Zhanlan City.

The westernmost part of the Johto region, this is an island city.

But the scale of urbanization is not too high, more like a small town by the sea, mostly traditional folk buildings, and to the east is the sea area of ​​the Whirlpool Islands where the Whirlpool Islands are located.

In the northeast corner of the city, there is a traditional dojo, which is still in the architectural style of tiled wooden houses common in the Chengdu area, but its appearance is somewhat similar to that of Kikyo Gymnasium.

There is also a fist sign hanging at the door, which means that this is a boxing dojo.

Zhanlan Gym!

At this moment, in the courtyard inside the gymnasium, there are two figures standing.

One of them is a middle-aged man with a broad build, short brown hair and a brown beard growing to the sides, naked upper body, lower body is white martial arts training clothes, bare feet, dressed like a martial artist.

Although the arms are muscular, but the chubby belly is also sticking out.

When people reach middle age, even muscular martial arts men also have the trouble of beer belly.

But his demeanor is restrained and deep, giving people the feeling of a martial arts master.

Zhanlan Gym Trainer, Ah Si!


Standing next to him was an 11-year-old boy with a handsome face and the same brown hair, but the hairstyle protruded upwards in the shape of spikes, looking quite arrogant.

He is also wearing a white exercise suit, of course, he is not as wild as a middle-aged man, and his upper body is still wearing something.

The top 16 of the Quartz Conference, Xiaomao!


Suddenly, Ah Si put his hands behind his back and said slowly:

"Xiao Mao, you have been here for almost four months. I believe that your Taoist heart has been honed to the realm of innocence at this moment, and you will never have the slightest emotional fluctuation because of foreign objects."

Xiao Mao nodded, looking forward with a pair of calm eyes, his breath was steady, completely different from Zeng Jin's arrogance, but his gestures and gestures revealed the aura of a strong man.

"Yes, Teacher Ah Si."

He has become more mature.

Four months ago, the Quartz Conference ended.

Xiaozhi went to the Orange Islands, while Xiaomao came to the Zhanlan Gym, and started a practice of Dao Xin.

In the electronic world, Qinglu studied abroad before setting out on a trip.

So when Xiaomao's mentality was frustrated, he also followed the green steps and came here to study.

"Forget it, it's time to leave here, your future is still in the farther sky!"

Ah Si nodded and sighed.

Xiaomao is undoubtedly the most talented disciple he has encountered in these years. Although he had plans to just leave him here as a closed disciple, it is undoubtedly too selfish.

"Then now is the final assessment. If you pass the assessment, you can leave here."

"is teacher!"

So the two turned their gazes to the front.

It was a white writing board, and the white board was engraved with strange characters and patterns, which seemed simple and simple, but hidden the truth of the great way.

"Today is the last time, this time it's up to you."

Ah Si handed over the black pen in his hand to Xiao Mao.


Xiaomao borrowed a black pen and drew a new mark in the middle of the pattern.


Then Ah Si left another mark...


After three rounds, the tic-tac-toe on the board has the last two spaces.

And Xiaomao has also successfully pushed Ah Si to a dead end, and immediately raised the black pen, and was about to draw the last circle symbolizing the end.

Three laps formed a line, and he won this race!

However, Ah Si took the first step and stood in front of him.

"Huh huh huh..."

Immediately, he used the palm of his hand as a wiper to wipe off everything on the whiteboard, causing Xiaomao's movements to freeze there.

"How is it? Are you feeling restless now? Do you even have the urge to beat me up?"

Ah Si smiled and looked at Xiao Mao.


The muscles on Xiaomao's face twitched slightly, but finally he took a deep breath and replied respectfully:

"Teacher Ah Si, I'm already a brand new Xiaomao. It's impossible for something like this to cause any waves in my heart, and I don't have any urge to beat you up..."

Hearing this, Ah Si was overjoyed and said with a smile:


Then he took out a small dark brown badge, in the shape of a small fist.

"This is the strike badge of Zhanlan gymnasium, and I will give it to you now."

"Then let's go out of the mountain like this and challenge a higher future."

Xiaomao took the badge, saluted respectfully, and said:

"Yes, teacher, I'm leaving now."


An hour later, at Zhanlan City Pier, on a high platform.

Xiao Mao has already changed back into his classic clothes, looking at the distant sea with a vicissitudes of life.

Wearing blue outdoor long sleeves and trousers, paired with a pair of brown hiking boots, holding a gray cylindrical luggage bag in one hand, and a black cloak tied on the back, flying with the sea breeze.

It's just that Xiaomao's expression at this moment is completely different from before, with an irritable and detached look.

It is true that he really didn't want to beat Ah Si up.

"Hey! Old man, I want to kill you!"

Xiao Mao cursed.


Every time he played tic-tac-toe, Ah Si had to continue drawing to the end if he wanted to win.

If he wants to win Ah Si, he wipes all the things with a backhand, which is called honing his mentality.

I grind your horse!

If it weren't for the fact that staying there really helped my cultivation, I would have turned against you long ago!

Xiao Mao's complexion is not good.

Although he was disgusted for four months, his mood and strength have indeed improved a lot in these four months.

Zhanlan Gymnasium's unique fighting practice venue, what carrying a huge rock on its back, meditating under a waterfall, etc., and there is a Si as a sandbag...

Xiaomao is now a new Xiaomao!

"Hmph, now the Chengdu Alliance Conference has begun, let you Chengdu people experience what real fear is!!"

As he said that, Xiaomao's eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness, and a figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

"Xiaozhi, you should come too... Let me destroy you completely this time!!"

The two didn't meet at the Quartz Conference last time, but now Xiaomao is very confident.

If there are any biographical novels about great people in the future, the protagonist will only be him, Xiaomao from the new town!

Yes, the title of the book is "Mao Xin Shuo"!


"chug chug..."

At this time, a cruise ship slowly entered the pier. Judging by the logo on the ship, it should have come all the way from Kuye City in the Kanto region.

Seeing the boat in his hometown, Xiaomao subconsciously looked at it for a while longer.

Now he is waiting for the ship to go to the other side - Asahi Onion City, where there is a Asahi Onion Gym.


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Xiao Mao suddenly let out a sound of doubt.

After the cruise ship from Dead Leaf City arrived, several groups of tourists disembarked, but he saw a familiar figure among them.

It was a blue-black boy with short hair, dressed in weird black clothes, but with a baby face, and his behavior was very polite.

"Looks like the grandson of the Heavenly King Chrysanthemum?"

Xiaomao raised his eyebrows. The two met once at the Quartz Conference before. The opponent came to snipe him deliberately, and then he was eliminated by him with a backhand.

"Could it be that old woman Juzi sent to attack me again?"


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