He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 481 Electric mouse? wild dogs on the road

The leftmost one of the three islands is the island of fire, the island where the legendary fire god lives.

Of course, this is just a legend. Even Flora, a local, has never seen the God of Fire, so she naturally has no so-called awe.

Xiaozhi and the others went ashore. Except for the captain Xiaomei who stayed on the boat, everyone walked towards the depths of the island with excited faces. They don't know that the outside world has already been turned upside down, and they still think it's just a passing event. That's all.

It's just that the weather is bad.

Fire Island, this is a piece of bare Gobi rock land, the area is not too big, but there is a man-made staircase in the middle of the road, which is probably leading to the so-called altar.


Before leaving, Xiaozhi saw the huge carp king stranded on the shore not far away, with sparks and lightning flashing from its tail.

Without doubting him, they continued to move forward.


"Do you feel like the rain is getting heavier..."

"And the atmosphere is also strangely depressing..."


After walking for about 5 or 6 minutes, several people reached the end of the stairs. This is a cliff, and there is no other scene.

On the edge, there is a weird rock building, and in the center stands a weird rock sculpture, with wings, head, claws, beak... It can be seen that the prototype is a bird Pokémon .

flame bird.

"Is this the God of Fire? Is it a flame bird?"

Xiaozhi's expression suddenly became a little tasteless, and he didn't have much awe of the flame bird, after all, his good friend had one.

The sculptural flame bird opened its beak, and there was a fiery red spherical stone inlaid inside, probably the so-called Fire Orb, Xiaozhi reached out and grabbed it without thinking.


With a little effort, the stone flame bird's teeth were broken on the spot, and he easily held the flame orb in his hand.

Needless to say, this orb is quite interesting. It is warm and warm in the hand, and the whole body is fiery red and transparent. There is still a ray of flame burning inside that is visible to the naked eye...


Xiaozhi couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise, he felt a familiar aura on the orb, it was a very metaphysical feeling, if I had to use one word to describe it...

"The breath of God?"

That's right, the breath of God, and it's very strong.

Xiaozhi has met quite a few gods now, and he is somewhat familiar with this metaphysical atmosphere.

The quality of this breath is far better than the old flame bird he encountered before? But it is slightly lower than the rainbow feather in his own hand...

"The God of Fire is not just a flame bird? Or it can be said that the flame bird is just a carrier of the God of Fire..."

Flora on the side couldn't help but interrupted? She was also looking at the Orb of Fire with great interest.

Fire? Ice, thunder.

This is recorded in their local ancient books? But the original source energy of the world is also a terrifying power that can affect the whole world? And the flame bird? No matter how noble it is, it is just a second-level god...

There is not only one flame bird, but the fire god flame bird is a unique existence, connected with this original power.

It can be said that it has acquired the godhead? The emotional fluctuations that represent this source of power? The power it can exert by itself will far exceed the average flame bird, and its strength is close to that of a powerful first-level god!

And this orb is the bridge connecting the two.

"Haha, I just listened to what grandpa said..."

Flora scratched her head? She actually listened to these legends with the mindset of listening to stories.

The three of Xiaozhi also called out to the experts, secretly thinking that there is such a secret here? Then he looked around, wanting to see if the flame bird with the original power has three heads and six arms...

How about a first-level god? What is a second-level god?



At this time, a sound came from a high rock platform behind him, and several people looked up quickly.

Is the flame bird out?

Just caught the eye? A few people's expressions darkened instantly, and they became a little disappointed.

But I saw three figures standing on the high platform? A red-haired, a blue-haired, and a yellow-haired dwarf. His hair was loose and falling down, his expression was tired and withered, and his body was wet with water, as if he had just been fished out of the sea. ...


Xiaozhi forgot to gag Flora's mouth for a moment, letting the latter blurt out.

Sure enough, as soon as they heard the interrogative sentence, the three members of the Rockets were immediately full of energy, and brushed their palms along their hair, as if they had hair gel in their palms. Their hair instantly became firmer and their spirits recovered.

"Since someone has posted a message in good faith!"

"We will tell you mercifully!"

"For Gulu Gulu..."

"Gulu Gulu..."

Halfway through the lines, everyone suddenly felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and there was even a high-pitched chirping sound in the sky, causing no one to pay attention to Team Rocket's lines.


This voice was sharp and messy, but full of momentum, and several people, including the Rockets, raised their heads subconsciously.

In the eyes, it is a big golden bird, the whole body is covered with spiked feathers like a thunderbolt, the head is also in the shape of a strange spike, the beak is long and thin, and the eyes are cloudy with thick dark circles.

"Lightning bird?"

Xiaozhi immediately recognized this Pokémon, he had been there once.

It's just that isn't this the Island of Fire? The flame bird didn't see it, but a lightning bird came out?

Come to step on the field?

There are three islands, the island of fire is on the far left, the island of ice is in the middle, and the island of thunder is on the far right.


The lightning bird was still singing loudly, and when its wings flickered, it also brought out bursts of powerful electric current, which turned into several electric snakes and spread out towards the surroundings, falling on the ground and causing countless smoke and dust explosions.

In the end, he seemed to have noticed something, and flew towards Xiaozhi and the others, but the target was not them.


The Lightning Bird landed and stepped on the Flame Bird sculpture. Its heavy weight crushed it into gravel, and then spread its spiked wings again to scatter the current around it.

Several people didn't dare to be careless, even Team Rocket hid behind Xiaozhi in fear.

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi standing in the front couldn't help but exclaimed, but his eyes lit up.

This kind of power, as well as the sense of oppression, are far superior to the bastard Lightning Bird he met in the unmanned power plant before. Is this the charm of the God of Thunder?

But what does the God of Thunder want to do?

"So there really is a God of Thunder?"

Flora, who was hiding behind Xiaozhi's back, showed a strange look. It is also until today that she has finally changed her mind about the history and legends of her hometown...


"Pikachu, you are all electric, go communicate."

Soon, Xiao Zhi lifted Pikachu by the back of the neck, and threw it out with his backhand.

This made Pikachu, who was still thinking about paddling to watch the show, had to step forward with heavy steps, and took a deep breath.

"Pika pickup."

It barked a few times, but the Lightning Bird still spread its wings and fired around, ignoring the electric mouse that was not even up to its knees.


Pikachu had no choice but to slap his cheek, and shot a beam of electricity onto the lightning bird's knee.

This is not an attack, but a unique method of electric Pokémon, which uses electric current to communicate.


Sure enough, the Lightning Bird gave feedback this time, but its head didn't fall down. It just glanced out of the corner of its eye, looking at Pikachu like a wild dog on the side of the road, but finally shot out a small beam of lightning.

"Pika pickup..."

Pikachu received the signal and called back a few times. At this time, Musashi threw Meow Meow out with a backhand. They needed the latter for a second translation.

Although Miaomiao was a little upset, she still gave the answer slowly.

"Oh, what Lightning Bird means is that the staring bird from before has finally left, so now Fire Island is its meow."

In other words, it is really here to step on the field.


Immediately, the Lightning Bird launched its discharge trick again, and the terrifying current pulses continuously bombarded everything around, blasting out countless stone pits, and even a lot of current fell around Xiaozhi and his party. .

"Pika pickup..."

Pikachu still wanted to try to persuade him to fight, but the Lightning Bird released a good electric current, which hit Pikachu's chest, and the strong electric force knocked him into the air on the spot, and Xiao Zhi hurried forward to catch Pikachu.


However, Lightning Bird just glanced at Pikachu who was lying in Xiaozhi's arms with disdain.

Hmph, does a wild dog want to bark next to it?

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