He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 355 Xiaolan: Haha I wear three too!

Thunder bombs, pay attention to a big hit small, relying on the extremely powerful acceleration of gravity and the hardness of the floor to cause double damage.

Don't look at the last thunderbolt as if nothing happened, but the big-mouthed bat is not as rough and thick as Xiaozhi, and the power of the giant claw crab is much stronger than that of a mortal like Shiba, and its power soars I don't know how many levels.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The gravel and water splashed violently, and the tragic cry of the big-mouthed bat could be faintly heard.

When the smoke dissipated, the big-mouthed bat had already floated on the water surface, its body was covered with black and blue scars, and it completely lost its ability to fight. There were still debris floating around the water surface, looking very miserable.

"Knock, gnaw, knock, gnaw!"

The giant claw crab jumped up from the water, stood on another floating board, held up two huge giant claws, and swaggered towards the audience, very majestic.

"Competitor Guangwu's three Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, and this battle is won by player Xiaozhi and the Giant Claw!"

As the referee's verdict fell, Guangwu's head on the electronic board above also turned gray, and was finally squeezed out of the screen, leaving only Xiaozhi's head, surrounded by special effects of celebrating fireworks.

"Xiaozhi advances to the next round!"

At the end of the game, the auditorium became restless, and the momentum was not low.

"Tuigui, one wears three again?"

"That giant claw crab is amazing!"

"He even used Master Xiba's signature trick..."

"Recently, I heard that Master Shiba has accepted a new disciple. Could it be this person?"

The surrounding audience cast strong cheers. Undoubtedly, the fierce and strong fighting style of the giant claw crab today attracted many seafood fans, and many people secretly remembered the name Zhenxin Town Xiaozhi.


"Hahaha Giant Claw Crab!!"

At the end of the game, Xiao Zhi, who was always tense, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and then a burst of joy surged in his heart. He couldn't help jumping directly onto the floating board in the water field, and jumped to the giant clamp after a few jumps. The floating board where the crab is located moves lightly and quickly, and the heels of the crab do not even get any splashes.

"You did a great job!"

Xiaozhi hugged the giant claw crab's red-shelled head excitedly, and it made him feel a little weird to hold it like this.

The previous giant claw crab only reached his crotch, but now the giant claw crab is bigger than his whole body, and his arms can't even be fully embraced when he stretches out, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Knock, gnaw, knock, cough~~"

The giant claw crab's eyes also narrowed into an arc, happily raised one of the claws, and lightly tapped Xiaozhi's head.

In Xiaozhi's team, he went through three at the beginning, not to mention that there will be no one in the future, but at least there is no one before.

It can go back to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute and retire as a hero!


"Hmph! Good luck!"

On the other side, Guangwu took back the big-mouthed bat, and looked at the person and crab hugging on the water field with a livid face. At this moment, the eyes of all the audience and the focus of the camera were on them, which made Guangwu, who likes the camera, a little burst of mentality.

But in the end, he had no choice but to wave his hand fiercely, turned his head and walked behind.

No one cares about a loser, let alone a loser who has been passed through three times.

"This kind of vulgar competition, I'd better go back to Fangyuan area to participate in the gorgeous competition..."

Guangwu secretly calculated, this time he will try to get an amazing result in the top 16!

That's right, I'm going to have a seafood feast tonight, just steamed big crabs!


"Xiaozhi, not bad, a good start."

"The future is promising!"

After the game, Xiaogang Xiaoxia, who was sitting at the table of relatives and friends, came forward to congratulate and said that she was beaming, and she was able to start with one and three. On the one hand, that Guangwu is really good, but it also shows that Xiaozhi's strength is not weak at the moment.

"Xiaozhi contestant from Zhenxin Town, we are from the official TV station, can we interview you?"

A few reporters came together, and the players who can wear three in one must have good strength, and they are all worthy of attention in this competition.

Xiaozhi agreed without even thinking about it, and stood directly in front of the camera, waving and showing joy.

"Oh, as far as I know, there are three trainers participating in Zhenxin Town this time, and now all three of them have achieved an amazing record of one wear and three per capita. Is the Feng Shui in Zhenxin Town better? The level of the trainers Are they all this tall?"

Xiaozhi frowned, why did the reporter start asking about feudal superstitions if he didn't ask other questions?

But from the reporter's words, it seems that Xiaolan's girl is really wearing three clothes...?

"Haha, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the future Pokémon master, and I will definitely win the championship this time!"

He didn't say much, and immediately put down his bold words, his fiery aura soared to the sky, shocking the surrounding people.


Pokémon Master, what is this?

A few reporters secretly wrote down this term, and prepared to look it up later...

After a wave of interviews was over, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were quick to drag Xiaozhi away from the crowd and walked towards the contestant center when several waves of reporters intervened.

You must know that there is still a game tomorrow, so it’s almost enough to have fun now. If you have more time, it’s better to go back to formulate tactics, or take a strategic break to prepare for tomorrow’s game.

As Xiaozhi's strongest support at the moment, he has to fight on his own, but they need to guarantee the time outside the competition these few days!

"If Xiaozhi wins the championship trophy, at least half of it must be given to me!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia secretly thought that before they knew it, they had already divided up the trophy completely...



Soon, the three returned to the Pokémon Center.

The competition outside is still going on in full swing, which has actually reduced the flow of people in the indoor hall a lot. At first glance, there are no people.

"Miss Joy, please."

Xiaozhi put the Giant Crab's Poké Ball on an iron plate that looks like a dinner plate. It is said that Miss Joy here will provide special services.

Rejuvenating with a massage for Pokémon, which made Pikachu's ears twitch, and he jumped on the dinner plate very much.


Although it didn't fight, it took a lot of energy to watch three games next to it. It was reasonable to plan to have a massage for nothing.

"Please pick up your Pokémon in half an hour~"

Miss Joy smiled and pushed the trolley in the shape of a dinner plate into the inner room, and began to replenish the magic.

And Xiaozhi swept his eyes towards the Pokémon Center, planning to find a place to rest temporarily and recover his mental strength.

I saw him walk to an armchair with a few steps, without thinking about it, he immediately turned around and sat on it, then leaned his body back, tilted his head back, and planned to sit on it directly.


There was a sudden explosion like hitting steel, followed by a sharp pain from the back of his head, which made Xiao Zhi immediately jump up again, squatting on the ground with his head covered and whining.

"Hiss...it hurts so much!!"

Xiaozhi hasn't experienced this kind of pain for a long time, even the last time I ate Xiba and hit the thunder with all his strength, I didn't feel anything when the bomb exploded.

The last time it hurt like this was in Dead Leaf City, it hit Xiaolan's steel head, right? !

He half-closed his eyes and looked towards the armchair, secretly cursing who put a piece of steel here to attack people!

This movement also attracted the attention of Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, and they leaned over one after another.

"What's wrong?"

It turns out that the rest chairs here are as anti-human as Dead Leaf City, and they are also lined up back to back. At this moment, there is also a head on the back of Xiaozhi's seat.

This is a human head wearing a white sun hat. It looks so hard that it hurt Xiaozhi's head. The owner of the head still didn't respond at all, motionless, as if a mosquito was staring at it. .

"This hat... looks familiar?"

The three of them walked around to the back of the chair, but there was a girl with long brown hair under the sun hat, with a calm and leisurely expression. At this moment, her body was leaning on the chair like soft mud, her eyes were empty and hollow.

"Little Blue?!"

This slime girl is Xiaozhi's good friend forever.

"Hehe...haha, isn't this a fellow villager?"

It was only then that Xiaolan noticed the crowd, but she didn't get up, she was still leaning there weakly.

Xiaozhi didn't suspect him, and immediately patted the latter on the head with a smile in his eyes.

"I've already heard that today you also got off to a good start and broke the record for the fastest time in the league competition! You don't lose face to Zhenxin Town!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help laughing, and blurted out:

"Ahhh, are you all wearing three? I was also wearing three today hahahaha."

"Haha, that's right, this year we want to let the world know how strong Zhenxin Town is... What did you say?"

Xiaozhi suddenly reacted, changed his face instantly, and looked at Xiaolan in a daze.


The key words he heard along the way seemed to be "True New Town", "Flame Bird Trainer", "One Wear Three", "Shortest Time".

But being worn three by one.

Do these keywords also make sense? !

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