He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 883: The second-week challenge with Nazi! (superior)

This is the convenience of having superpowers, even without physical movement at all.

"Nazie, I agreed in advance, I have limited time, so let's just use one Pokémon to win!"

Xiaozhi put forward the conditions first.


This time, Nazi nodded like a chicken pecking rice, looking quite dull.

"Oh, by the way, it's pure Pokémon fighting, don't use your superpowers to assist you!"

Xiaozhi added another sentence.

After not seeing each other for a year, the woman's superpowers seem to have grown stronger.

I just don't know the level of Pokémon.

Nazi pecked at the rice once again, activated her mental power, and a poke ball slowly floated out.


A red light flashed, and the next moment, a cat-like Pokémon with a lavender body appeared in front of Nazi.

Purple-brown pupils, a mysterious ruby ​​on the brow on the forehead.

It landed on all fours, with a long and thin tail that forked at the end.

There is a layer of mysterious and noble atmosphere lingering around him.

"Sun Eevee...?"

Xiaozhi immediately recognized the Pokémon in front of him.

Now the illustrated book can be thrown away, it is purely a joke.

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate too much in attribute restraint, and immediately waved his hand.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!"

Coincidentally, Pikachu defeated Moon Eevee from Ewha in the Heavenly King Challenge.

Now it's time to hammer the symmetrical Sun Ibrahimovic together!


Pikachu walked briskly and landed on the field, electric currents shot from his cheeks, and his face was extremely confident.

Now it is no longer Wuxia Amon, so naturally it will not be afraid of any golden gymnasium!

There is no referee, the game starts directly!

"Preemptive strike, Pikachu, a flash of lightning!"


Pikachu's figure suddenly turned into a white light, and shot out like a sharp arrow, moving quickly.

"Sun Eevee, use teleportation...!"

The gemstone on the forehead of Sun Ibrahimovic burst into a strange red light, and disappeared in place in an instant, making Pikachu's strike miss in a flash.



Not only that, Sun Ibrahimovic's teleportation is more like not having a pp value, changing instantaneously, appearing in various positions on the field, making it completely impossible for people to understand the rules.

In this scene, Xiao Zhi was quite confident.

He has seen this kind of teleportation tactics a lot at the Silver Conference.

"Hmph...If that's the case, then let her experience super speed!!"

After the words fell, the corner of Pikachu's mouth also raised a sly arc.

call out...!

This time when he stepped out again, his petite body completely turned into an invisible blue light and disappeared in place.

This scene is more eerie and spooky than Ibrahimovic Sun who is constantly moving on the field.

"This is..."

It was the first time Nazi saw this move, and she was a little surprised.

The next moment, before the mouse shadow could see Ibrahimovic Sun in the gap of teleportation, a heavy blow came from the waist position out of thin air.

Whoosh! !

Sun Ibrahimovic was directly hit by an invisible attack, and was slammed into the air!

Divine speed is undoubtedly much faster than teleportation.

"Now, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi's attack was not over yet, and he shouted.


Only then did Pikachu's figure appear in midair, and golden lightning flashed and exploded from its body!

This is an old combo, and it works very smoothly.

"Sun Eevee, use the light wall...!"

Unknowingly, Nazi's tone became hurried.

Taiyang Ibrahimovic's backward figure twirled slightly in mid-air, adjusting his body position.

The gemstone flickered, and a transparent wall of light appeared right in front of it.

However, the next moment, one hundred thousand volts still went straight through the light beam, and ruthlessly bombarded Sun Eevee's body.

Boom boom! !

The golden light and lightning burst into the surroundings! !



After a fight, Nazi couldn't help but blurt out admiration, her eyes switched between the electric mouse not far away and the trainer behind.

I haven't seen each other for a year, and both Xiaozhi and Pikachu seem to have become extraordinarily powerful.


And as the smoke dissipated, Sun Ibrahimovic let out a low cry, and slowly stood up.

The 100,000 volts weakened by the light wall will not be able to instantly kill it with one move.

"Are you close... Then Pikachu, prepare to do it again!"

Xiaozhi said confidently.

Nazi's eyes were fixed, and her eyes gradually became serious.

So, the key is Pikachu's speed...

"Sun Ibrahimovic, use the magic space...!!"

Sun Ibrahimovic nodded, his elegant pupils flickered, then he raised his head and let out a high-pitched cry.


The next moment, a strange pixel barrier spread out, covering the entire playing field.

Strange power then fell on Pikachu and Sun Eevee.

This time, Pikachu still wants to use super speed...

"Sun Ibrahimovic, use mental force!!"

Nazi suddenly instructed.

I saw that in the arena, Pikachu's kicking action has not yet been fully deployed.

Buzz buzz...!

A high-frequency vibration sounded, and the gemstone of Sun Eevee shone brightly, and the invisible energy of thought power fell on Pikachu's body.


Pikachu couldn't move for a while, and froze in place.

With a strong mind, he shot first, restraining Pikachu's movements.

This is the rule in the trick space, the slow Pokémon can attack first.

Although Sun Ibrahimovic's speed actually belonged to the very fast batch, Nazi almost never let her Sun Ibrahimovic use this move.

After all, if one's speed is too fast, the room for tricks will become a negative effect.

But today in front of Pikachu, even Sun Ibrahimovic can only be regarded as a slow Pokémon.

Trick space is a positive buff for it.

Succeeding in superpowers, Nazi attacked again:

"Next, use Spirit Shock!"

After the words fell, Taiyang Ibrahimovic's eyes were fixed, and he was suddenly full of murderous aura.

The psychic blue light covering the surface of Pikachu's body, as it solidified, turned into small pebble-like physical objects.

Da da da! !

All of them were bombarded on Pikachu's face, and the powerful force of the mental shock directly triggered a decent explosion on the spot.

As Nazi's Pokémon, Sun Ibrahimovic's super power is also impressive.


And Pikachu, who was hit hard, looked quite annoyed.

With a loud cry, it suddenly broke through the smoke below and leaped high.

I thought I was here to abuse food today, but instead I got smeared?

Pikachu raised his hand and hit the purple-black venom bomb, throwing it far away towards Sun Eevee without any hesitation.


It's just that when this cloud of highly poisonous liquid, which is imperative, just touched Ibrahimovic's body...

Boom! !

Sun Ibrahimovic's lavender body fur seemed to have a layer of strange protective film, which deflected the poisonous attack abruptly.

Very toxic, failed to use.


Not only that, the trajectory of this highly poisonous group turned, and it was thrown towards Pikachu.


Pikachu shuddered and quickly spun around in mid-air, barely avoiding his own poison.

"Damn, is this characteristic again...?!"

Xiaozhi naturally also recognized the principle of Sun Ibrahimovic's rebound of the poison.

Features: Magic mirror, which can completely rebound non-direct damage moves.

"Sure enough, super-type Pokémon are troublesome..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

The super powers are too dirty, it makes people full of fire!


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