He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 444: The Lost Gulardo

"Thank you, Charizard, Bi Diao!"

On the edge of a certain island's cliff, Xiaozhi and his party landed on the shore, and took the Charizard and Bi Diao back into the poke ball. The two Pokémon looked a little tired and were panting on the spot.

Before, because there was a vast sea below, several people didn't know the direction, so they had to let Charizard Bi Diao continue to fly with the airship from a distance. After all, the latter is old and old, but the direction set by the automatic navigation at the beginning should not be a big problem.

Fortunately, it was not far from the land, and after less than half an hour of flying, they finally found an island, which prevented the fire-breathing dragon and Bi Diao from falling into the sea from exhaustion.

The nearest landing point is a cliff.

And the airship finally couldn't stand it anymore, and the whole hull directly hit the cliff, causing a huge movement and then stopped there, filled with smoke and dust, and several Bobos flew out of the deep jungle in fright. .

It's just that the airship at this time can no longer be called an airship. The skin of the special material covered by the whole body shell has been completely removed, leaving only a pile of rickety bracket parts.

It's more like a howling whale king died suddenly after being stranded on the shore. After a few days, the flesh and blood were eaten by vultures, leaving only a pile of bones and skeletons, which is very desolate.

However, the three of Xiaozhi saw a road sign on the edge of the cliff.

"Welcome to Bitter Orange Island!!"

Even so, they reached their destination without incident.

Three people: "..."

It's just that even the means of transportation have been destroyed now, how to go back to Zhenxin Town is a problem. They spent a lot of money to buy a round-trip ticket!

"Never mind, since we've arrived at Bitter Orange Island, hurry up and find that Dr. Uchiki!"

The three of them took one step at a time. In the next second, they ignored the bones of the airship next to them and continued to walk towards the interior of the island, even humming a little song.

Anyway, they are now officially in the Orange Islands, starting their trip to the Southland!



Ten minutes later.

The three of Xiaozhi were still walking on a mountain road, surrounded by dense jungles, and the air was hot and humid, which was a unique tropical ocean style.

The appearance of human buildings can be seen in the distance, Xiaozhi and the two hurriedly quickened their pace, but at this moment Xiaoxia asked suddenly, her tone was a bit broken, as if she couldn't breathe.

"Speaking of which? Do you feel very hot...?"

It's noon now? The sun is scorching hot, making the three of them sweat profusely? The beach and sea in their fantasy are gradually being brought back to reality.

"Is it weird?"

"The southern country should be this hot, right?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang asked back? It was only Xiaoxia's casual complaint.

"No, I'm serious! It's really hotter than before!"

Xiaoxia quickly said, "Unlike these two people, as the daughter of Hualan City of Water? Did she go to the Orange Islands with her family for vacation when she was a child? The temperature at that time was definitely not so high.

And it was probably still a season of moderate temperatures, but the heat was obviously much higher than she remembered.

Saying this made Xiao Gang think of something, and suddenly said:

"By the way, I have an impression of what you said? It seems to be news a while ago? Xiaozhi, open your illustrated book."

Xiaozhi was puzzled, but he didn't know what was going on, so the three of them had to temporarily find a shady place next to them, and then looked at the illustrated book screen in the former's hand.


I saw Xiaogang pointing his finger on the main interface of the illustration book - a live app icon, and the next second - the screen changed.

In the picture, is a giant flame beast covered with a crimson magma-like shell? It is walking in the rough ocean, with only half of its body exposed.

The body is a little hunched? But the eyes are firm.

As soon as the sea water touched him, it immediately evaporated and filled with a layer of white smoke. The latter also moved very slowly, giving people an epic and vigorous feeling of extraordinary momentum.

It was the ancient god Fang Yuan who was accidentally washed out by the Red Lotus Volcano and was still on his way home—Gulardo.

He has already embarked on a journey since the Quartz Conference was opened, and now a month has passed, and he is still on the road.

In the upper left corner, there is also satellite positioning, which shows that Gulardo’s position is just at the edge of the Orange Islands at this moment, and looking at the trend of travel, it is very likely that it will enter the Orange Islands area in these few weeks.

"Gulardo has the ability to change the weather. It can change the surrounding weather to a sunny day. Now it is near the Orange Islands, so it is understandable that it has been so hot here recently."

Xiaogang analyzed in an orderly manner, causing the other two to nod repeatedly.

But the route of Gulardo is outrageous. The Yoshien area is obviously located in the east and north of the Kanto region, but you have been walking for more than a month, and you have come to the Orange Islands in the south of the Kanto? !

Lost is this? !

Xiaozhi also saw a lot of bullet screens popping up on the side of the live broadcast. You must know that this is a legendary god, and the number of people squatting in the live broadcast room every day to watch it is terrifying.

"Looking at the 41st day of Gubao's return home, today he is three kilometers away from the Fangyuan area."

"Don't be embarrassed, the earth is round, and it is a reasonable route to walk around the earth, so it is three kilometers closer."

"To tell you some common knowledge, the stock of the lava group has melted three times in the past month."

The lava group is a huge organization in the Yoshien area, half black and half white in nature, somewhat similar to the Rockets, except that Gulardo, the ancient god of earth and flames, is their belief.

However, Gulardo's naive attitude in front of people made most of the corporate believers go away on the spot.

Naturally, the Water Fleet next door will not let go of this opportunity, taking in a large number of heartbroken believers in the lava group, and the company's stocks are also rising steadily these days.

Putting away the illustrated book, the three of them also had bright eyes.

"It seems that we may still see Gulardo's real body in the Orange Islands!?"

Of course, even if they did meet, contact would be impossible. After all, the live broadcast had to be more than a kilometer away, and everyone could only watch from a distance on the shore.

But even so, it's already amazing, even a flame bird can make the Kanto people boil, not to mention the ancient god Gulardo who is a level higher than the flame bird!

Immediately, the look of anticipation of the three of them overcame the heat of the sky, and they even wished for it to be hotter. Then they packed their luggage and moved on.


Ten minutes later, Xiaozhi and the others landed on the edge of the cliff.

At this moment, three figures slowly climbed up, two people and one cat, but their whole body was wet, their eyes were raised, and their demeanor and mental outlook were very unbearable.

The three of them lost their parachutes before and fell directly on the spot. Fortunately, Kojiro successfully summoned the double bomb gas midway. Although they didn't fly, they also slowed down their falling speed a little.

Fortunately, there is an ocean below, otherwise the three of them would have died violently by now.

Then, as the ocean drifted, they also came to this Bitter Orange Island.

Just looking at the whale bone frame on the edge of the cliff, the three fell into deep thought.

"It seems that we are really trash..."

"Failed to catch Pikachu, and messed up the precious airship that the boss valued..."

Kojiro and Musashi hugged their knees in place for a while, feeling lost, and even thought about just jumping off the cliff to finish it off...

"Idiot! You two meow!"

Miaomiao next to him couldn't stand it anymore, so he just raised his hand and grabbed two crazy shots on the faces of the two of them.

Meow Team Rocket is impossible to fail! As long as you keep working hard, a bright future is waiting for you cats! "

The pain on the face, and Meow Miao's inspiring words made the two people's eyes gradually enlarge.

"Think about the future, Boss Sakagi laughs and presents meows with three-striped honor medals meow!"

After the words fell, the Rockets trio's eyes were completely brightened, their fighting spirit was fully aroused, and they stood up with a bang.

This scene also made Miao Miao nodded in satisfaction. The three of them have always been indispensable.

The division of labor between the three is actually clear, and Miaomiao is the backbone responsible for inspiring fighting spirit.

Then Miaomiao was in charge of machine manufacturing as a technician.

Finally, Miaomiao is responsible for driving the machine as a combatant.

Having figured this out, the three of them walked slowly towards the "Frostmourne", gearing up and vowing to start again...

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