He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 484 Meow Meow: Isn't it just as long as you have hands?

I don't know how long it has passed, and the night is coming to an end, and the sky over the entire sea area is gray and white.

In a little while the sun will rise.

And Frozen Bird has been wreaking havoc in this sea area alone for several hours, using the freezing light indiscriminately, thanks to the support of the original energy of ice, it can be released so arrogantly, so that it will not be exhausted.

At this moment, this sea area has been covered by ice and snow all over the sky, and the surface of the sea area with a radius of tens of kilometers has formed a layer of 5 to 6 meters deep ice, like a polar region.


The wild Pokémon around the sea area of ​​​​Asia Island seemed to have expected something, and they were also stepping on the ice and approaching the waters of Asia Island, densely packed.

It's snowing here, and the climate in other parts of the Orange Islands is completely disordered, even in the Kanto region.

The scope of the impact is not only Zhenxin Town near the sea, but even Viking City and Hualan City have been affected. The bad weather is raging on most of the map.

It's a good thing that Boss Sakagi didn't sit in Tokipan City, otherwise he would probably have killed him by now.


"The tsunami caused by the ocean current has broken through the southern coast of the Kanto region, and its intensity is still gradually expanding..."

Listening to the news bulletin in the illustrated book, Xiaozhi's expression immediately turned serious. He knew that he couldn't wait any longer and had to do something!

Then he took back the illustrated book, no longer looked at the Frozen Bird outside, but turned his head back to the hall, trying to find something that could break the game, when it raised its eyebrows.


If it is said that this situation is caused by the imbalance of the three forces, then it is enough to release the god of fire and the god of thunder, which is simple and rude.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi immediately raised his hand and pointed.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts on the lightning bird cage!"

Pikachu understood, and a burst of electric fire sparked on his cheeks, and he got out of his body and turned into a beam of electric light, shooting towards the iron ring force field that bound the lightning bird.


It's just that the effect is mediocre. The lightning oscillates and dissipates in the air. The high-tech devices are naturally anti-electric.

"In that case, use the iron tail to force it open!" Xiaozhi said resolutely.

"Pika Pika... Chupi!"

Pikachu's limbs started to run deftly in the hall, and when he approached the target, he jumped high, and his tail shining with metal cold light fell heavily.


There was a crisp metal collision sound? The stamina made Pikachu bounce back several times in a row? The cage was still safe and sound.

For a while, even Xiaozhi was at the end of his skills? His expression was distressed.


"Oh? Just to break open this rotten cage?"

"Isn't it just as long as you have hands?"

"Little devil? Learn to meow!"

Just as Xiaozhi was still discussing with Xiaogang and Xiaoxia how to break through the force field cage of the Lightning Bird, several disdainful voices came. The Rockets trio had already walked to the force field on their own. In front of the cage.

Although they are also villains, at least there is a world for them to make trouble? The world will be over if the Frozen Bird outside does it? How can their Rockets thrive and rule the world?

Insert forcefully.

His face was full of confidence, and Xiaozhi's face was covered with strong self-confidence, so he could only watch in a daze.

"Meow? Come on!"

"It's up to you? Meow!"

"Leave it to me, meow!"

The roles of the three-person team are clear, Musashi and Kojiro are responsible for refueling and providing buf, and Miaomiao is responsible for doing things.

I saw Miaomiao sweeping up and down the two-meter-high cage in front of her, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes, as if she had discovered something? Then she raised her palm, and a few sharp claws "swish" in the cat's paws .

Disdainful expression? Like a cat on a cat.

Immediately, Meow Meow took aim at the target, raised her sharp claws, and slammed into a certain position of the force field cage.

"Crack! Crack..."

A series of mechanism sounds sounded, and the next second? The indestructible cage was opened from the inside.

"Huh? Old technology..."

Miaomiao just blew on the sharp claws? It was as easy as killing a dog.


This operation also made the three of Xiaozhi dizzy on the spot. It turns out that Miaomiao is the hidden boss...



The force field dissipated, without hypnosis, Lightning Bird reopened its dark eyes, saw the electric mouse not far away for the first time, and his mentality exploded instantly.

It still remembers the time when it was poisoned by this unlucky mouse. This is definitely a huge insult!


Without even thinking about it, the lightning bird immediately aroused a terrifying burst of golden lightning and roared out.

Pikachu: "?"

Its characteristic is not to store electricity, and it quickly kicked its limbs on the ground to launch a flash of lightning to avoid it. The lightning that passed by was so powerful that it directly blasted a big crack in the edge of the airship. Snow rushed into it immediately, causing several people to shudder.

It's freezing outside right now...!

Seeing that the lightning bird's feathers stood up, and the second electric shock was about to be launched, Xiaozhi raised his finger immediately.

"Pikachu, hide from the flame bird!"


Pikachu understood, and nimbly hid behind the cage that restrained the flame bird. Xiaozhi wanted to use his strength to fight.


The next moment, the thunder and lightning struck, hitting the cage of the force field, the strong electric current collided with the weird energy force field, causing a terrible explosion, billowing black smoke.

Wait until the smoke clears.


There was another burst of loud and clear singing, and I saw that the fire god, the flame bird, had also escaped from the bondage, opened his eyes again, and spit out a ball of extremely hot flames with his backhand and shot at the lightning bird.

Lightning Bird naturally didn't hesitate, and also stirred up a burst of electricity.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Flame and lightning collided in this hall, causing a terrible explosion, accompanied by turbulent energy surging around, and the strong wind made several people have to hold on to the handle firmly so as not to be thrown out.



Another similar chirp sounded, and this time the two divine birds had completely set their sights on each other, and then released flames and lightning towards one side of the wall, blasting a crack and a big crater, and flew out with flapping wings.

The narrow interior of the hall cannot display their true combat effectiveness.



Next, the flame bird and the lightning bird just chased each other around the edge of the air fortress, spit out lightning and flames and shot at each other from time to time, but they were all dodged by the opponent's wings. These violent attacks naturally fell on this place On a huge "castle".


Countless parts, propellers, and metal shells could not withstand such an exaggerated attack. After being hit, a terrible explosion of smoke and dust was stirred up, and then the flames shot up into the sky, causing the whole fortress to tremble and rumble. .

"Boom boom boom!!"

Soon, with a reaction, the entire spaceship was surrounded by flames, the hull tilted by more than half, and even sank downward, looking like it was about to crash...


"Boss, it's not good, the engine has been damaged by more than 70%, and it can no longer support continued flight..."

Hearing the anxious reminder from his subordinates in the communicator, Gilluta's expression was suffocated, and his mentality gradually changed.

It's Sea God's day, I let you stay at home as guests, and you tore down my building! ?

But Xiaozhi and the others obviously couldn't hear his complaints.


In the end, this huge sky fortress just fell down on an island below. The terrible weight was like a meteorite, causing the whole island to tremble suddenly...

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