

The whole body was curled up in the crystal stone, in a deep sleep state, just frozen in it.

The aura was extremely weak, as if it had completely merged with the surrounding black crystal.

"Is this the injured ancient god that Brother Chi said?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a few steps closer and look carefully through the crystal on the surface.

On the contrary, the arms and lower limbs can be vaguely discerned, as well as the prismatic torso wrapping the head.

It looked completely different from the Pokémon he knew!


As a pharmacist, Man Yue raised her eyebrows. After hesitating for a moment, she took a few steps closer to observe carefully.

But soon she shook her head.

It was not a normal injury, it was not something she could understand.

Sionela also walked up and introduced the Sombra Pokémon to the three of them.

"This Pokémon's name is Necrozma. Legend has it that it came here from other worlds in ancient times. It is the most special existence. Of course, in your Alola region, it should be more commonly called, the God of Glory! "

Lillie's eyes widened, she had seen this name in the book.

It seems to be a legendary Pokémon that grants light to the Alola region?

Does it really exist? !

"So, why is it hurt?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Xiongnila's expression suddenly froze, and her tone seemed a little awkward:

"Well, this seems to be a mistake made by our ancestors."

According to the historical records of their ultimate metropolis, Necrozma was originally a great ancient god who granted light to both worlds.

And the other two ancient gods——

The sun god Solgaleo and the moon god Lunala carry this light cycle over and over again, running in the world alternately and reasonably.

When Solgaleo goes to the Alola region, Lunala will be in the Ultimate World, and vice versa.

This just constitutes the sunset and dusk changes of the day.

So in the distant era, the ultimate world was like the Alola region, a place full of light.

In the sky, the three ancient gods perform their respective duties and live in harmony.

"Later, I don't know what happened. Our ancestors seemed to have lost their minds and suddenly coveted Necrozma's power."

"They attacked Necrozma, trying to take its power for themselves."

In the end, the human action in the Ultimate World failed.

But it also severely damaged Necrozma, depriving it of the light energy and causing it difficult to heal.

In a rage, Necrozma destroyed the habitat of humans in the Ultimate World and absorbed all the light in the Ultimate World in an attempt to recover from its injuries.

However, its injured body seemed to have a crack that could never be repaired.

No matter how much light it absorbed, it would leak out after a while and completely dissipate, and it could not be filled at all.

So, Necrozma's body turned black.

And the Ultimate World, which was drained of light by it, no longer had any light and became completely dark.

"So Necrozma, whose temperament changed drastically, set his sights on the Sun God and the Moon God."

Sionila seemed to be telling some ethereal myth story.

In the sky, the scene of Necrozma, dressed in black, chasing the Sun God and the Moon God and biting each other was seen by the Muggles on the ground, and there were corresponding myths and legends.

Man Yue's eyes sank, and he spoke slowly:

"Solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse?" (End of this chapter)

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