He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 471 Chi vs Kona!

"Brother Chi?"

Xiaozhi blurted out subconsciously in his heart.

Speaking of which, it seems that Brother Chi hasn't come out to let the wind go for a long time. Now that he meets an opponent at the level of a king, it's normal for his hands to itch.

It's just that he fell off the stage so sadly, Xiaozhi felt a little unbalanced, obviously he had gone through so much training, and there was still such a big gap between him and the king of heaven.

Now if we continue to send Pikachu, it is probably for nothing...

"There is still a big gap between you and the king of heaven now."

Feeling Xiaozhi's entanglement and fluctuation, Chi replied slowly.

It is true that Xiaozhi has been traveling for nearly a year, and his strength is also growing by leaps and bounds, surpassing most of the newcomers.

However, the threshold of the king of heaven is not so easy to step into.

Precipitation is needed, buffering is needed, and all the gains and losses experienced will be fully integrated.

There is no shortcut to this path, and it cannot be achieved in a short period of time, but requires a long period of hard training to break through this realm.

Not only Xiaozhi, but also his group of Pokémon, who have set off for less than a year, without the slightest hard training, how could it be possible to wrestle with the king of heaven so easily?

But to stop, to spend more than a year or even longer in a certain place, this should be unacceptable to Xiaozhi...

"Don't worry, your world has just begun."

Chi just comforted gently.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to calm down and stop being messy. Now his progress speed is strong enough, and it is really outrageous to overthrow the king of heaven in less than a year.

That's right, don't compare yourself with others, only yourself!

The future is still promising!

"Brother Chi, how long have you settled down?"

During the process of switching souls, Xiaozhi still couldn't help asking.

Hearing this sentence, Chi suddenly became suffocated, and was a little speechless for a while, but finally he faltered and uttered a sentence.

"Er... several years..."

But at this time, Xiaozhi can seamlessly feel the true words in his heart.

"Precipitation? I haven't settled for a day at all. These are all from the books? It's a bluff to say it casually."

"In less than a year, I overthrew four heavenly kings and a three-minute champion? Do you still need to settle down as a trainer?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

His Dao heart suddenly shook a little...




After switching the right to use the body, Chi looked at his palms, feeling uncomfortable after not using them for a long time.

Then he slowly took off the hat on the top of his head? Then he put the hat of God hanging from the hem of his clothes on his head, and only then did he feel a little familiar.

Originally, when this hat was worn on Xiaozhi's head, it would turn into a golden hat? But now that he switches bodies, the hat has changed back to its original color? It is still the classic red and white color scheme.

Immediately? He opened his eyes and looked in front of him, and his aura changed accordingly.

"Oh~ seems like something has changed~?"

Kona on the other end showed a smile, although he didn't know what happened? But there was a sudden strange change.

The breath is restrained? It seems ordinary, but in the faint, it looks like a fierce beast that can come out of the cage at any time, and the coercion is terrifying...

"So you haven't given up yet, are you ready to continue fighting? White sea lion!"

But as the king of Kanto, Kona will not be cowardly.


A slap from the white sea lion? Under his cute appearance, he showed no sign of weakness.


"Turtle? Brother Chi finally came out to let the wind go!"

In the auditorium, Xiao Gang's eyes brightened? This time, he finally separated one of his eyes to focus on Chi's body.

No one will refuse the battle of the top powerhouse.


Xiaoxia next to her is caught in a tangle? On one side is the respected senior? On the other side is the idol whom she has admired since she was a child. She doesn't know who to cheer for.

"I refuse, I am not your path."

For some reason, Xiaoxia even recalled what Kona had said to her in the early morning, and her mind became even more messy, so she shook her head frantically and turned her gaze back to the arena.

"By the way, Master Kona should be fine..."

Even though he is a heavenly king, Brother Chi's strength in Xiaoxia's heart is superior, and he can basically be equated with invincible. Master Kona may suffer today.

"You only thought of the first floor."

At this time, Xiao Gang next to him showed a wise look, as if he had seen through everything, and said slowly:

"Brother Chi wins is inevitable, but Master Kona can only get more..."

Like the last time, his master Xiba master realized the extreme meaning of freedom from the armored chrysalis trained by Brother Chi himself, and stepped into the ultimate state on the spot.

If you're lucky, maybe today's master Kona can also prostitute something incredible...

Wen Yan Xiaoxia was silent for a while on the spot, and finally responded slowly:

"Well, you understand."

It seems really...




on the field.

The audience around didn't know what happened, but the game was still going on. After a while of silence, Chi slowly threw a poke ball forward.


A red light flashed, and a huge dark green toad-shaped Pokémon appeared on the ice, with four limbs on the ground, a few wide banana leaves on its back, and a plump and huge red flower blooming in the center. flowers.

The eyes are raised, the momentum is restrained and steady, long and unmoving like a mountain, it has all the perfect advantages of grass-type Pokémon.

Wonderful Frog Flower!

Cold knowledge, Chi's initial Pokémon is actually a small charmander, and along the way, he tamed the round-faced Pikachu, the frog seed, the Squirtle, the Snortle, the dragon, etc., which later became Became his main Pokémon.

Speaking of which, it was surprisingly similar to Xiaozhi's lineup.


It took only a moment for Kona to understand the strength of the Miao Frog Flower in front of him, and the white sea lion in front of him did not dare to be careless, and was ready to fight.

The white sea lion is restrained by the grass attribute, and the frog grass is also restrained by its own ice attribute, and the attributes are not the same.

Game start!


"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Chi opened his mouth and pointed.

At the start of the game, Miaowahua took the lead in making a low sound, and several green leaves shook out from around the plantain petals, turning into a volley of sharp blades.

"White sea lion, use the freezing light to block them all!"


The white sea lion opened its mouth, and the icy light energy in its mouth shot out in the form of a blue and white electric snake, with a strong chill.

Soon, the two attacks collided head-on in the center of the arena, only the sound of "creaking" icing was heard, and the menacing Flying Leaf Kuaidao was frozen into pieces of boulders, stopping its forward trend .

Seeing this, Chi didn't show any ups and downs, but continued to instruct:

"Use the cane whip."

Immediately, Froggrass pulled out two thick rattan whips from the root of its back, whistling away like a spirit snake, the speed was unexpectedly fast, and it was in a whipping state when it reached the middle of the arena.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

After a burst of whipping, the Flying Leaf Knife that hadn't landed in the air flew out together with the ice layer, and the whistling sound reappeared.

Boulder · Flying Leaf Quick Knife!


You must know that this layer of ice is not very hard, but it can maintain the strength while maintaining the ice layer without breaking, which shows that this frog grass has the ability to control the strength of its own cane whip.

This scene surprised Kona a little. The opponent he was facing in the secret channel was indeed extraordinary, and he raised his hand and pointed:

"White sea lions, smash them with your steel tail!"


The body of the white sea lion slid on the ice for a while, fell over, and the iron tail at the end of the tail fell out heavily.


The strong force caused the boulder flying leaf quick knife to shatter all over the ground, bursting into countless ice mist and smoke, and the vision was slightly covered.


At this time, the whole ground suddenly began to vibrate violently. The white sea lion didn't know it, and quickly raised his head to look forward.

And when the ice mist and dust cleared, the scene in front of him made him and Kona look stupid on the spot.


I saw that steady and huge Miaowahua started to run on the ice, the speed was not too fast, but the power was extremely terrifying, the body was covered with a layer of golden energy coat, just Like a giant golden tank.

"Use Desperate Rush."

It came straight up!

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