He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 415: Everyone Fights! Mane Rock Werewolf - Daytime Appearance!


The angry roar of the fire-breathing dragon interrupted Xiaozhi's thoughts, but he saw that the fire dragon in front of him had stood up again. Although he looked tired, he forcibly stretched his wings and looked at the target with burning eyes.


Even the flame at the end of its tail has soared by more than three times at this moment, symbolizing the high fighting spirit in its heart at this moment.


Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering in a low voice, the fire light shone on his face.

Fire-type Pokémon have a proud self-esteem in their bones, especially when facing the same fire-type Pokémon, this battle has also rekindled his fighting spirit.

"Alright, fire-breathing dragon, then fight with all your strength!!"

Xiaozhi took a step across, and his will was connected with the fire-breathing dragon.

"Dragon Roar!!"

The fire-breathing dragon spewed out a blazing flame. At this moment, the color of its fiery red body skin gradually deepened, turning towards the reddish brown of the volcanic lava, and even took on a bright red luster, flashing like breathing. , Contains majestic energy.

The air that was a few meters away from the arena touched its skin, and bursts of steaming white air immediately filled the air.


Even from the cracks between the fire-breathing dragon's teeth, a lot of white air was sprayed out, as if it was about to be unable to restrain the violent energy in its body.

"Oh, is it the last blow..."

Seeing this, a wonderful smile appeared on the masked man's face, Roaring Tiger understood, jumped forward one meter, and assumed an attacking posture, the flame energy on the flame belt was strong.

The next second, Xiaozhi raised his finger and roared loudly:

"Charizard, use the last purgatory!!"

As soon as the words fell, countless red lotus flames spewed out around the fire-breathing dragon's body, spreading and rising continuously, covering this half of the arena with terrifying purgatory flames, like a sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this scene, the masked man also roared loudly.

"Roaring Tiger, we use Explosive Flames!!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

Roaring Tiger's energy had already been fully charged, and he straightened his waist without moving, and suddenly spewed out a large group of red lotus flames from the center of the flame belt, turning into a huge fireball.

The flame burned to the extreme in an instant, turning into bright red pure flame energy, completely losing the entity of the flame.

It looked really good-looking, but it was thrilling, and the energy contained in it was also exaggerated to the extreme.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two groups of flames collided without hindrance in the center of the arena, and suddenly the flames shot up into the sky, forming a flame tornado in the center, causing a terrible smoke and dust explosion! !

The impact of the flame energy even turned into hot wind spreading around, which raised the temperature of the entire arena a lot, and the audience blocked their faces one after another.

The momentum was so strong that the flame tornado in the center finally couldn't hold on, and turned into scattered flame fragments and smoke explosions, enveloping all the roaring tigers and fire-breathing dragons on the field.


There was another burst of explosions. Although it is hard to see what is going on off the field at this moment, the only thing that is certain is that there is an extremely terrifying collision happening...


The fire and smoke dissipated.

On the field, the two Pokémon were looking at each other from a distance of five meters.

"Tiger Roar!"

The tiger howled.

But the Roaring Tiger on the side didn't seem to have suffered any abnormalities, it was not seriously injured, and it was still alive and well.

But the fire-breathing dragon on the other side had its eyes half-closed, its power to breathe was almost exhausted, its figure was crumbling, and even the flame at the end of its tail was wilting.

"It's over, Blazing Roaring Tiger!"

As the masked man's voice fell, the roaring tiger sprinted towards the target again. Although the movement was not fast, the fire-breathing dragon at this moment had no strength to dodge or defend.


A purple-black bewitching energy ray flashed in the fire-breathing dragon's eyes. The roaring tiger's fingertips closed together in a stab-like shape. The tiger's claws were raised, and its figure flew quickly, and finally stopped at the fire-breathing dragon in a stabbing posture. behind.


In the next second, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon crashed to the ground.

"The fire-breathing dragon can't fight, the roaring tiger wins!!"

This time the referee was a little less shocked. After all, the whole league, this Roaring Tiger's battles were like this, basically overwhelming crushing, and he was used to it.

It is said that this masked man is not a unique skill brother, but a Liuhua player, but judging from the experience of the referee, this is a Roaring Tiger unique skill brother.

"This guy's Roaring Tiger is far stronger than the others... Or maybe there is something hidden...?"

After all, the masked man has only released three Pokémon now, and no one knows what the last three are.


"You're doing well, Charizard."

After a few seconds of being stiff, Xiaozhi still slowly put the fire-breathing dragon into the elf ball. Although this overwhelming victory made him a little unacceptable, it was the fact that he was already mentally prepared.

"Is this the mentality of Xiaomao and Xiaolan when they face the masked man..."

Xiaozhi's mentality is still much stronger than Xiaomao's, and he quickly regained his morale, thinking about the next battle, but he hesitated for a while with the poke ball in his hand.

"The only thing that can fight this Roaring Tiger is my Iron Armor Chrysalis, but should I use it now...?"

Even though the armored chrysalis is already at the pinnacle, but its own level is low, perfect and comfortable, it is the power of God that fighting Pokémon can only display after tempering its own body. If the armored chrysalis uses this power, it will be strong In less than a minute, I have to lie on the bed for half a month...

But if you just use ordinary Zi Zi Ji Yi, although the realm is still one level higher than Roaring Tiger, even if you win, you will probably exhaust a lot of energy, it's not that simple.

After all, the level gap is there, plus the unfavorable attributes...

"Come back, Roaring Tiger."

Unexpectedly, at this time, the opposite party suddenly took Roaring Tiger back, which made Xiao Zhi's expression change.

"I know you have a special armored chrysalis. Since you want to save it until the end, then I will save my Roaring Tiger for you as well." The masked man has a strong ability to detect words and emotions, and he sensed Xiaozhi's hesitation, so he directly helped It makes a choice.

After all, he wanted to face an opponent who was going all out, not a timid Xiaozhi.

"Come out, my fourth Pokémon!"

This time, the masked man was the first to throw his Pokéball, a red light flashed, and a taupe animal-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of him.

It has a light brown fur body, slender and well-proportioned limbs and a large white tail on the back, and several sharp mane rocks grow around the neck.

Two ears stand up on the wolf's head, the eyes are light blue, the nose and mouth protrude forward, and the face is extremely determined and passionate.

"Didi. Mane Rock Werewolf - the appearance of the day, the Pokémon of the Alola region, rock attributes, sharp teeth and claws, extremely fast movement speed and reaction, has an unyielding will, and will burst into wolf-like Pokémon at critical moments Kemeng's innate animal nature."

The picture book suggested.

The anxiety of the battle, which made its broadcast gradually lose its nonsense, and it was all dry stuff.

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