He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 514 Thunder Sixteen Hexagrams!

"Didi. Gyarados, Water and Flying Pokémon..."

At the beginning of the battle, Xiaozhi first used tools to determine the attributes of the opponent, so as not to make an oolong.

"Boy, sharpen your gun before the battle?! Die!!"

The black-bearded captain obviously had a violent temper. He grabbed the tyrannosaur's horn with one hand, swung the sharp knife out, and attacked directly.

"Kaido, use heat!!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

You can just give the Pokémon a nickname, why haven’t I even heard the name of the move?

Is it a code word between pirates?

In the next instant, Rexi also had an answer.

"Puff boom boom!!"

I saw the Gyarados opened its huge mouth, and suddenly the fiery high-temperature energy condensed into a ball, and then all of it was sprayed out, turning into a pillar of flames, and the air waves billowed.

To put it simply, it is to spray flames.

"Chenglong, use the water gun to block it!"

Xiaozhi quickly instructed.


Chenglong also raised his neck, and immediately spit out a jet of blue water.


The water flow collided with the flames, bursting into countless white smoke and steam, and the strong storm blew the hair of the two people behind them, making them evenly matched.

"It seems that this pirate leader has some strength..."

Even Xiao Zhi couldn't help admiring the power of this jet of flames, and the fighting spirit in his eyes began to rise.

In this way, he will not regret his final battle in the Orange Islands!

"Hmph, boy, today I will let you see the true power of the old man's Kaido!!"

Blackbeard's expression was arrogant, and he roared in a low voice.

This Kaido is his initial Pokémon, and they have been together since the time of the Carp King. At that time, Blackbeard was just an ordinary trainee sailor, unremarkable.

In order to strengthen his dream of becoming a pirate captain, he even gave the carp king who had no power at that time a domineering name "Kaido" to show his ambition.

Afterwards, Blackbeard rebelled, stabbed the heart of his own deputy captain in a sneak attack, and successfully obtained the precious way to evolve the Carp King.

Afterwards, the carp king Kaido successfully jumped over the dragon gate, and evolved from the carp king to a tyrannosaurus. A powerful force followed, and Blackbeard's reputation officially spread far and wide.

After the memory killing was over, Blackbeard felt as if infinite power had been born out of thin air in his heart.

Immediately raised his finger and attacked again:

"Kaido, use Kamaitachi next!!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, thinking to himself what kind of trick this is.


However, the Gyarados roared again, and several streams of white air energy condensed around its head, which turned into air blades as they rotated, and flew out in unison.

"Is it a trick similar to whirlwind knife and air blade..."

Xiaozhi quickly reacted.

It's normal for Gyarados' water + flying Pokémon to be able to use this kind of trick, but these wind blades seem to be very powerful, and even a few shots were aimed at him, the trainer.

Playing wild ball on the street is so unreasonable. You must always pay attention to other people hitting your crotch.

"Chenglong, dive to hide!"

Helpless, Xiaozhi can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

Chenglong understood, bent his head, and his body fell into the water along with his head. Xiaozhi also held his breath in cooperation, tightly grasped the protrusion of Chenglong's back carapace, and dived into the sea.


The ferocious wind blade landed on that position a little later, and the terrifying cutting force even cut several vacuum cracks on the sea surface.

Seawater refills the crack irrigation with a half-second delay.


At this time, the sea surface in front of the Gyarados suddenly opened a big hole, and Chenglong's body jumped out of the water, jumped three or four meters high, and finally hit the Gyarados with its head.


The strength is so great that the Gyarados took a few steps back, almost leaning over, and the violent shaking made the black beard standing on it tremble.

Diving, dive into the water in the first round, and wait for an opportunity to attack in the second round.

"Hmph, have you seen the strength of me and Chenglong!"

Falling back to the surface of the sea again, Cheng Long's eyes were fearless, and Xiao Zhi also shouted proudly.

After coming out of the sea water, Xiao Zhi's whole body is already soaked, but the flames of war are even more intense.


"Little devil, you have completely angered the old man..."

Finally, Blackbeard's expression became gloomy, his aura suddenly changed, and the surrounding air became extremely solemn.

"Kaido, get serious and use Thunder Gossip!!"

He roared, almost a growl.

Another trick with a completely unrecognizable name, Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless when the aura of this move was completely different from the previous moves.


Following the repeated roar of the tyrannosaurus Kaido, the dragon-shaped body trembled continuously, and the armor shell was covered with purple light arcs visible to the naked eye. The terrifying momentum even turned into a real strong wind, blowing Xiaozhi and Chenglong.

Soon, all the electric arc and physical power were concentrated at the end of the Gyarados' tail, and the armored tail broke through the water and swept towards it heavily.


Along the way, howling sounds broke through the air, with huge destructive power.

Thunder gossip! !

"So it's the Lightning Whip?!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, the lightning whip gave people a strong sense of oppression, so he quickly raised his hand and pointed:

"Ride the dragon, use the water gun to block its attack!"


Chenglong roared loudly, and the water in his mouth blasted out again. Under the pressure of the crisis, its potential was completely forced out.

"Boom boom!!"

The stream of water sprayed out of the mouth suddenly doubled in size, and the water pressure contained in it was unknowingly stronger countless times, and the powerful driving force blasted towards the front of Lei Ming Bagua.

"Didi. Chenglong has mastered a new trick: high-pressure water pump."

The picture book suggested.

But at this moment, Xiaozhi could no longer hear the voice of the illustrated book, and his eyes were so tightly fixed on the point where the attack took place.

Finally, Lei Ming Bagua hit the high-pressure water pump, and the strong water pressure even broke the opponent's lightning whip in an instant, and was about to push it out.


But with another roar of the tyrannosaur, the strength on the tail instantly surpassed, splitting all the high-pressure water cannons, and even swept out with excess power, and finally hit the root of Chenglong's neck so hard.


The terrifying giant force almost bent Chenglong's head immediately.

The latter let out a muffled groan, and led Xiaozhi backwards on the sea, causing quite a lot of damage.


Even the surface of Chenglong's body lit up with paralyzed arcs.

In fact, most water-type Pokémon have electric-type special moves. For example, Xiaoxia's gemstone starfish can be 100,000 volts, and Chenglong can also master the lightning-type special move.

As for a Pokémon like Gyarados, it can simultaneously master one hundred thousand volts, thunder, and electromagnetic waves. It is not a big problem to have an arc attached to the tail attack...

"It's just this power, isn't it too outrageous...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes were already a bit panicked. If the previous attack hadn't been buffered by the high-pressure water pump, the winner might be decided in one blow.

At first, I thought it was just an ordinary pirate leader, as if I accidentally stabbed something very serious?

Even vaguely, that aura is as terrifying as the heavenly king Kona I met before...

"Little devil, that's right, you can block the old man's fame stunt..."

The look of the condescending black beard changed a little, and there was something more in Xiaozhi's gaze.

But the fierce light in his eyes reached its peak like a volcanic eruption.

"Then try the old master's ultimate stunt!!"

Following Blackbeard's roar again, the Gyarados under him started to riot one after another, and the aura of his body instantly rose to an extremely terrifying level, and even the surrounding sea water began to churn.


It's still the familiar tail flicking action, but this time, whether it's the covered arc or the strength of the whipping, they have all risen to a new level.

A realm that can never be reached by ordinary power...

Suddenly, in Xiaozhi's eyes, there seemed to be an extremely ferocious mace with countless electric arcs, swinging towards him...

Thunder sixteen hexagrams!

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