He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 419: All members fight! The power of fetters, free will!

"Geng Gui, thank you for your hard work..."

Xiaozhi sighed, he should have taken Geng Gui back directly, instead of using it to forcefully fight the Roaring Tiger with extremely unfavorable attributes.

There were three left, and he no longer planned to send Froggrass to fight. Its physical strength was not much left, and it was a grass attribute restrained by flames.

The most important thing is that Froggrass has grown enough in this competition, and there is no point in appearing again.

So now only the last two are left...

After some hesitation, Xiaozhi threw out his fifth poke ball.


A red light flashed, and what appeared on the field was a green chrysalis more than one meter high.

The banana-shaped curved figure stands on the ground, with a few black cracks and lines on the green body, irregular and somewhat mysterious, implying the profound meaning of the law of the universe. His eyes calmly stare at ahead.

"Come out, it's the armored chrysalis!"

"Turtle, is it only the fifth one to appear on the stage?"

As soon as the Armored Chrysalis appeared on the stage, many viewers were already excited. They had seen the performance of this Pokémon in the finalist competition. Although the almost crushing and unreasonable fighting style was a surprise, it left them with a deep impression. Made an indelible impression.

"Isn't this just an ordinary house bug?"

"This Xiaozhi player is going to play a fake match again for nothing?"

"I throw a stone into the grass for this kind of insect, and it may stun one of them. What's the fuss?"

But not every audience watched the play-in competition, and more audiences were baffled, not understanding why a rotten street bug could cause such a commotion.

Could it be possible to turn the sky into a dragon?

"Oh, didn't he appear last?"

Seeing this scene, the masked man on the opposite side was also taken aback for a moment. He carefully reviewed Xiaozhi's four play-in matches, and naturally also saw the battle of the armored chrysalis.

One thing to say, he couldn't understand.

That power, beyond the range of his current cognition, brought him a great shock...

He has never experienced this feeling, whether it is the trial and the big trial in the Alola region, or the challenges of the alliance conference in several regions.

However, this does not mean that he is about to admit defeat.

Fighting the strong is what he has always wanted. Although the masked man doesn't know how Xiaozhi made the armored chrysalis do that, he won't hold back when the battle is approaching.

I want to defeat this armored chrysalis! !

"So the last trump card is actually the electric mouse...?"

The masked man looked over the armored chrysalis and saw the fat Pikachu next to Xiaozhi's legs. He thought to himself that this electric mouse should also be a bad street Pokémon. When he passed by Viridian Forest, he would throw a stone at random, and he might be knocked unconscious. A Pikachu.

Although this Pikachu had released terrible thunder in the previous game, it was only average compared to this armored chrysalis.

Does it have any other special talents?

Moreover, this electric mouse has been staring at him since the beginning of the game, constantly shaking its long stepped tail. Its Pokémon is not unusual, so the masked man didn't say anything.

It's just that his body, compared with the past, always feels a little inexplicably weak...?

"Tiger Roar..."

Even the Roaring Tiger didn't dare to be careless. He carefully looked at the bug in front of him, lowered his center of gravity, and always maintained an intermediate posture of attacking and defending at any time.

This kind of bug can usually burn a nest with a single fire, and it won't look directly at it at all.

But the Minin in front of him had no energy fluctuations, giving it a sense of mediocrity, and because of this, Roaring Tiger was inexplicably flustered.

Really makes the ax big...


"Two, the game begins!"

As the referee's voice fell, the Roaring Tiger hadn't moved yet, but the armored chrysalis in front of Xiaozhi burst out a terrible breath out of thin air, and the air wave roared towards the surroundings. The terrible momentum made the Roaring Tiger back up half a step.

All of a sudden, streaks of silver-white strange streamers appeared on the surface of the armored chrysalis, sliding slowly like silver energy tadpoles.

Immediately, the armored chrysalis was shining with silver light, and it changed from ordinary to noble and sacred in an instant.

The mighty aura of the tall and powerful shrouded the entire arena like energy ripples, as if the aura of gods brought by the coming of some gods was the flame bird on the highest stage of the main arena, and the flames on his body trembled. trembling.

The arena suddenly became quiet.

Although the vast majority of the audience didn't know what happened, they subconsciously held their breath.

Freedom of mind, mega level!

As soon as the match started, Iron Armored Pupa directly entered the ultimate realm.


As it opened its eyes again, there was a faint silver luster flowing in the pupils, and the expression of breathing seemed to be the same person as Xiaozhi behind him at this moment.

The power of bondage!

Not only the ultimate state of the Armored Chrysalis, Xiaozhi also used his strongest ability at the beginning.

The ultimate state needs his will to be superimposed to maintain. It can be said that one person and one insect have entered the best fighting state at the very beginning.

But on the other hand, it also shows the strength of the Roaring Tiger in front of him. Although he is stronger in realm at the moment, the gap in level and attribute is still there...

It must be done quickly!


"It's really scary, this force..."

The masked man at the other end swallowed his saliva, but soon, his eyes and Roaring Tiger's eyes showed a fighting spirit at the same time, because this is the match he wants!

"Roaring Tiger, use Jet Flame!!"

First, the masked man chose to test.

The Roaring Tiger nodded. It also felt that the bug in front of it seemed to be in a terrible state. It didn't dare to be careless. It stretched its arms and raised its waist. A violent flame burst out from the center of the flame belt, and the attack range was quite large. .

"Iron Armor Chrysalis!"

When the flames hit, Xiao Zhi just let out a low cry.

The armored chrysalis leaned backwards like a grand master's chair, but it just tilted out 3 degrees, the silver streamer flickered, and the body disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, ferocious flames flew across the sky, scorching the ground where it had stayed before, and the sand and soil in the air suddenly smelled of burning.


At this moment, a dull sound appeared behind Roaring Tiger, and at some point, the Iron Armored Pupa appeared behind it, standing there quietly, with a silver light in its eyes, as if it had completely penetrated Roaring Tiger's body organs flaws everywhere.

Seeing this, the masked man quickly shouted:

"Roaring Tiger, use the DD golden hook arm to defend!"

The Roaring Tiger quickly dissipated the flames around its waist, raised its two tiger paws and began to rotate on the spot. During the rotation, a surge of red and black energy erupted from the surface of its body, as if a terrible black flame had been ignited.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

DD's golden hook arm rotates crazily, similar to a high-speed rotation skill, protecting its body in all directions.

"it's useless..."

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi just said so lightly.

The fetters are connected so that he can understand the will of the armored chrysalis at this moment, the seemingly invincible absolute defense, in its eyes, is full of flaws...


Iron Armor Chrysalis made a move.

The body leaned forward, silver light flickered, and appeared in front of the Roaring Tiger almost like a flash. The terrifying black flame was spinning wildly, less than half a foot away from it.

So its banana-shaped body leaned forward a foot.


In the next second, the Roaring Tiger's spinning body stopped.

The energy of the black flame dissipated suddenly, and the DD's golden hook arm was forcibly interrupted, and the joints of the arm were stuck to death by the armor pupa.


The Roaring Tiger was a little dazed, but before it could take any action, the next moment had arrived.

The silver streamer flickered, and the armored chrysalis continued to push forward, this time the tip of its tail touched the roaring tiger's ribs.

The soul is completely separated from the body. At this moment, it concentrates a force on one point without consuming energy at all.

Then it exploded instantly! !


A huge force suddenly came from the position of the ribs, which caused the roaring tiger to be knocked out directly, and its body kept rolling in mid-air, and the tiger's head was even more doubtful about life...

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