He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 511 The Curtain Comes to an End, Honor Trainer


In the Orange Arena, the momentum was suppressed to the extreme for a while.

"call out..."

The wind was blowing, and Yuji and Xiaozhi, who were looking closely at each other, sensed something, their eyes flashed at the same time, and their momentum suddenly rose.

"Quick Dragon, use the last Dragon's Dive!!"

Yuji yelled first, this was the last move, so he chose the strongest trick that Kuailong could use at the moment.

Xiaozhi on the other end did not show any weakness, and shouted angrily almost at the same time.

"Snorby, we also use the strongest freezing punch!!"

His Snorby doesn't know the ultimate impact and other tricks, so Xiaozhi decided to put all his treasures on Snorby's best freezing fist.


The dragon roared, and the fast dragon fluttered its wings and rushed straight up to the towering clouds. The sky was instantly covered by blue light, and its momentum was overwhelming.

Under the bursts of dragon chant and mighty dragon power, the blue light gradually condensed to a point, condensed to the surface of Kuailong's body, and turned into a terrifying phantom of giant dragon energy, and Kuailong just controlled the dragon-shaped phantom.

As if merging into one, the aura instantly increased several times, and finally it just shot out heavily.


The Kirby beast is in the same place, sinking into the dantian, squatting with its thick lower limbs, its face and eyes are fixed, and its two fists are raised high to the sides of its head at the same time, doing a double dragon out to sea move.

In the palm of the hand, there is an incomparably majestic and vast energy of ice and snow.


For a moment, even the moisture in the air around the fist was completely frozen, and the ice fog spread towards the surroundings.

"Quick Dragon, kill it!!"

"Karby, kill it!!"

Following the loud roars of the two trainers behind, the blue light phantom dragon collided head-on with the double freezing fist!


There was a terrible crackling sound on the spot, as if the air had been cracked open.

The dragon attribute and ice attribute energies turned into a storm of energy and continued to spread towards the surroundings.


The terrible force suppressed Snorkel's lower limbs, and it stomped heavily, completely destroying the ice field below. During the tremor, the cracks in the ravines cracked layer by layer and even spread all the way to the auditorium.

And the contact position between the fists of the dragon and the bear caused a violent explosion.


This battle is destined to be forever remembered here in the Orange Islands....


"Who's winning?"

"Who actually won?"

Three minutes later, the collision of the trick gradually weakened, and the smoke and dust also slowly dissipated. All the audience's eyes widened, trying to know the result immediately.

Xiaozhi and Yuji, who were standing at both ends of the arena, stared at each other tightly, facing each other, without any fluctuation in their eyes.

Even at this moment, the arena has been completely destroyed into ruins, with layers of cracks, ice chips and gravel everywhere.

"call out..."

As the smoke dissipated, Kuailong and Snorby were still standing firm on the field at the same time, their eyes were like their trainers, and they maintained a confrontational movement, staring at each other tightly.

For a moment, the entire arena fell silent, just watching quietly.


Suddenly, the Kirbymon trembled, as if it was about to fall down.

It's just that when it was about to fall, its hind limbs supported the knees on the ground, preventing it from completely falling to the ground.


On the other side, Kuailong couldn't bear the huge pressure anymore. When he closed his eyes, his huge figure fell down like this, lying in front of the Snorby beast.


Only then did Snorkel roar angrily, once again ignited its fiery fighting spirit and stood up firmly, raising its arms and shouting.

"Kailong loses the ability to fight, Snorkel wins!"

"So the one who won this match is Xiaozhi!!"

The referee immediately spoke, and the voice echoed around the arena.

In an instant, the entire Orange Arena exploded like a ignited firecracker, and the ground trembled with the deafening cheers.

Countless fireworks and firecrackers actually exploded in the sky, which was prepared by the local officials in advance.

The Orange League ushered in a new champion today!


"Snappy, good job!!"

Xiaozhi on one end has let go of his feet, and directly hugged the thick body of the Snakemon, with an excited expression.

Swollen belly, warm and soft fur, thick fat... the embracing texture of the Snorlax is definitely a top enjoyment.


Snorkel also quit its fierce state in the battle, hugged Xiaozhi with its backhand, and even stuck out its tongue to lick Xiaozhi's head.

It's hungry.

"Understood, dinner tonight, you three, and Pikachu, all dinner!"

Xiaozhi just happily agreed.

This is not a cake, he asked Xiaogang to prepare it yesterday, no matter the winner or loser today, it will be a feast of food.


Snorkel nodded in satisfaction, and licked Xiaozhi again.


"Thank you, Kuailong..."

On the other end, Yuji looked at his Kuailong with regret, and raised his hand to take it back.

Just a little bit.

"It seems that I have stayed in this place for a long time, and my strength has not improved for a long time..."

Yuji looked at Xiaozhi and Kirbymon who were hugging each other tightly in front of him, showing a look of envy.

"I should get out of here too."

he sighed.

The next scene was about traditional arts. Xiaozhi stood on the winner's podium that had been prepared long ago, received the golden trophy handed over by the official, and enjoyed the success of the victory.

"Victory belongs to us to create together, Chenglong, Crystal Rock Snake, Snorkel, and Pikachu!"

Holding the purely crafted trophy in one hand, Xiaozhi raised his arms and shouted, appreciating everyone's contribution.

"Also, thank you, God of Volcano..."

Along with the cheers from around, a piece of golden rain fell from the sky.

Then, under the crowd of reporters, Xiaozhi was secretly dragged away by Yongci, and went to a room inside the alliance venue, and Xiaogang Xiaoxia who was next to him quickly followed up.


"This is the hall of honor, and it is also the place where every victorious challenger can come."

In an open hall, Yuji introduced to several people.

The spacious glass-like ground looks very gorgeous and noble. Below the wall, there is a photo frame a few meters away, which contains a group photo of humans and several Pokémon.

In front of each photo frame stood a huge gray stone slab with footprints of various shapes on it.

Xiaozhi even saw Yuji and Kuailong in a photo frame.

"Become an honorary trainer, we will record the appearance of you and Pokémon, and then leave your footprints here as a souvenir."

Yongji brought Xiaozhi to the front of a blank slate, and Miss Joy and local high-level elders also came up together, pretending to take pictures of them as a nostalgia.

To win here, the title won is not the champion of the Orange League, but the honorary trainer.

"So Xiaozhi, are you willing to replace me and become the chief trainer of the Orange League?"

Yuuji asked suddenly.

The honorary trainers guarding the Orange Alliance will be awarded the title of "Chief Trainer".

This sentence also made Miss Joy and the high-level old man next to him stare at Xiaozhi closely, curious about the latter's answer.

"I reject."

Without even thinking about it, Xiaozhi shook his head directly, then reached out and rubbed Pikachu on his shoulder.

The Orange Islands will only be a midpoint of my countless journeys, not the end.

The outside world is far more exciting than he imagined, at least the current Xiaozhi is unwilling to stop traveling like this.

"As expected..."

Hearing this, Yuji seemed to have expected it a long time ago, so he just gave a wry smile.

"It seems that I have to find a new heir quickly, otherwise I won't be able to leave here for the time being..."

The battle with Xiaozhi also allowed Yongji to regain his original blood and fighting spirit. Now he plans to start again, fight side by side with his own Kuailong, and launch a new challenge towards the title of the king of the alliance.

"Come out, everyone!"

Xiao Zhi threw the poke ball, the hall is spacious, even if three huge Pokémon appear here at the same time, it will not feel crowded.

"Everyone move closer, we're going to take pictures~"

Miss Joy said with a smile, holding a camera bigger than her head in her hand.



"Rock Roar!!"

The three Pokémon immediately moved closer together with smiling eyes, and even squeezed Xiao Zhi in the middle until only one head remained.


Pikachu even stepped on Xiaozhi's hat directly, making a big claw hand.

"You guys..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing and cursing, but he could only let them squeeze around.


Flashing lights flashed, and the battle of the Orange Islands also left traces here forever...



In less than a while.

The place closest to the outside of the Hall of Honor has a photo frame of Xiaozhi and his four Pokémon.

On the stone slab in front, there were also traces of the footprints of several people, but it was a mess, and even the slate was about to be smashed open by the crystal rock snake.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at ease and relaxed.

"Now, it's time to go back to Zhenxin Town..."


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