Chengdu area, on the easternmost grassland.

The vast expanse, the breeze blows, and the grass blades at the feet are also swaying.

Xiaozhi and his party have already bypassed the Quartz Plateau and Baiyin Mountain, and officially arrived at the new area.

The map interface on the illustration book also switched to a brand new map automatically in a very user-friendly manner, and their location was at the southeast end of this map.

"A little further to the west is Road 0, and then there is Ruoye Town..."

Several people were confirming that they had not gone the wrong way, and a sense of novelty flashed in their eyes, and they hurriedly continued to move forward.

Along the way, I have seen many Pokémon that I have never seen in the Kanto area.

Little green spiders are crawling on the grass, and a few red-shelled black-spotted ladybugs pass by from time to time, as well as brown elk with big horns...everything looks so fresh.


Route 0.

Passing through the vast grassland, several people came to a jungle.

Looking into the distance, he could already see a corner of the town from a distance, Xiaozhi didn't think much, and rushed into the jungle with the two of them.

"call out..."

Only after entering this small jungle for less than a hundred meters, the fog suddenly thickened, and the visibility dropped sharply, and he could barely make out the scene a few meters around.

"Beep beep. The direction is correct."

The picture book suggested.

With an upgraded version of the illustration book, it doesn't matter if you lose your direction. The expressions of the few people have not changed, and they are still going deeper.

After a while, a clear pool appeared in front of them.

The area is not too big, just a small pond five or six meters wide, the water quality is clear and sparkling, surrounded by sparse shrubs and bushes.

A faint mist rose from the surface of the water, and the three of them stopped and subconsciously took a deep breath.


The air is fresh and of high quality, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Even though the surrounding area is surrounded by dense water vapor, but there is not much humidity and stuffiness, instead it looks very refreshing.



At this moment, Pikachu's ears trembled suddenly, and he jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder.

It rushed to the pool, its small head was serious, and several electric currents were even accumulating on its cheeks, as if attacking.


The three also subconsciously looked in Pikachu's direction.

In the eyes, a faint blue animal-shaped shadow had already stood on the other side of the pool at some point.

The medium-sized body is extremely well-proportioned, and no specific appearance can be seen. The body is completely composed of energy that glows with blue light, and it looks very mysterious.

There is also a pair of light red eyes at the position of the head, as graceful and noble as jewels.

"Is it a Pokémon?"

"A Pokémon whose whole body is made of fuzzy energy?"

Several people were taken aback, they had never seen this kind of Pokémon before.

"Is this the Pokémon from the Johto area..."

Xiaozhi was the first to react, the mystery is the mystery, but he also quickly said loudly from muscle memory:

"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, fight with me!"

Opening your mouth is declaring war, regardless of whether you are mysterious or not.


Pikachu also understood and landed on all fours, bared his teeth threateningly, and put on an offensive look.


The Pokémon finally noticed a few people and turned its head.

But there seemed to be little interest in those pale red eyes, as if he was going to leave here.


It's just that when this Pokémon was about to leave, it suddenly noticed something, and just looked straight at Xiaozhi in the front.

Why does this human being have the smell of that person...?

"call out..."

In the next moment, the surrounding fog dissipated, and the visibility increased, and the fuzzy energy covering this Pokémon also dissipated, completely revealing its body.

It has a turquoise animal-shaped body, a slender and well-proportioned body, with a few white spots on its back.

There is a blue rhombus-shaped crystal-shaped headdress on the head, and a bunch of purple hair like flowing clouds grows on the back, and there is even a white ribbon around the body, dancing without wind.

"so beautiful..."

Several people couldn't help blurting out at the same time.

Even Xiaoxia had difficulty breathing on the spot, only obsession remained in her eyes, this is definitely the most noble and beautiful Pokémon she has ever seen.

The fresh water breath surrounding it made her sure that this must be a water-type Pokémon.

"Didi. Suicune, the legendary Pokémon, the god of environmental protection, the incarnation of the northern wind in the legend, has the mysterious power to purify water."

In the pocket, the illustration book reminded in time.


Xiaozhi read it again, not only the appearance is noble, but the name is also noble.

Or a legendary Pokémon?

"Suicun, fight me!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he stood beside Pikachu, his eyes were extremely fiery.

It would be exciting to think that his first battle in the Johto area was a legendary Pokémon!


"Aw~ Wu!!"

However, Suicune just turned his head again and screamed to the sky.

The howling sound like a wolf echoed in this jungle, with a powerful and noble sense of oppression in the sound, which made people dare not be careless.


Immediately, Suicune took a step forward on his own, and his limbs landed on the water, as if he was stepping on flat ground.

Just treading the water step by step, he walked straight to Xiao Zhi.

Even though Suicune landed on all fours, his body height was almost higher than Xiao Zhi's, approaching step by step, the powerful momentum made Xiao Zhi take a step back.

But Suicune was still approaching, and within a while, the distance between the two was less than one meter.

Xiaozhi: "..."

He swallowed his saliva, mustered up the courage to confront him intently, not knowing what Suicune was going to do.

I'm talking about Pokémon battles, you should be looking at Pikachu, not me!

However, Suicune only took a deep look at Xiaozhi, then suddenly turned his head, stepped on the ground, and swept towards the depths of the nearby jungle.

After a while, it completely disappeared.

it ran.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He froze in place with a dazed expression.

In the pocket, the illustrated book was afraid that Xiaozhi would not know what happened, so he reminded again in a very humane way:

"Beep. Suicune escaped."

Xiaozhi: "..."



Outside the mist forest.

The appearance of the town can already be seen in the distance ahead.

"Didi. The three legendary Pokémon in the Johto area are Suicune, Entei, and Raikou..."

"And two more noble gods, the god of life, Phoenix King, and the former sea god Rogia."

The three of them were gathering on a flat lawn, and this was their last rest before entering the city.

The illustration book is popularizing the local legendary Pokémon for the group.

After all, Xiaozhi not only wants to fight his own gym alliance, but also helps Brother Chi find these legendary Pokémon, complete the trial, and obtain the token of God, which is used to create a new body for Brother Chi.

On the full screen of the illustrated book, pictures of gods flashed one after another, but the clarity was ridiculous, as if they were taken by bricks.

After all, the gods are all gods and dragons. How could it be so easy to be recorded in photos by humans.

"Sure enough, the Pokémon I met on the first day of my trip was Ho-Oh... I've seen Lugia too..."

Xiaozhi nodded, thinking secretly.

It was the label of the former Poseidon that was outrageous. He thought it was just a joke from the Orange Islands, but he didn't expect that even the official data had expelled Lugia from the Poseidon.

He was more curious if the God of Volcano was going to get two wages now.

"The other three, except for Suicune who just met once, have never seen the other two..."

Xiaozhi looked at the three animal-type Pokémon on the screen, all of them were extremely domineering and majestic, and they looked extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, he secretly made up his mind.

"Chengdu area, I must tame one of these three!"

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