He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 880 Set off to find Phoenix King!

The next day, early morning.

Xiaozhi was still eating breakfast leisurely at home.

Keng Keng Keng!

Suddenly, there was a rather hasty knock on the door.

Hanako went to open the door and found a girl with long brown hair at the door, with blue and white short sleeves and a little red dress, and a cute white Pokeball sun hat on her head.

"Oh, isn't this Little Blue Sauce~!"

Hanako was pleasantly surprised.

"Good morning, Aunt Hanako~!"

The two are quite acquainted, and Hanako even regards Xiaolan as her second daughter.

"Yo, isn't this Xiaolan~?"

At the dining table, Xiaozhi bit the bread and greeted him from afar.

He just won the Special Pokémon Contest yesterday, and he was in a very happy mood.

The silver feather pendant hanging on the chest, together with the shining talisman pendant, made Xiao Zhi in excellent condition early in the morning.

"You, have you forgotten something?"

However, at this time, Xiaolan showed a rather sad expression, staring straight at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi was taken aback by these words and scratched his head.

"When you put it that way, I really feel as if I've been forgetting something since I came back from the Silver Conference..."

"Stupid! You promised me to help find Feng Wang!"

Xiaolan said angrily.

In order to vent her anger, she grabbed the sandwich on the dining table and ate it.

On the first day of the Silver Conference, Xiaolan actually came to Xiaozhi.

"Oh~ Xiaozhi went to Oki Research Institute~" Hanako replied truthfully.

"Oh~ Xiaozhi has gone to the back mountain~" Dr. Oki replied.

"Oh~ we are also looking for Xiaozhi~" This is the answer given to Xiaolan by two researchers who have never met before.

In short, after searching for a day, Xiaolan didn't see any trace of Xiaozhi.

So the next day, she stood guard at the door of Xiaozhi's house early again.

"Oh~ Xiaozhi has already set off for Nibi City~!"

Hanako happily replied.

Xiaolan: "!?"

Failed again for the third time today, Xiaolan felt that she was really going to be possessed.


Xiaozhi scratched his head in embarrassment, as if it was indeed the case.

Sure enough, the woman Xiaolan had an unlucky temperament.


Xiaozhi quickly took out his Shining Amulet and shook Xiaolan's head, trying to help the latter exorcise evil spirits.

Xiaolan: "?"


Thinking of this, Xiaozhi immediately stuffed breakfast into his mouth and stood up abruptly.

Rolling up his sleeves, he looked like he was going to do a big job.

"In that case, then today I will help you find the Phoenix King!"

Xiaozhi is a restless person, and he is worried that he can't find something to do.

Coincidentally, although he has the rainbow feather and the silver feather...but he hasn't got the token of the gods of the three holy beasts yet.

Even rabbi's phantom carrier was not obtained.

This time, it happened to be collected completely at one time, marking the end of this trip to the Chengdu area.


Xiaozhi frowned suddenly.

But now they have returned to the Kanto area, if they want to return to the Johto area across regions...

Xiaozhi immediately looked at a poke ball hanging from his waist.

This is a master ball with a Poké Ball sticker, which belongs to the ultimate pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Master Chaomeng, please give us a ride!"

Xiaozhi rubbed the surface of this master ball, as if wishing on a magic lamp.

With Chaomeng's amazing superpowers, he can completely teleport in the blink of an eye and bring them back to the Chengdu area.

"I reject!"

However, Chaomeng just refused decisively.

If saving the world... or life and death were at stake, he'd choose to do it.

Want him to be a tool for teleportation?

This young man, after getting acquainted with him, did he become less and less important to him?

He even touched his dirty hands on his master ball.

Do you really think that Chaomeng will not counterattack! ?

With his backhand, he could directly blow up the entire Zhenxin Town to the ground!


Buzz buzz...!

Feeling the violent tremor of this master ball, as if some terrible breath was about to erupt, Xiaozhi could only raise his hand quickly to give up.

Chaomeng boss can't be relied on anymore.

Then how do I get back to the distant Johto area...

This is an ultra-long distance across regions, relying on the flight of fossil pterosaurs, but it takes a lot of physical strength.

Or sit directly on Xiaolan's flame bird...?

"I suggest you go to Jinhuang City~!"

At this time, Hanako, who had been watching the play beside her, came up to her with a smile.

"It is said that in the past few days, the maglev train tickets in Jinhuang City are discounted by 50%~ It only takes three hours to reach Manjin City in the Chengdu area~!"

This is the information Hanako got from watching the TV commercial yesterday.

"Full gold city!?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, as if he had an idea.

You must know that even Xiaozhi doesn't know where the Phoenix King lives at this moment.

But if it's Manjin City...

Xiaozhi secretly calculated the time, and there are still 7 days before the vacation trip to the Water City.

In terms of time, just in time!

Xiaolan: "?"

Xiaolan rubbed her head like a Muggle.

But she has successfully hugged her thigh, and then she just needs to follow quietly and it will be over.

So the two looked at each other, quickly cleaned up the food on the table, and then packed their luggage and went out...



Golden city, above.

"Look, it's a flame bird?!"

"Tuigui, is this God's presence?!"

"God bless my Golden City, Daxing!"

The citizens of Golden City all raised their heads, looking up at a flaming divine bird that suddenly appeared above the city.

It was Xiaolan's seasoned flame bird.

"Wait a minute, there seem to be two figures on the back of the flame bird?!"

"Is it the trainer of the flame bird?"

"That's great, I also want to ride the flame bird on my crotch..."

Just after a while, a blue mist appeared on the surface of the flame bird's body.

The flame bird's figure gradually disappeared in the mist.

Mysterious guardian!

This is a trick that almost every legendary Pokémon can master.

Not only in battle, it can also have the effect of being immune to abnormal states.

In the non-combat state, the mysterious guardian still has the mysterious power to hide the body of the god.

"Beep Wuwu~!"

Finding a hidden corner of the alley, the flame bird spread its wings and stabilized itself, slowly falling down.



Xiaozhi and Xiaolan landed on the ground.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaohuo~!"

Xiaolan rubbed the latter's head, and took it back into the elf.

It's not a short distance from Zhenxin Town to Golden City, but for the legendary Pokémon with super durability, it's not a big problem.

It seems that Xiaolan now has a tendency to regard her flame bird as a tool bird.

Next, Xiaozhi took out the map in the illustrated book and searched for the location of the maglev station in Jinhuang City.

In fact, there is no need to look for it. A huge black railway track is in the midair of Golden City.

It runs horizontally through the entire city, making it extremely conspicuous.

Looking at it from a distance, it feels like the future of black technology...

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