He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 436: Quartz Conference, Ending

"Is this the ultimate realm that the ** contestant said... Such a terrifying power..."

The masked man had just heard about this realm, and he thought that someone had used such power again, but he didn't understand it at all, so he roared loudly towards the sky:

"Don't delay, use the power of the moon!"


Only then did Kapu Diedie react, and quickly threw out the huge energy bomb in his hand.

No matter what extreme dragon power you are, if you get a goblin's ultimate move, you have to hit me on the street on the spot.

But this time Du didn't let him be beaten in vain, he raised his hand and pointed.

"Use Dragon Dance!"

In the next second, the wings trembled, and Kuailong danced flexibly on the spot. The swimming dragon-like movements seemed to have returned to the posture of the Harkron period, which seemed a bit inconsistent with the fat body.

With the increase in the range of motion, along with the extreme coercion of Qingyan permeating the body, Kuailong's strength and speed are also increasing...

"Boom boom boom!!"

The dragon-like figure allowed him to successfully evade the power of the moon. When the huge energy bomb fell on the ground, it immediately smashed a deep hole. The sky was filled with gravel and smoke. .

This Diedie, who had just released her big move, was panting, and the next moment, a swift figure suddenly broke through the smoke and approached her quickly.

When it was less than one meter away, a sharp dragon claw popped out, and it grabbed Kapu Diedie's neck in an unstoppable manner.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and in the sky, Kuailong grabbed the target with one hand.


For a while, even the nimble island god didn't react, his throat was clamped by the enemy, and he had to struggle desperately in Kuailong's hands.

This is definitely a great shame for her. A fairy attribute god was caught by a giant dragon in such a disgraceful way. Fortunately, the other three island gods were not there, otherwise she would be ashamed now.

Kuailong even put the dragon's head close to it, and that cute face, in the eyes of Diedie at this moment, is like a vicious dragon...


Kuailong even opened his mouth and teeth, and spit out a burst of dragon's breath towards it. Cooperating with the strong and soaring dragon's coercion, the surrounding area condensed into a substantive green flame, surging forward? Wrap Diedie in it? , almost suffocating.

Huh? Do you really think attribute restraint is everything! ?

A goblin like you? I, Kuailong, don't know how many have been killed with bare hands!

"Diedie break free and use magic to shine!"

The masked man was in a hurry? He could only order the latter to use a trick similar to Sun Fist. He just shouted for a long time? But he didn't see anything strange from above.

But Die Die just stared wide-eyed? She was enveloped by the substantive blue pressure and couldn't move for a while.

Kapu Diedie fell into a state of fear!

"You don't think my ultimate power is just a roar?"

Relying on absolute coercion, making the opponent fall into fear and unable to use skills, this is the real power of this ultimate path!

Immediately Du just smiled coldly? Even lowered his head? No longer looking at the sky.

"Quick Dragon, use Wrestling!"


Kuailong understood, and one dragon claw continued to clamp Diedie's throat, while the other dragon claw grabbed the latter's pink shell, and his arm muscles swelled? Then he suddenly exerted force and smashed it to the ground.


Another explosion of smoke and dust? The movement is not low, which shows the power of this blow.

"It's over? Kuailong, use the steel tail!"

Is Kuailong an old jack-of-all-trades Pokémon? Is it possible to use most of the attribute tricks? I saw it soaring into the sky? The thick brown tail at the back was instantly covered with a layer of metal cold light, and finally the whole person was covered with a steel tail. They all smashed heavily into the smoke and dust that hadn't completely dissipated.


The shattered arena became shattered again, and even within a few meters of the fall, it directly collapsed except for a huge gravel pit!

In the center, Kapu Diedie was hit by the iron tail, and let out a tragic wail.

The effect is outstanding!

The damage of the steel attribute to the fairy attribute is extremely considerable!


The arena once again stirred up a burst of smoke and dust, and the completely shattered arena seemed to be drawing the final end to the Quartz Conference...


"Kapu Butterfly can't fight, Kuailong wins!"

"Tianwang Challenge, the winner, cross!"

after the game.

Looking at the Alola Island God who had fainted in the ruined arena, Damalanchi announced the result of the match without much surprise.

Although Kapu Didie is a legendary Pokémon, it is only very strong for ordinary people. For the champion of the king, the two are already at the same height.

At the same height, but the power of the second-level god will be much stronger than that of the domestic Pokémon. With the power of the moon, even Kuailong will definitely not be able to please.

But the domestic Pokémon does not fight alone. It has the cooperation with the trainer, the same mind, and the flexibility to fight. The combat power that can be displayed is not weaker than the latter, and it can even surpass it.

Not to mention Champion Du, who has already stepped into the ultimate realm, it is really difficult to take him down as an ordinary second-level god without any unique skills.

"Thank you... Die Die..."

Seeing this, the masked man had no choice but to take Kapu Diedie back, but at this moment, there was no unwillingness on his face, but his eyes were fiery.

it's over.

But he knows that there is still a gap between him and the real top powerhouse, and even that magical ultimate power, there are still many places in this world that he needs to explore...

"The future is promising!"

In the end, the masked man just clenched his fists, as if he had found the direction of the future.


Seeing that the mighty fast dragon on the opposite side had put away its previous monstrous power, it fell back to Du's side with a harmless look, and the latter also rubbed its cheek quite affectionately. The appearance of a person is also deeply embedded in the mind of the masked man.

"In the future, our Alola's first-generation champion will definitely be better than you..."


Then there was a friendly handshake between Champion Du and the masked man after the game. Amidst many cheers, it announced the official end of the Tianwang Challenge.

Next, it is the last item of this Quartz Conference - awards.

The masked man was still the first to bear the brunt. He and the runner-up and the third runner-up stood on the three-person ladder awarding step, holding a golden trophy, and dressed as a royal masked man, welcoming the cheers of the audience.

That posture also made Xiaozhi next to him envious, but secretly clenched his fists, vowing that he would do the same next time!

Next, there will be awards for the top 4, top 8, and top 16. The prize is a crystal medal, engraved with the players' hometown, life, ranking and other information.

Since Xiaomao left the stage early, Xiaozhi even came on stage twice and won a total of 24 good results.


On the brazier on the high platform, the mascot flame bird fluttered its wings and flew up, spraying out the last flame towards the sky above the venue, turning into sparks and slowly landing.

The Quartz Alliance has officially come to an end.


(After finishing writing tomorrow, the Kanto article should be over, and I will make a summary then. And there will be another three updates today, please order!)

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