He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 425 Du's best lineup recommendation

At this time, Du suddenly took out a speech and handed it to Xiaozhi, his eyes sank, and he said in a low voice:

"This is the perfect coping strategy I made before. Take a look. If there is no problem, I will go to the press conference with me later."

That's right, as the strongest man in Kanto, he will naturally not make an unprepared attempt. This crisis is related to the luck of the entire Kanto region for decades. Figure out the perfect coping strategy.

Since it is a hot search on Weibo, we must mobilize the strongest public relations crisis!

And sooner rather than later, this fire should be extinguished before this matter is fully finalized.

Du, who frequently browses Weibo, is handy with this process.

"Ah...it seems...does understand..."

On the hospital bed, looking at the manuscript, Xiaozhi couldn't help nodding.

At a cursory glance, the content of the manuscript is clear, logical, and perfectly explained. If Xiaozhi was not the person at the center of the incident, he would have believed it.

"Pika pickup..."

But just as he was about to get up, Pikachu next to him pressed on the back of his hand, shook his head, and signaled that he couldn't move yet and had to rest.

"I was negligent. Miss Joy said that you will lie in bed for three months..."

Du raised his eyebrows and couldn't help frowning.

It's a little secret, but it's not a big problem. Just replace the press conference with a private interview. The image in the ward may be more convincing...

Before he finished speaking, Du suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw Xiaozhi supported the bed board with his arm, turned to the side, jumped up from the hospital bed, and landed smoothly.

Then he jumped a few times on the spot, swung his head and arms, and made the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

"Oh! Mr. To, I have fully recovered now!"

Fearing that the other party would not believe it, Xiaozhi even punched the void, and the blow that was stirred up wiped the transitional dazed face very vigorously.

"Ahem... It seems that Miss Joy made a mistake..."

Du had no choice but to explain in this way, indeed, how can there be a disease of lying in bed for three months after playing a game...

Immediately, the two of them didn't delay, Du took Xiaozhi and walked out of the ward, and Pikachu jumped on the latter's shoulder again.



In less than a while, the two walked through the infirmary, corridors, and the arena, avoiding the crowd, and came to a place that looked like a lecture hall, which was specially used by the league officials for press conferences.



As soon as they entered the door, several reporters took a few pictures of Xiao Zhi and Du Lian in a "Ka Ka Ka" manner.

Let's not talk about Du, the big star, although he always shows off his presence on Weibo, he rarely appears in front of the camera.

As for Xiaozhi, the player himself is average, and the future can be expected, but now his armored chrysalis has occupied several hot searches, and may even change the future fashion trend in the Kanto area, so he is naturally also in their shooting within range.

That is to say, the mother is more expensive than the child.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Sitting down, Du raised his eyes and spoke slowly.

The voice was not loud, but the domineering aura lingering in the voice instantly made the entire lecture hall quiet.

A born king!


Xiaozhi, who was sitting next to Du, was also a little restrained. Being faced with dozens of cameras in such a dignified place, even he, who had always been fearless, became a little embarrassed.

Looking at Du's eyes indicating the beginning, Xiaozhi took a deep breath, and began to speak slowly, repeating the contents of the previous manuscript in his mind.

Although it is nonsense, it is a white lie. For the future of his hometown, Xiaozhi is obliged to do so!

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the top five contestants in the Quartz Conference this time..."

Hearing this, Du's eyebrows twitched. It was clearly written in the manuscript that it was the top eight. What the hell is the top five? !

But fortunately, the problem was not serious, and there was basically no deviation in Xiaozhi's speech next.

"I am the trainer of the armored chrysalis. Many friends are curious about why my iron armored chrysalis is so powerful. Is it possible that I can just grab an armored chrysalis and be so powerful with hands?"

The reporters swallowed their saliva one after another, their ears widened, curious about the powerful meaning.

"Let me show my cards. In fact, my iron armored chrysalis is not an ordinary iron armored chrysalis, but an iron armored chrysalis flowing with the blood of the sky giant dragon in the Fangyuan area. It is named "Split Kongza."


This is what they didn't expect, the egg group is not an egg group, where the reproductive isolation is placed, the great slit seat can output to the bugs, and then leave blood?


"This is Evidence 1..."

At this time, a photo of Xiaozhi's armored chrysalis appeared on the rear screen, and a photo of a cyan winding dragon next to it, both of them were full of mystery in terms of appearance, demeanor, aura, and even the black cracks on their bodies. similarity.

"This is Evidence 2..."

Fearing that he would find a flaw after watching for a long time, the picture flashed quickly, and this time it turned into a quaint and sallow book fragment with a line of words written on it.

"Insects give birth to cocoons, and when they turn into dragons, they become ancient dragons."


"That's why the ancients have already told us the answer. The Rift Block can play games with bugs. The reason why my armored chrysalis is so powerful is that it has inherited part of the blood of the Rift Block."

"And after my armored chrysalis awakened its bloodline, it also received an instruction in the dark—it is the last iron armored chrysalis with the blood of the Rifting Seat. In this era, there are no insects that can withstand the Rifting Seat anymore. gone."

"So, everyone's training focus is on Iron Armor Pupa, or other rotten... Ahem, other ordinary Pokémon, the difficulty of becoming a powerful trainer will also increase exponentially. It is recommended not to choose Iron Armor Pupa for training. .”

"Hiss..." "Hiss..." "Hiss..."

After the words fell, dozens of reporters gasped at the same time, which made the entire lecture hall heat up.

"It turned out that it was just Xiaozhi's luck against the sky. I thought our Zerg had risen."

"I just said how could the armored chrysalis be so strong, so there is such a story."

"My nephew still wants to be a bug catcher next year, no, I'll call him and ask him to change."

Hearing the whispers of the crowd below, Du and Xiaozhi looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Just believe it.

Don't look at it as funny, but Rikuza is a Pokémon in the Hoenen region, and the interaction between regions has never been able to work. Since I can't explain it myself, I just throw the blame to other regions and it's over.

As for whether the Hoenen region will protest in the future, saying that their Kanto region has insulted their great Rikakuza, then it doesn't matter.

After all, there is exclusivity within the region, who cares what nonsense you say in other regions.

This is the remedy that Champion Du, as the strongest champion, came up with! !

"No, I have to pour the fire last... Cough cough!"

Thinking of this, Du coughed a few times, and focused the reporter's attention on him again.

"Since this is the case, I will also recommend to the juniors in the Kanto region how to choose the best Pokémon lineup in 2020, so that you can score steadily."

Hearing this, the reporters' eyes lit up one after another, and they pointed their cameras at Du again.

This is the recommendation of the strongest person, every word is golden words, fully understand the meaning of it, it is better than ten years of reading! !

"First of all, let's choose a Pokémon that we like the most. After all, I have always advocated that interest is the first and fighting is the second. For example, now we choose this cute electric mouse as the team leader. Start."

Dushun picked up Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder and placed it in front of him.

This made Xiaozhi ask a question. Didn't he say that Pikachu is more crooked than Iron Armor Chrysalis? Why did he recommend it?

Du worked hard to improve the overall strength of the trainers in the Kanto region. I wish there were six fire-breathing dragons per capita, and now it is said that interest is the first?

Du ignored Xiaozhi's eyes and continued:

"Then we matched the lineup according to Pikachu's skills, characteristics, habits, and unique moves, so we added five other Pokémon."

At this time, there are six Pokémon on the rear screen, Pikachu, Bulgaria, Charizard, Blastoise, Chenglong, and Snorkel.

"Then, we will replace one of them innocuously."

Speaking of this, Du suddenly pushed away the electric mouse in front of him, and the Pikachu on the screen was replaced by a Bangera.

Pikachu: "?"

After a while of operation, all six Pokémon were replaced by Kuailong, Metagross, Benjilas, Biting Land Shark, Three-Headed Dragon, and Duolong Baruto.

"Well, this is the best lineup with interest as the primary purpose. The strength may be a bit weaker, but after all, like I said, interest and love are the most important."

Du slowly opened his mouth and said.

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