He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 815 Ye Yue's Pokémon Egg

By the time Xiaozhi came out after being interviewed, the entire main arena of the Silver Conference was basically gone.

When it comes to the semi-finals, there is only one game a day.

For the rest of the time, most of the audience was still eating, drinking, and parading around in Baiyin Town.

"Xiaozhi~ Congratulations on entering the finals~~!"

At this time, Xiaolan and the others greeted her, and happily sent blessings.

"The next is the final, take it easy, we will definitely win the championship!"

"That's right, Xiaozhi, don't be too nervous!"

Just looking at the tense faces of the people in front of him, Xiaozhi laughed helplessly.

Why do these people feel more nervous than him?

"What about mom, do you still want Dr. Oki?"

Xiaozhi turned his head and found that there were only people of the same age, so he couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, they said they were waiting to give you a surprise, see you the day after tomorrow~"

Xiaolan blinked and replied.

Maybe it's because I don't want to put pressure on Xiaozhi, after all, peers and elders are still different.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and his three friends chattered towards the direction of their own Pokémon Center, quite festive.

His semifinals are over, and he can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

Tomorrow is Xiaomao's semi-final.

Next, there will be a buffer period of 3 days to give the final adjustments to the two finalists.

By the way, it also provides enough time for the Silver Conference officials to create momentum for the outside world.

Xiaozhi's interview just now will also be broadcast during this time period, creating a hot topic.




After the fierce battle during the day, the night in Baiyin Town is a different kind of excitement.

Just after dinner, Xiaozhi came to a place outside the Pokémon Center alone.

After waiting for a while, a tall man with short brown hair came slowly towards Xiaozhi.

It was Ye Yue who had just finished fighting during the day.

The latter called Xiaozhi out, saying that he had something to say.


Xiaozhi noticed that Ye Yue did not come empty-handed.

The right hand is held in front of the chest, and it goes around the back of the shoulder. It is carrying a cylindrical sack, which seems to be something like a travel bag.

"Mr. Ye Yue, are you leaving?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

Ye Yue shook his head, but he didn't explain the cloth bag behind him first.

"Xiaozhi, after fighting during the day, I found that my current strength seems to have not improved since a long time ago..."

He said slowly, with a sad look in his eyes.

Ye Yue came to Xiaozhi to confide.

He is in a foreign land, in Chengdu area, he only has Xiaozhi as a friend.

The current Ye Yue is a level stronger than ordinary trainers.

But it was a notch weaker than the people above.

Ye Yue entered his bottleneck period.

It was rare that Xiaozhi didn't interrupt, but just listened silently.

"So this time, I plan to temporarily put all the Pokémon in my home in the Yoshien area, and start off again with only my flame chicken..."

Perhaps letting go of everything and starting over with his original partner will allow him to break through this bottleneck.

"Let's put down all the Pokémon for now..."

Xiaozhi repeated it secretly, as if he was also thinking about something.

"This time, I plan to go to an area called Carlos..."

"Carlos area?"

This keyword made Xiaozhi raise his head.

His crystal rock snake's evolution tool—the diamond coat, might be found in the mines in the Kalos area, which reminded him of this place.

In the future, Xiaozhi will go there for a walk no matter what.

"It is said that there is a special phenomenon where the flame chicken evolves again, a power called mega evolution. I plan to let my flame chicken also obtain this power..."

Ye Yue's tone became quite hasty.

"Mega evolution?"

Xiaozhi blinked, he had heard this keyword before.

Not only that, he even carried one of the two props to complete the mega evolution on his body - a mega bracelet inlaid with a keystone.

However, Xiaozhi has always put this thing in his backpack, and has hardly ever worn it on his hand.

"It turns out that flame chickens can also evolve into mega...?"

Today's Xiaozhi has increased his knowledge.


"Then I wish Mr. Ye Yue, break through the bottleneck in the Carlos area, and improve your strength to a higher level. At that time, I want to fight you again!"

Xiaozhi spoke with enthusiasm.

"Well, Xiaozhi, I should be the one who launches a new challenge to you at that time... But I hope that you will be standing on the winning stage of the conference in four days' time."

Ye Yue also sent blessings to Xiaozhi.

It seems that after talking about this part of his mind, Ye Yue's mood has improved a lot, and the loneliness of defeat in the conference has disappeared.

"So you're leaving now?"

Xiaozhi pointed to the cylindrical cloth bag on Ye Yue's shoulder.

"No, of course I will not officially leave here until I see that you and Xiao Mao have a complete victory."

Ye Yue finally put his focus on the cloth bag he was carrying.

He untied the cloth bag and put it on the ground.

Handled lightly, as if there was something precious and fragile inside.

Unzipping the seal of the cloth bag, Xiaozhi couldn't help turning his head and looking inside.

Inside, is a cylindrical glass Petri dish device.

Inside is a pale yellow Pokémon egg with a few green spots on the surface.

"Is this... a Pokémon egg?"

Xiaozhi said in surprise.

"Yes, this is my flame chicken's Pokémon egg..."

Ye Yue replied with a light smile.

In any case, the latter has been traveling with Ye Yue for several years, and during this period, the flame chicken once laid an egg.

"So this egg is going to..."

Xiaozhi seemed to have guessed something, and his breathing suddenly became a little short.

During the day, the powerful flame fighting moves of the flame chicken made Xiaozhi's eyes shine, and he really wanted to have one...

"Yes, I intend to give it to you."

Ye Yue smiled, picked up the Pokémon egg device, and gently placed it in front of Xiaozhi.

"If it's Xiaozhi, the Pokémon hatched from this Pokémon egg will definitely be very powerful in the future..."

Seeing that Xiaozhi didn't react for a long time, Ye Yue just pushed it into the latter's hands.

"Accept it, you are the best candidate in my opinion..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Ye Yue reminded again.

"Oh, what hatched should be the initial form of the flame chicken, a Pokémon called the fire chicken."

"Fire chicken..."

Xiaozhi repeated the reading silently, looking at the Pokémon egg in his hand, he seemed to be able to feel the throbbing heartbeat inside.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that he looked at Ye Yue gratefully.

"Mr. Ye Yue, I will definitely take care of this Pokémon egg!!"

"Well, I believe you."


"Then let's do our best for the upcoming finals!"

After explaining everything, Ye Yue planned to leave.

"However, wait a moment beforehand, you should deposit it with Miss Joy for a few days."

Ye Yue reminded.

"No, I know there's a better place..."

Xiaozhi blinked, said goodbye, and then ran in one direction holding the Pokémon egg.

Ye Yue looked at the latter's operation in bewilderment, and finally just smiled freely.

That's right, his business is over.

Next, just be a spectator~


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