He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 479 The fire you light, you must be responsible for extinguishing it

It was getting dark.

At the moment, there are already many people sitting in the wooden house. Several people share a table. On the table are some local specialty foods and tree fruits. There are no walls on all sides of the auditorium-sized space. The evening wind can blow through the gaps in the mahogany pole lobby.

The three of Xiaozhi sat at a table somewhere in the front, and the title of defeating the king of heaven won a lot of preferential treatment. Naturally, Xiaozhi was not polite, and had a meal with Pikachu to supplement protein and carbohydrates.

There is a small stage in front of it, several people are playing and singing, and there is a peaceful atmosphere.


Suddenly, there was a burst of soft lights on the stage, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw a young girl standing there pretty and alive, wearing an elegant white gauze on her head, long light red hair falling down, a pure white dress with red trim, a pair of smooth and slender calves were exposed under the skirt.

With light makeup painted on his face, his appearance looks very pure and pleasant, and he is out of this world.

Flora, a limited skin for the Miko of the Orange Islands.

"Flora? What a big change..."

"so cute..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia couldn't help admiring, if you don't look carefully, you really can't recognize this girl as the previous rebellious girl wearing sunglasses and wide jeans.

"Is this what makes a man depend on his clothes?"

Xiaozhi glanced at it and said casually, then quickly lowered his head and continued to eat, after all, it can't be eaten even if it looks good.

And Flora, who was dressed as a witch on the stage, danced a few laps, took out a flat ceramic xun, and blew it softly.


The melodious sound of the flute made everyone close their eyes comfortably, enjoying the silence.

"So, despite that, Flora is the best candidate for a shrine woman..."

The table next to Xiaozhi, the former witch Xiaoyou, the captain Xiaomei, and the previous white-bearded village chief sat at the table, and the elder sister couldn't help but speak.

The position of Miko is really not based on connections.


Soon, the flute ended.

Flora walked off the stage slowly, and then just walked to Xiaozhi's side, blinking her big beautiful eyes, leaning her body halfway, her tone became delicate, as if begging.

"Master Xiaozhi~ If you are really the legendary controller, please prove it to us~"

Xiaozhi: "?"

He wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth in embarrassment. It was the first time someone called him "adult"? But it made Xiaozhi feel ecstatic.


Immediately, Qi and blood surged? Xiaozhi directly broke the iron spoon in his hand into two pieces, showing his extremely vigorous strength.

An excellent controller? Naturally have strong strength and body? This is the best proof!

Flora: "?"

This is something she didn't expect.


Immediately, she also took off the witch's elegant and gentle mask, and changed into a lazy look again and sat next to Xiaozhi? The face change became very fast, and the posture was also very casual? She almost crossed her legs.

"Well~ In fact, go to the three offshore islands to get three treasures? Put them on the altar behind our island, and then I will play the flute of dedication. It's very simple~ It's a common practice, just deal with it~"

"Hey! Flora!!"

This unawe-inspiring posture made Xiaoyou at the next table frown? He couldn't help scolding.

However, Flora just waved her hands casually. She has seen this kind of activity since she was a child, and it's just a sideshow, so there's nothing to make a fuss about.

But playing with the two broken iron spoons on the table surprised her a little.

"Hiss...can you break an iron spoon directly..."

She sneaked another glance at Xiaozhi.

"Okay! Then I'll go get the three treasures now!"

At this time, Xiaozhi stood up with a "chuckle", and was called "Master Xiaozhi" for the first time? Now his fighting spirit has been completely ignited.

"Hey~ The festival will last until tomorrow night, you should go tomorrow morning~"

Flora just waved her hand casually? Although it's only lunch time and not late at night, it's not a big problem to go tomorrow.

"No? I'm already hungry and thirsty!"

But Xiaozhi grabbed Flora's wrist, and the latter's beautiful eyes instantly widened? She looked at him in surprise.

Xiaozhi naturally ignored her look? Just a cold snort? With some unquestionable domineering.

Hmph, woman, you are responsible for extinguishing the fire you lit!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi took Flora and ran out of the wooden house.

Flora: "???"

No, big brother, it’s fire extinguishing, but you will go alone tomorrow, the tradition of our shrine maidens is directed by the spring! !

Borderline ob, not involved in substantive activities!

But in terms of strength, a hundred Flora might not be enough for Xiaozhi to punch her, so she was dragged out of the festival wooden house by Xiaozhi with such a messy face.

"As expected of Xiaozhi, I appreciate it!"

Seeing this, Xiaomei, the captain at the next table, slapped her thighs and got up immediately, and ran out following the two of them. She planned to be a traffic driver for Xiaozhi.

"Let's go too."


Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looked at each other, and got up one after another to follow. After a while, they completely disappeared into the night.

However, this event might really be just a passing show, and the people around are no longer surprised. They continued to chat and eat leisurely, and the new flute started playing again.




Soon, a few people came to the dock where Xiaomei parked the speedboat, and seeing that they had been dragged here by Xiaozhi in the blink of an eye, Flora had no choice but to give up resistance, and followed them into the boat.

Since you can't resist, just close your eyes and enjoy it.

She even took out a rubber band and tied her beautiful red hair into a capable ponytail. With a solemn expression, she surrounded several people on board, as if looking forward to it.

"Gkd, gkd!"

What's the point of staying in the festival wooden house all the time, or it's interesting to sail to adventure at night!

Now Flora not only has to close her eyes to enjoy, but also to actively respond!

A few people boarded the boat like this, first sailed half a circle around the island to the back of the island, and then headed towards the island of fire on the far left.


Just after sailing a hundred meters, the sea tide suddenly began to roll violently, and the boat bumped from side to side, making Xiaozhi almost spit out all the rice he stuffed just now.


The same goes for Pikachu.

"Is that ocean current again..."

"No, it's pure turbulence now..."

Captain Xiaomei replied with a little more seriousness on her face.

Before reaching Asia Island, although the ocean current was turbulent, there were traces to follow, and it was heading towards Asia Island.

But at this moment, the ocean current has no regularity at all, it just surges randomly, and the scale is gradually increasing.

"Da da da..."

Not only that, but the dark sky suddenly began to rain a lot, and thunder bursts from time to time, and the weather suddenly became bad.


Another huge wave hit, and Flora, who was standing on the edge, was almost jolted out of the boat, and her pretty face turned livid in an instant, but at this moment, a pair of strong arms hugged her slender waist, holding her tightly. Steady on board.

Not too bulky, but extremely solid and reliable.

"Hey, is the weather in your house so weird...?"

Xiaozhi frowned and complained to the woman in his arms.

"Well... It's the first time I've seen this kind of weather..."

Flora just replied innocently.

The body is close to the body, so that her face and ears are dyed red...

Although the weather and the movement of the sea are bad, but this is already halfway through the voyage, and the island of fire can be seen from a distance, so naturally the few people will not just give up like this, so they have to keep going.

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