He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 493 The Sun Shines, Hunzi Appears


Even though the weather was still sunny at this moment, there was still a roar like thunder in the sky.

This is not thunder, but the sound of pure energy suppressing and colliding to the extreme.

The humans on the cliff were completely dumbfounded. Rock blades, high-pressure water pumps... This is a unique skill that Pokémon can release in the past, but now it has risen to an unheard of height in the hands of the two gods.

Not to mention Broken Back and Air Blast...

This is truly an epic battle...!

"To see such a battle, the destruction of the world is worth it..."

For a moment, a strange idea sounded in the minds of several people at the same time.

In the crowd, King Dudu, whose palm was behind his back, looked at the God of Volcano and the God of the Sea, who were evenly matched in terms of momentum, in the sea ahead, and finally showed his first expression of relief today.

"Old man, you finally didn't embarrass me..."

That's right, seriously, Sea God can still fight!

But soon Duduwang frowned again, looking at the silver-white giant in the sky far away.

"But old man, are you also possessed... The key now is not to fight the God of Volcano...!"

He could feel Rogia's expression at this moment, just like Xiaozhi's fanatical appearance when he was fighting Frozen Bird before. He was all hilarious and forgot everything around him.

The original three elements made the environment and climate on the verge of collapse, not to mention the sudden insertion of volcanic elements, and now the addition of marine elements...

The Dumb King always feels that today the Orange Islands may really perish...!

"By the way, why hasn't Xiaozhi boy come back?"

Dumb King looked in the direction of Ice Island.

The plan for now is to quickly let Xiaozhi put the three orbs on the corresponding high platform here, and the witch will blow the flute of the sea god, and cooperate with the power of the ocean current of the sea god, let the three divine birds calm their anger, relying on themselves The will to stabilize the three chaotic and violent original energies.

The perception of superpowers spread out, and he could already faintly feel that Xiaozhi was approaching in their direction.

Duduwang hurriedly sat upright, and when Xiaozhi came back, it was time for him, the guide, to make a move.

It must correct the script again! !


In the sea area, one bird and one beast are still tensely confronting each other.


After some venting, Gulardo has actually reacted.

Although they all have broad wings, what he hates is the sea god in the shape of a fat-headed fish.

And the opponent's trick is to create several water energy bombs in front of him and release a strong water flow at the same time, instead of air energy bombs like this.

He seems to have misunderstood the person...?

But as a proud ancient god, even if he is wrong, it is impossible to admit it, unless the other party admits first and gives him a step up.


The same is true for Rogia. It was originally the other party's vertigo. As a proud and great sea god, it is naturally impossible to take the initiative to admit it, not to mention that he was broken by the other party.


The thunder in the sky has become louder, which also means that the confrontation between the two gods has become more serious...



Suddenly, another direction? A burst of insolent voice? broke the deadlock.

That is the direction of Thunder Island.

The sound is also amplified by the microphone and the subwoofer speaker, and it immediately resounds in the entire sea area? It even suppresses the energy and thunder in the sky.

"Hahaha? Two gods!! Two gods!! One god of the sea, one god of volcanoes!! Let's celebrate!! You will all become my precious collection!! Haha!!"

In the insolent voice? With a bit of fanaticism and excitement, one can imagine the person who is holding the microphone? It should be in a state of spittle.

This voice not only attracted the attention of Xiao Gang and others, but also made Rogia and Gulardo turn their heads to look at the same time.


This loud voice made Xiao Zhi, who had just taken off from Ice Island, shiver.

It's Jilluta, the high-tech Pokémon collector.

Before the huge air fortress fell to Thunder Island, he went offline, but the air fortress destroyed by the three gods? In fact, only the outer part was damaged? That is, the flying suspension system, but the main body of the fortress is not a big problem.

In other words, the capture system is still intact!

The special capture iron ring force field prepared by Gilluta to capture the god of the sea is much stronger than the power to capture the three god birds!

"Go? My perfect "Pokeball"!!"

Jill laughed wildly, and finally pressed a button? The sky fortress that had been turned off also trembled violently, making the sound of mechanical parts turning.


All of a sudden, two iron ring devices flew out from the crack above, in the shape of a ball. Each of them was seven or eight meters wide. The gap between the iron rings was filled with a strange and transparent force field. Speeding towards the two beasts in the sea area near.

Although it was only for the purpose of capturing the God of the Sea, Gilluta also prepared a second pair of spare force field iron rings, which happened to come in handy now.


Due to the slow speed of Gulardo, the speed of the force field hoop was fast, and it was successfully locked in less than an instant.

The iron ring immediately extended several meters to completely envelop Gulardo, and in the next instant, the high-tech force field spread even more violently, enveloping it airtightly.


Just when the force field cage was opened, because of Gulardo's huge size and the high-temperature lava armor covering his body, the force field iron ring burst on the spot, turning into a pile of scrap metal and falling down.

Gulardo: "?"

And another force field iron ring also launched an attack at the same time.

Faintly aware of the threatening aura coming from above, Rogia's wings trembled, intending to rely on high-speed flight to evade the attack.

It's just that the iron ring of the force field was used by Gilruta to capture the god of the sea, and it completely penetrated Lugia's flight path, and it was completely wrapped in it in less than a while, and the strange energy spread accordingly. Come out and turn into a force field cage.


Wings folded and unable to maintain flight, Rogia's huge body just like this with a force field cage, fell from the sky to the ice on the sea surface, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust.

The god of the sea, the capture was successful.

At this moment, in the icy sea area, there is only a volcano god who has nothing happened, and a sea god who is gathered into a ball by a force field cage...


This scene was completely in the eyes, and for a while, several people on the edge of the cliff were silent.

They didn't know that the force field cage was specially made to capture the God of the Sea, and they thought it was a universal trap for divine beasts, but the facts before them were also very obvious...

What you see is what you get, the same thing, which has no effect on the volcano god, locks the sea god into a ball.

The so-called, when the sun shines, Hunzi appears, and the God of the Sea has no place to hide.

"Sea God?"

"The God of Hip Pulling."


Finally, the people on the shore couldn't help laughing, their voices were a little harsh.

Even King Dudai rubbed his temples again with a distressed expression, a rare bit of anger appeared on his simple and honest head.

"What the hell is going on with you, old man!!"

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