He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 427: The Ultimate Beast, the Island God


A red light flashed, and a roughly two-meter-tall Pokémon with a fiery red body appeared in front of Chi.

The upper body is full of bulging muscles, and the arms and chest are also full of muscles. The whole body is covered with a deep red skin like magma. It seems that the blood in the body can still be seen. There is no mouth, replaced by a long and sharp white spike. There is also a pair of insect-like slender tentacles growing above the head.

The lower body has four slightly weird hind legs in the shape of spiked tentacles, standing on the four sides respectively.

If summed up in one sentence.

Humanoid muscles blame mosquitoes.

It can be said that the shape of this Pokémon is completely different from ordinary Pokémon. The fiery red body looks very scary and weird, but the muscular body has a bit more rough beauty.


As soon as it appeared on the stage, it fiddled with its arms and performed several different bodybuilding moves, as if showing off, showing off its muscles and perfect figure to everyone around it.

"This is..."

The masked man at the front couldn't help but gasp, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Not only the shape, but also the breath, which is completely different from ordinary Pokémon, as if it is a creature from another world, deep and mysterious...

"And I seem to have seen such a pattern in the ancient murals in my hometown?"

But the masked man quickly shook his head, those are just legends, and the trainer in front of him is definitely not from his hometown, so how could he bring the existence of legends from his hometown, it must be just a coincidence, just a coincidence.

But in the next second, Chi didn't hide anything, and directly pronounced its name.

"Ultimate beast, Explosive Muscle Mosquito."

This sentence made the masked man's face change instantly. Although he had never heard of the three words Explosive Mosquito, the four words Ultra Beast are a legend that has been widely spread in the Alola region!

On the ancient cave murals in their hometown, there were some special-looking creatures recorded. I don’t know the origin and habitat, or even whether they were made up by the ancients, but they are there.

But in modern times, there is a saying gradually in the Alola area, saying that these strange-looking creatures are actually called "Ultimate Beasts". Dreams of a terrifying presence that poses a great threat.

Although there is no real evidence that I have witnessed so far...

As a result, an Ultra Beast has now appeared outside of the Alola region? !


Although there are many questions I want to ask, and I am even afraid that this Pokémon named "Burst Muscle Mosquito" will do terrible things like attacking humans as the rumors say, but seeing this Pokémon is just looking out for itself The appearance of a fit body.

Harmless to humans and animals? Not as scary as described in the rumors? The masked man had no choice but to calm down, sinking his faith? Turn his attention back to the game.

"Beep. Unknown Pokémon? Unknown Pokémon."

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan took out their illustration books and scanned the red muscular mosquito? The result was that there was no such Pokémon. up.

"But this Pokémon? It looks like a Red Flame Roaring Tiger...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

The same human body, the same chest muscles and biceps, the same red and black color composition...

But one thing is certain, if the masked man also sends out a roaring tiger? Maybe it will be a battle of muscles and strength!


On the field? The masked man stabilized his mind after taking a few deep breaths, and also threw his elf ball.

This Pokémon named Explosive Muscle Mosquito has very strange movements and demeanor, but the powerful aura rushing towards his face cannot be faked, which forced the masked man to directly use his trump card.

A red light flashed, and the figure of the Flaming Roaring Tiger reappeared on the field? It was also a cool red and black muscular figure, with a powerful aura? It was not inferior to the opponent at all.

"Tiger Roar!!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he roared up to the sky, and the roar of the tiger was like a thunderclap? The air trembled, and the terrible coercion turned into dark energy ripples? It even enveloped the opponent in front of him.

Feature·Intimidation activates!


However, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito just made a bodybuilding look on the spot? The body shape did not change at all.

Intimidation failed.


Seeing this, the masked man couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Maybe because Ultra Beast is not the same creature as regular Pokémon? The smooth and silky intimidation trait of the past is not as effective.


But this [biquge www.biqudu.xyz] loud voice made the Muscle Mosquito finally notice its opponent, turned its head, and looked at the muscular tiger opposite with burning eyes.

It's not a big problem, the muscles are not as big as mine.


So, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito looked confident and compared his biceps provocatively to Roaring Tiger.


The Roaring Tiger naturally couldn't resist such provocations. He bent his palms and clenched his fists, posing in the same bodybuilding posture to exert force, and his biceps swelled by 30%.

This made the battle instantly philosophical.


But not long after the stalemate between the two, the red Explosive Mosquito suddenly raised its head and looked at the masked man over the Roaring Tiger.

Naturally, it wasn't interested in human muscles, but looked at the masked man's waist, and shook his head uncomfortably as if sensing something.

"Did this guy really bring out Alola's island god...?"

Seeing this scene, Chi couldn't help but read in a low voice.

The legendary Pokémon all have a metaphysical "divine breath", and Chi's nose is old, so he can clearly remember the smell of the gods he beat up.

Not to mention the unique local aura of those island gods, with a bit of exotic flavor in the native land, and taking into account the disobedience of his muscle-explosive mosquito, he can already be sure that the masked man's waist is With an Alola God.

The Ultra Beast and the God of Alola Island already had a unique bond of fate, they were natural rivals, the kind that looked at each other unhappily, that's why there was such a sense of disobedience.

Thinking of the ultimate goal of the masked man this time, and thinking about the attributes of the island god, Chi couldn't help showing a rather emotional smile. It seems that this guy was ready early in the morning...

"And, this roaring tiger is also..."

Then Chi swept his eyes again, looking at the vigorous and muscular appearance of the big red and black tiger opposite him.

You must know that the power above the ultimate is not so easy to eliminate. The few blows of the armored chrysalis, it is impossible to completely eliminate this fatigue in at least three days, but the roaring tiger in front of him is now looking like a dragon and a tiger. .

"Oh, so it's that island god...?"

Chi's smile gradually filled up, and within a few breaths, he had seen through everything.


It's just that this smile made the masked man shiver for no reason, and somehow felt like he had been stripped naked and thrown into the freezer...

"Ahem, two, the game begins!"

The referee in the middle saw that the game seemed to be going in a philosophical direction, so he quickly adjusted the direction and announced the official start of the game.



(The picture of Explosive Muscle Mosquito has been posted to the top of the book review area, if you don’t know it, you can take a look.)

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