He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 852 Heavenly King Trainer!

"Xiao Mao, you did a good job!"

Soon, the exhibition match ended, and at the exit of the arena, Xiaozhi stopped Xiaomao.

"Hey, it's inevitable for me..."

Xiaomao touched his nose, and the confidence of the past appeared on his face again.

Xiaomao, like Pikachu, has a good habit of being arrogant.

"Then it's your match tomorrow, don't let me down, you are the man who beat me."

Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi.

It seems that after the victory and defeat are completely determined, the relationship between the two has also undergone a slight change.

Immediately, Xiaomao seemed to think of something, and said:

"Speaking of which, I'm going to the Fangyuan area tomorrow afternoon, the plane ticket at 3 o'clock."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was slightly taken aback.

"Is it in such a hurry?"

Heading to the next region as soon as the convention is over?

He also planned to return to Zhenxin Town first, rest for a month, and start traveling again.

"Well, the recruitment period for the plan to entrap Gulardo over there is about to end, and if I don't go, I can only be a spectator..."

Xiao Mao sighed helplessly.

The Heavenly King Challenge starts at 1 o'clock. If it's just 2v2, the winner should be decided within an hour.

Xiaomao doesn't want to be an indoor researcher like his grandfather, Dr. Oki.

He prefers to be an outdoor researcher, with wild Pokémon.

Of course, the same is true for Dr. Oki when he was young, but now that he is older, he can only walk around his own backyard.

After the Gulardo project is over, it is rare to go to the Fangyuan area, and Xiaomao plans to travel there for a while to experience the local Pokémon.

This time, he probably won't continue to participate in any alliance conference.

He barely has the fighting power of a king, and he is a bit bullying the children when he participates in such a conference.

"Then see you in the Fangyuan area. I will also travel to the Fangyuan area in a month."

At this time, Xiaozhi stretched out his palm to Xiaomao.

His trip to the league conference is not over yet.

Whether it's a Gym trainer in a new area, or a new tournament opponent...

Xiaozhi didn't even intend to let go of any of the champions of the heavenly kings at the top of the Fangyuan area.

It's like Liu Bo, the gym trainer in Kaji Town, but has super high combat effectiveness at the championship level... Who knows what unique skills the gym trainers in Fangyuan area hide.

"Hmph, see you in Fangyuan area then."

Xiao Mao gave a cold snort, and immediately joined hands with Xiao Zhi's, and smiled at each other.

And in the soul space, the two big brothers are also saying their final farewell.

"Chi, next time, it will be the day when I create a new body and completely defeat you!!"

Green issued a final declaration of battle.

This guy Xiaomao is unreliable.

Although he has not completely given up on the trainer battle, but if he is half-hearted, he may still be able to reach the level of the champion of the king of heaven.

But the real top powerhouse...

It is estimated that there is no play.

For Qinglu's vision, the champion of the king of heaven is not of such a high level.

"Oh, I'm waiting..."

Chi shrugged indifferently.

This sentence, from the first day he became a trainer, the moment he set off to travel, Qinglu began to say it.

He was vomited.

But until now, Qinglu has never fulfilled it.

At present, the collection of god's tokens in the Kanto region and the Johto region is almost the same.

It's time to search the Fangyuan area...

Chi is quite looking forward to this new area.



The next day, afternoon.

The battle continues.

The continuous high-intensity battles did not numb the audience, but their interest increased even more.

Today's Tianwang Challenge has attracted countless tourists and locals from the metropolitan area after hearing the news, so that the stands of the entire arena and even the standing tickets are completely sold out.

And at this moment, the two ends of the main field of this standard field.

Xiaozhi and Tianwang Lihua also stood in their respective positions.


Pikachu next to Xiaozhi, the sky is full, has already geared up and can appear on the stage at any time.

It's finally my turn for Pikachu to show off his power!

A heavenly king as a stepping stone is just right.

"Pikachu, don't be careless, we must win today!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded him that he was afraid that Pikachu's arrogant soldiers would be defeated.

Pikachu has actually not lost for a long time.

But as for Xiaomao's Moon Eevee yesterday, his Pikachu is not much better than others.

In other words, Pikachu's real strength is probably hovering at the threshold of the king of heaven.

"Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you to come this far..."

On the opposite side, Tianwang Lihua smiled and said slowly.

At the beginning, she thought Xiaozhi was just a trainer who passionately loved Pokémon, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful, and now he hit her door.

This was in great contrast to Xiao Zhi's ordinary appearance.

Thinking of this, Lihua's usually easy-going face gradually became serious and deep.

Appreciation is appreciation, but if it is a battle, she will still go all out!

"That's what I'm going to say too! Fight with all your might!"

Xiaozhi also yelled loudly to boost his morale.

"Tianwang Challenge, the game rules are 2v2, both sides can only change Pokémon once. Both Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, which means that the victory has been divided..."

The referee explained quite seriously.

The Heavenly King Challenge is already a regular competition.

Once the Heavenly King Lihua is defeated, it also means that Xiaozhi will replace the former and officially become the new Heavenly King of the alliance.

Such a nature made the referee have to be serious.

Of course, whether he will become the new heavenly king or not depends on Xiao Zhi's wishes.

To become a heavenly king is to stay here.

If after winning, he is not willing to take over the Heavenly King, then this trainer will also be awarded the honor of "Tianwang Trainer".

It means that although he is not the heavenly king of the alliance, he still has the officially recognized strength of the heavenly king.

After looking at the time, the audience around them became impatient and made a loud noise, and the referee raised his arm.

"Then, please get your first Pokémon!"

Seeing this, Tianwang Lihua didn't hide anything, and sent out her Pokémon first.

As the challenged person, her attributes will naturally be fully understood and restrained by the challenger, there is no need to hide anything.


A red light flashed, and a small jet-black animal-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of Lihua.

It has the same body shape as a black fox, with slender ears, slender limbs, and circles of light yellow light circles on the surface of the skin.

Moon Eevee!

Like Xiaomao, Lihua's signature Pokémon is the evil-attributed Moon Eevee!

"This is... Moon Eevee?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect it to be this opponent.

Perhaps, this is the regret that the gods let him complete the battle with Xiaomao's Moon Eevee...?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi waved his finger.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!!"


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