He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Four hundred and thirteenth full battle! Flame vs. Flame!

"Damn, how did I forget this trick!"

Xiaozhi has studied a lot of Roaring Tiger's battles, and they all start with a high-five surprise attack, but he forgot when he really played today.

Seeing this, the masked man took advantage of the situation and shouted:

"Roaring Tiger, use Hell Spike!!"

"Tiger Roar!"

At this moment, a dragon and a tiger are close at hand, and the fire-breathing dragon is even half a head taller than it in size, but in terms of momentum, the roaring tiger is more like a giant, with its right tiger palm raised, fingertips closed, and the upper part The energy of the black light turned into a stab of energy, piercing straight towards the head of the fire-breathing dragon, as if it could penetrate everything, extremely dangerous.


The fire-breathing dragon's eyes were bright, and its slender head suddenly turned sideways at the last moment, barely avoiding it. The terrible black-purple energy of Hell Spike just kept falling on the side of its head, and it could even be felt by its ears. temperature of attack.

For a moment, the two stood there, showing a handsome attack and evasion posture together.

"Hmph, my fire-breathing dragon can do the hell stab!"

That's what he said, but Xiaozhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing this scene, and then his eyes fixed, this time it was his turn to take the initiative to attack.

"Grab it like this, use the earth throw!!"


The fire-breathing dragon leaned forward, relying on the advantage of its size, its arms swooped forward like a hungry wolf, and it was about to directly hug the roaring tiger in front of it and display its special skills.

The masked man calmly said:

"Roaring Tiger, take over its strength and use the shoulder throw!"

After the words fell, the Roaring Tiger's eyes narrowed, and the stabbing energy on the tiger's palm was dissipated instantly. With a flip of his arms, they stayed in the middle position, and when he clenched his fingers, he tightly clasped the force-generating part of the fire-breathing dragon's wrist, locking directly. Dead the latter action.

"Tiger Roar!!"

Immediately, the roaring tiger sank into his dantian, his waist sank, and his whole body suddenly exerted force, taking advantage of his smaller size than the fire-breathing dragon, he directly threw the latter's huge body back.

Juli caused the fire-breathing dragon to fall to the field three meters away before stopping its backward movement, and a burst of smoke and dust splashed around it.

"Smooth movement..."

Even Xiaozhi, who was his opponent, couldn't help sighing.

The two commentators on the stage even highly praised Roaring Tiger's wrestling movements, expressing that they were very standard and perfect.

You know, if it wasn't for Mr. Ma's sniping last year, the masked man and his roaring tiger would have been very likely to become the P1 Fighting World Championship.

Even afterward, the Heavenly King Xiba also said in person that his strange strength is not as good as the actual fighting and wrestling skills alone.

It can be said that Roaring Tiger's attainment in fighting skills has reached an extremely high level...


Seeing that they were separated by several meters, Xiaozhi quickly instructed:

"Fly now, Charizard!!"

It's just that when the fire-breathing dragon was about to spread its wings and take off again, the masked man's voice was like a devil's voice, which made Xiaozhi's face turn cold.

"Roaring Tiger, use Loud Roar."

In the next second, there was a burst of thunder and explosions on the field, and the roar of the tiger was released from the mouth of the roaring tiger, filled with extremely terrifying power. In a trance, it seemed that this sound wave turned into red and black solid ripples , shaking the whole earth.


This terrible roar made the fire-breathing dragon suffocate again. It lost its center of gravity and couldn't take off.

However, the masked man's move was not over yet, and he continued to speak:

"It's now, use the DD golden hook arm!!"

After the words fell, the roaring tiger closed its mouth, but the ear-piercing roar still reverberated in everyone's minds, and their heads were dizzy like sequelae.

The Roaring Tiger has already raised its two tiger paws, and its body is turning like a spinning top. The surface of its skin is covered with a layer of energy coat, like a red and black flame burning out of thin air, with a terrifying and penetrating aura.

Immediately, it started to move, its whole body spinning and burning all the way, while rushing towards the target at high speed.

DD golden hook arm! !


The fire-breathing dragon on the other side shook its head on the spot, and had just recovered from the terrifying roar when it saw the crazily spinning red and black flames, and was bombarded head-on on its chest before it had time to react.

"Boom boom boom!!"

DD's golden hook arm continuously strikes out, and every rotation and collision represents an old punch from the Roaring Tiger. Each punch carries vigorous strength and terrifying evil energy, entangled like a flame.

After colliding for a few seconds, the fire-breathing dragon finally couldn't withstand the terrible impact of DD's golden hook arm, and its body suddenly retreated, obviously causing a huge damage.


Xiaozhi's anxious shout immediately made him feel certain.


However, during the process of retreating, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly focused its eyes, and inserted its sharp claws into the ground to forcefully stop the retreating movement. Then it showed a fierce look, and raised its slender head and let out a provocative dragon roar.

It opened its dragon mouth, and spit out a ball of hot flames towards the front. The flame energy that rushed out had a high temperature, roasting the surrounding air.

Spit flames! !

Even so, the Charizard chose to attack.

Seeing this, the masked man's expression remained unchanged, and he issued an inexplicable command.

"Roaring Tiger, accept its jet flame!"

The Roaring Tiger understood, jumped a few steps forward, stood across the field and assumed a winner's posture, and then straightened his waist forward.


There was a burst of strange light from the flame belt around its waist, and then a violent jet of flame arrived, but it was easily sucked into it, like a glutton devouring it. In less than a while, the previous fiery flame, It completely disappeared.

The flames dissipated, but the Roaring Tiger's waist, which was originally an orange belt, instantly became golden, and the light flickered like breathing, as if it was overloaded, and it was about to explode...

"This is?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, the characteristic of Roaring Tiger is to intimidate, not to cause fire, right? You can also swallow the jet flame?

"Didi. Roaring Tiger's flame belt has the function of temporarily storing excess heat. Note that it is temporary."

The illustration book reminded in time.

Cold knowledge, in addition to the skills and characteristics that Pokémon has mastered, it also has special abilities that come with its own body organs.

For example, Pikachu's electric bag actually has the ability to store electricity for a short time, but Xiaozhi has not tried it.


Xiaozhi's expression changed.

"Tiger Roar!!"

Before he could react, the Roaring Tiger roared suddenly, posing as a wrestler winning. On the flaming belt around his waist, a crimson magma-like fiery flame spewed out from the center.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The power of this flame is several times higher than that of the fire-breathing dragon. The flame belt is not only returned in the same way, but even doubled.

The whole arena suddenly smelled of burning, the temperature rose a lot, and everyone's face was hot for a while.

"Charizard, hurry up! Fly up!!"

Xiaozhi's anxious voice made the stunned Charizard come back to his senses, and hurriedly fluttered its wings up. Fortunately, no one interrupted its take-off this time, and it flew several meters high in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The terrifying crimson flame was half a second behind, passing by its hind legs close to the side, as if even the void was pierced. The terrible high temperature made the fire-breathing dragon feel a rare feeling of scalding its feet.

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