He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 791 Quarterfinals, vs Akin! (Down)

"Thank you, Chenglong..."

Soon, Xiaozhi took Chenglong back, holding the elf ball in his hand, with a serious face.

Xiaozhi can only sigh with the opponent's combination punch, even if Ah Jin doesn't have a complete grandpa...

But the natural ability acquired may not be inferior to bringing a red brother with him.

You know, this is only the first year that Ah Jin started to travel.

call out...!

On the field, the strange airflow on Ajin's side stopped blowing.

The tailwind state is over.

"come back."

At this time, Ah Jin actually took back his Firestorm Beast into the elf ball again.


Fly everything in the palm of your hand and throw the next poke ball.

The one in front of Ah Jin was naturally his big needle bee, waving the double needles again, flying in mid-air aggressively.

Such frequent replacements were difficult for Xiaozhi to deal with.

Cold knowledge, similar to black eyes, blocking the way, which prevents the target from escaping, can only block the trainer's Poké Ball and take it back.

But if it is a rapid return, Volt replaces this move, and the active side is replaced by Pokémon, there is no blocking effect at all.

"If that's the case, then I'll do the opposite...!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he had a new idea in his mind.

Throwing his palm forward, he unleashes his second Pokémon.


The next moment, a golden-yellow owl hovered in the midair of the arena.

After circling around, it is finally at the same height in the air as the big needle bee.

His majestic eyes were fixed on the latter.

Birds and insects, this is a classic food chain.

Different-color Pokémon are destined not to be ordinary people. In a group, there are usually only two situations that can happen.

Either be excluded by the same ethnic group, and the status is very low.

Or treat everyone of the same clan as Muggles and look down on everyone!

Apparently, this owl belongs to the latter category.


It seemed to enjoy the environment where countless audiences looked up at its golden body and gave out admiration.


The battle between Ajin and Xiaozhi is still going on.

"Big needle bee, use the poisonous water chestnut!"

This time, Ah Jin chose the field poisoning tactic used in the previous battle against Ah Yin.

Don't look at him defeating Chenglong, but there are five Pokémon on the opposite side of the guy.

Ah Jin didn't dare to be careless, and chose to fight steadily.

The big needle bee waved its double needles, condensed a strange purple light, and threw it to the ground below.

Plop plop...!

The shape is like kelp, and the surface is still bubbling with penetrating bubbles.

"Owl, use supernatural powers!!"

However, Xiaozhi responded in a leisurely manner.

As the words fell, the owl's eyes glowed with light, and the place he was looking at in front of him lit up with a golden light visible to the naked eye, spreading to the surroundings.

It's like doing an X-ray scan.

buzz buzz!

With the power of golden light, it is easy to freeze the purple light group out of thin air.


Immediately, the owl lightly exerted strength, and with supernatural power, it easily crushed the ball of poisonous water chestnut.

The attribute of superpowers can restrain the attribute of poison.

Poison Ling's unique move could not survive for a second in front of the owl.

"Damn, have you found a countermeasure so quickly...!"

Ah Jin's expression suddenly wrinkled.

If I had known about the previous match against A Yin, I would have rushed down with the Pyrobeast, so as not to expose my big needle bee so early.

"In this case, Big Needle Bee, use the tail wind trick!!"

Ajin can only change his strategy in an attempt to increase the speed ability value of the next fire storm beast.

If it weren't for his Big Needle Bee, he wouldn't be able to master the baton trick, otherwise the Firestorm Beast would be able to push the team now.

One must know that his ability-enhancing moves such as big needle bee, sword dance, high-speed movement, and steel wall can all be mastered.

But the key trick to pass the state of enhanced ability to the next Pokémon - the baton, has never been mastered.

"Next time, let's replace Big Needle Bee with Ann Ladybug...?"

Ah Jin thought to himself in his mind.

The big needle bee is a bug from Kanto, and the ladybug An is a bug from his hometown.

Not only can you master the moves of the big needle bee, but you can also master the metaphysical moves such as the light wall and the baton...

It's just that Ah Jin shook his head quickly to dispel the thought.

Now the big needle bee is still fighting on the field, and I want to let the latter retire as a cold bench...

I'll think about it when I'm done.


on the field.

"Cha hiss...!"

The big needle bee understood, and raised the double needle, and was about to perform the tailwind trick again.

"It's now, Owl Nighthawk, use the trick of blowing away!!"

But Xiaozhi suddenly interrupted one step ahead.


Owls are faster.

The mutation of itself not only improved its mental strength, but also increased its own speed to a certain extent.

With a vigorous wave of its wings, the strong airflow suddenly spread out, and in an instant, it overwhelmed the strange and gentle wind blowing by the big needle bee.

Tailwind failed.


Not only that, but the entire body of the big needle bee was hit head-on by the whirlwind, blowing it into a mess.


The next moment, the big needle bee turned into a red light and returned to the elf ball on Ah Jin's waist.

"Since it's all about switching Pokémon, then this time I'll help you use rapid return?"

Xiaozhi looked at Ajin with a teasing smile.

He forced the Big Needle Bee out of the arena.

Blowing Fly's trick not only interrupted the rhythm of Shunfeng, but also made the fiery beast reappear on the field.

"Damn it...Xiaozhi this guy...!"

Unconsciously, a few drops of sweat hung on Ah Jin's face.

He even hides the trick of blowing away.

This is not as simple as a forced exit, and it also interrupted Ah Jin's previously smooth rhythm on the spot.

"Back, Owl!"

Xiaozhi raised his palm and retracted the owl.

Immediately at the same time, he threw another poke ball.


A red light flashed, and a gray-blue shield-shaped chrysalis appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

It was about one meter tall, with ferocious spikes protruding from its face, and its stubby pupa stood on the ground.


"Ah Jin, let's decide the outcome, don't make any fancy things!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly said loudly.

"Even if you still want to send out the big needle bee, my owl is just outside, don't even think about it."

Xiaozhi even added a sentence, sealing off Ah Jin's retreat.



Looking at the sand pupa with a restrained and steady breath in front of him, he looked at the trainer behind him.

Ah Jin, who was still thinking about various strategies in his mind, changed his expression.


In the end, he breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his serious expression, and returned to his usual passionate appearance.

It seems that Xiaozhi intends to use this Shakilas to collide head-on with his fiery beast...

"In that case, Xiaozhi, I will accept your challenge!!"

Ah Jin threw a punch forward, and replied with high momentum.

In the beginning, he was the type of trainer who went straight to fight!

Singled out, his fiery beast has never been afraid of anyone!

Boom chi chi...! !

Similarly, the flames on the back of the fiery beast also exploded in an instant, and its momentum rose sharply.


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