He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 497 Kuailong, Tangerine Island

The Orange Islands, in a certain sea area.

The three of Xiaozhi are riding Chenglong and sailing leisurely on the sea.


From time to time, Chenglong sprayed a stream of water to refresh Xiaozhi and wash his face. The former has been in the team for almost three months. Thanks to Xiaogang's good food, his body shape is no different from that of an adult Chenglong.

After a period of practice and fighting, Chenglong's strength will naturally not be too weak.

Now they are heading towards the center of the Orange Islands, the Citrus Island where the Orange League is located.

"It's finally time for the final battle...!"

Xiaozhi stood up from Chenglong's back with a passionate expression, and he could already see an island in the distance.

Opening the collar, four shell badges of different shapes, like handicrafts, were neatly arranged on it. These are the spoils he got from defeating four gymnasiums in the east, west, north, and south in the past three months, which also means that he has obtained Qualified to participate in the final league competition.

"Have you defeated four gyms...?"

"It's so fast, before I can react, it's over."

The two people next to him were also sighing.

The difficulty of these four gymnasiums is not too low, and the fighting methods are also somewhat different from the challenges of the gymnasiums in the Kanto area, but for Xiaozhi now, it is not a big problem, and they all pass the customs with one life.

As we all know, the average level of trainers in the Orange Islands is really stretching their hips, which is normal, but I don't know how much the last opponent weighs...


"chug chug..."

At this time, there was a sudden rush of sound not far from the sea, the movement was not small, just like the noise of a speedboat engine starting.

Everyone looked up subconsciously, but saw that the movement was not caused by a speedboat or other means of transportation, but a Pokémon.

This is a khaki-colored dragon-type Pokémon.

It has a fat body, short arms, thick hind limbs, a pair of small and delicate wings on the back, and a cute head.

This is also an old friend of several people, and they quickly recognized the person.

The signature Pokémon of the Kanto region, Kuailong!

It's just that the flying speed of this fast dragon is extremely fast, and its body is close to the sea surface. The strong air pressure even drags out a long wave ripple on the sea surface, which looks extremely domineering.

"chug chug..."

Like a jet engine, the speed is extremely fast, and it is about to skip over the sea not far from several people.

"A wild fast dragon?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up immediately, this kind of Pokémon is extremely rare, and suddenly meeting one by the side of the road inevitably moved his heart.

Of course, what moved him the most was Kuailong's speed...

"It's up to you!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi threw a poke ball backhand, and the next second his body jumped out of Chenglong's back.


When the red light solidified and took shape, he just jumped onto the back of a giant bird, and his movements were smooth and smooth, which was obviously a rehearsed way of appearance.

The Pokémon that comes out has brown body feathers, and the tail feathers and crest are cool and flamboyant bright red slender feathers, with wide wings spread out, handsome and handsome, with sharp eyes.

Than the carving!

"Bi Diao, let's not lose to it!"

Rather than conquering the opponent, Xiaozhi wants his Bi Diao to compete with this fast dragon in terms of speed!

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"

Bi Diao's wings shook immediately, and his body rushed out suddenly. The terrifying speed of the explosion seemed to break through the limit for a while, and all the surrounding scenes were left in Xiaozhi's eyes. The direction is chasing.


Soon, from the corner of Kuailong's eyes, Kuailong also noticed the intention to approach the two of them. His wings shook again, and his speed immediately increased by 30%. Just now, he was still dragging the waves and ripples, but this time, he directly broke through the nearly one-meter-high waves , the momentum is growing.

"Stupid, the pure resistance of sea water, how can anyone be able to increase their speed even if they are handsome!"

Having said that, Xiaozhi also drove Bi Diao to lower his figure, and also flew on the sea surface, with the breaking waves passing by both sides.

"chug chug..."

Indeed, speed is not important, bells and whistles are the most important.

"Hey Xiaozhi! Wait for us!"

The two people behind complained immediately, and had to instruct Chenglong to catch up quickly.

Fortunately, this direction is the direction of Citrus Island, so there is no big problem.


ten minutes later.

Kuailong stopped his figure as a temporary buffer.


At this moment, the figures of Xiaozhi and Bi Diao appeared a hundred meters in front of him.

Xiaozhi also showed a satisfied smile on his face. In terms of speed, his own is still faster than Diao.

According to the official data, the speed of Bi Diao is Mach 2, which is twice the speed of sound. Converting the unit, it is 2400 km/h.

The official data given by Kuailong is that it circles the earth in 16 hours. The equator of the earth is about 40,000 kilometers.

But this is the circumference of the equator. If you go around the North Pole, it is also called a circle, so you have to take an average of the circumference of the earth. In conversion, your own is faster than the eagle.

But before Xiaozhi could take any action, Kuailong lowered his figure, shook his wings, passed Xiaozhi and flew out again.

"chug chug..."

The large-scale splashes from both sides blurred the faces of Xiaozhi and Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao Diao..."

But Bi Diao was just panting on the spot, watching Kuailong's figure gradually disappearing from sight, helpless, obviously it had entered a state of kidney deficiency.

In terms of explosive power, Bidiao is indeed superior, but in terms of durability, 10 Bidiaos can't beat Kuailong...!

The durability of others can support the fast dragon to circle the earth, but the speed of Bi Diao is only a short burst of speed...

"That's all right."

Helpless, Xiaozhi had to be covered in water, and resentfully drove Bi Diao to return to the position of his little friend...

"Speaking of wild Kuailong, the durability is too strong!"



half an hour later.

The three of Xiaozhi were already standing at the pier of Citrus Island.



As soon as you enter the island, you can clearly feel the huge flow of people on this island, and the size of the island is also the size of the combination of three or four islands that you have been to before.

As the center of the Orange Islands, this island is more like a small city, with all kinds of modern facilities and buildings, even if it is placed in the Kanto region, it can be regarded as a city above the middle level.

"80% of Nibi City."

"70% of Hualan City."

"21% is really a new town."

After a few people sighed a few times at the edge, they hurriedly walked towards the center of the Pokémon.


After replenishing the magic of the Pokémon familiarly, Xiaozhi also expressed to the local Miss Joy that he had obtained four badges and was here to challenge the Orange League.

"Oh! So it's a contestant. Please come here to register the contestant information. After confirming that there are no problems with the four badges, the challenge can be held directly as soon as tomorrow~"

Miss Joy immediately became enthusiastic, and she led a few people towards the inner room of the Pokémon Center.

Due to the climate catastrophe on Asia Island a week ago, which even affected the entire Orange Islands waters, the morale of the local residents of the entire Orange Islands is very low at this moment.

It has been half a month since the last challenger, and now they are eager to have a strong challenger, and their chief chain picker, to have a wonderful alliance challenge in front of everyone.

Rekindle the morale of the residents of the Orange Islands with fiery and passionate battles!

"So, player Xiaozhi, are you strong?"

Faced with Miss Joy's soul problem, Xiao Zhi immediately slapped his chest, showing full confidence.

"Don't worry, it's very strong, I'm the top five in the Quartz Conference!"

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