He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 823 Xiaomao's future!

Late at night, the banquet is over.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, aren't you going back~?"

After tidying up the props and decorations for the banquet, Xiaolan noticed Xiaozhi's movements at this time.

"Well, I'll take a stroll casually, you go back first..."

Xiaozhi was heading in the opposite direction to everyone returning to Silver Town, with his palms in his pockets and Pikachu on his shoulders.

Walking alone along the bank of a small stream outside Baiyin Town.

A round of bright and clear full moon, reflected on the surface of the calm stream, reflects the pure white luster and sparkles.

As the final was approaching, at this moment, Xiaozhi's heart became more stable.

Until along the shore, walked out a hundred meters.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly noticed a person sitting on a raised rock platform on the shore in front of him.

Taking a closer look, under the moonlight, it was a familiar figure.

"Xiao Mao? Why are you here...?"

Xiaozhi approached, couldn't help but blurted out and asked.

No wonder I didn't see this guy when we cleaned up the mess before, it turned out that he had already sneaked away.

"Xiaozhi? I should be the one asking you this question...?"

Xiaomao turned his head and said in a low voice without getting up.

At this moment, Xiao Mao didn't have the vigor of fighting openly and secretly before, and his whole person was much calmer.

Seeing that there was still some space left on the rocky platform above the water, Xiaozhi, who had walked a certain distance, also sat beside him.


Pikachu fell from his shoulders and stood in front of the two of them.

Just like that, the two of them vacated their feet on the water, sometimes looking at the stream in front of them, and sometimes looking up at the full moon in the sky.

No one spoke, all were silent.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.


Only from time to time, a king carp jumped out of the water and fell into the stream again.


Finally, it was Xiao Mao who broke the silence first.

"By the way, the first night of our trip, it was also a full moon like this..."

Xiaozhi touched the back of his head, and said with a dry smile:

"Really, I didn't pay attention at all."

To receive the initial Pokémon, the day before the trip, he was excited in the house from early morning to early morning, so he had no time to care about the moon outside.

"Hmph, you were late that day, and as a result, the Yusan family was taken away by others, leaving only one problematic, disobedient and irritable Pikachu..."

Xiao Mao smiled lightly and said, as if he was reminiscing about something.

Before leaving for the trip, he saw the electric mouse from his grandfather, and Dr. Oki had nothing to do with it.


The Pikachu in the middle raised his ears, as if scolding himself.

"But now, Pikachu has become your most important partner..."

Hearing Xiaomao's words, Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked at each other subconsciously.


"This world is really wonderful. If you hadn't been late, you might have received a small charmander or a wonderful frog seed. Now it's a completely different situation."

Supporting the stone platform with his palms, Xiaomao sighed with emotion:

"The choice at that moment creates infinite development in the future..."

Xiaozhi: "?"

His expression became puzzled.

Today's Xiaomao has become very strange, and even started to think about life?


Is this still the arrogant and domineering rich second generation he knew?

Then again, he really couldn't imagine a scene without Pikachu on his shoulder.

At this time, Xiao Mao stood up slowly, staring at the full moon in the sky.

"Right now, we are still very immature..."

This also made Xiaozhi stand up in the same way, and finally said:

"Xiao Mao, what happened to you today?"

Growing up together, he is familiar with everything about Xiaomao.

But Xiaozhi has never seen such an expression of the latter, which makes Xiaozhi feel extremely strange.

"It's nothing, I just thought that even for us now, there are still many possibilities in the future..."

Xiao Mao's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, with fixed eyes, he looked at Xiaozhi.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mao took out a small hard-shelled utensil from his pocket.

Its shape can be vaguely seen to be half an ordinary poke ball, after shrinking, the surface is covered with faint yellow traces of rust.

"You remember this?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately reached into his pocket, and also took out the other half of the shrunken Poké Ball.

"Of course I remember, I always carry this thing with me."

This is the worn-out elf ball that the two caught at the same time when they were fishing in the river at the back of Zhenxin Town before they officially set off for the trip.

During the stalemate, the connecting part of the old Poké Ball cracked, and the two finally got half of the Poké Ball each.

"We didn't have a winner at the time..."

At this time, Xiao Mao suddenly held half of the elf ball in his palm, his eyes were fiery, and he declared the final war.

"No matter what the future holds, at least in the final three days later, I will completely defeat you and become the winner of the Silver Conference!!"

At this moment, Xiao Mao didn't have any confusion in his eyes.

Now, he already knew what he really wanted, and finally made a choice.

"Hmph, I won't just hand over the victory to you!"

Although he didn't know what the latter was thinking, Xiaozhi also held half of the elf ball tightly, and gave his face a thumbs up.

"The one who can get the trophy in the end will only be me, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!! And then on this way, I will become the most powerful Pokémon master in the world!!"

Xiaozhi also shouted in a very firm voice.

Such ideals have been engraved in his soul bones since a long time ago and have never wavered.


On the shoulder, Pikachu also called out.

On the bank of the stream, under the moonlight, the two just stared at each other passionately.

The scorching fighting spirit made the surrounding air seem to become dignified...


in soul space.

This time, only green and red remained.

"Hey, Xiaomao..."

Qinglu let out a rare sigh, quite regrettable.

Even if he obstructed the latter in every possible way, and even wanted to forcibly break the latter's thoughts...

But Xiaomao at this moment undoubtedly finally made up his mind and made his own choice.

This is not the way Qinglu likes.

But this is the future that Xiaomao chooses independently, even if it is him, it is difficult to intervene.


Chi just watched quietly, somewhat aware of the riddles the other party was playing.

"Although I have always had no great desire for the outcome between us, but this time the Silver Conference, the winner will only be Xiaomao! It's like you are destined to be defeated by me!"

At this time, Qinglu looked at Chi in front of him fiercely.

During this period of time, he taught the latter a lot of mysteries, and Xiaomao's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

It's a win!


Although he didn't answer, in Chi Xin's heart, it was rare to arouse a trace of desire to win...



(A rare request.)

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