He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 896: The Resurrection of the Evil Demon King

When the holy ash covered the Ditto crystal, it completely penetrated into it.

This also transformed the pink ooze ball into an emerald green ball.

The healing green light that radiates continuously outward is truly extraordinary.

"This is...?!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan were completely dumbfounded, completely unaware of what happened.

But this meat ball gives people the feeling that it is constantly changing from a complete "dead thing" to a "living thing".

Just the strength of the holy ash, it seems that it is not enough.


At this time, Emperor Yan suddenly let out a violent roar, and opened his mouth wide, with golden-white flames flowing between his teeth.

The next moment, all the flames were spewed out by it, blasting straight at the green light pink egg.

Holy flame! !

Yandi's sacred flame can not only burn in the body, but also turn his own volcanic ash into holy ash.

Similarly, it can also be sprayed straight out like a flame.

Boom! !

The holy flame completely bombarded the Ditto crystal, and the fiery golden white flame immediately covered and swallowed the latter completely.

But this terrifying flame didn't destroy the latter, but instead continuously provided this group of crystals with vigorous vitality.


While maintaining the motion of spitting out flames, Emperor Yan let out a deep cry, looking at Xiaolan.

"The fire lion is calling you, put your hand on it~!"

Shi Rabi grabbed Xiaozhi's arm, watched secretly through the gap, and sent a real-time telepathic translation to Xiaolan by the way.

It is definitely a professional Tool Pokémon.

"Hand out...?"

Xiaolan looked at this sacred flame with apprehension, and directly reached out to touch it, feeling like a fairy tale.

But Emperor Yan is Xiaozhi's friend, so it is obviously impossible to play tricks on him...

"It doesn't matter, I rushed!!"

Xiaolan immediately gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, holding back her energy, and just penetrated into the golden-white flame with her whole hand.


This scene made Shi Rabi tremble even more, as if seeing a suicide human being.


It was only when the palm passed through the flames that there was no pain at all, Xiaolan finally opened her eyes and tilted her head.

Apart from feeling a mass of warm heat accident, there is no other feeling.

This is the same as the flame on the back of the flaming horse. Pokémon can choose its own flame independently, whether it can hurt others.

Although the sacred flame is obviously the other extreme.

Either a destructive flame that consumes everything, or a life-like flame full of healing.



Seeing that the sacred flame did not cause any damage, Xiaolan quickly stretched out her palm a few inches forward again, and her palm completely fit on the surface of the ball of powder.

Emperor Yan's breath sank, he forcibly ignored his own fatigue value, and once again intensified the eruption of flames between his teeth.

Fighting against an existence like Feng Wang, and continuously displaying the top-level abilities he had just mastered, made Emperor Yan operate to the limit.

Boom Boom...!!

In the end, the holy flame erupted completely!

The power was completely integrated, so that the powder ball began to vibrate, and the slimy tentacles protruded outwards, quite agitated.

And Bilan in Xiaolan's soul feels an opening to go out.

She felt that at this moment, she could completely leave Xiaolan's body!

Whoosh...! !

With a thought in Bilan's mind, the whole soul, following Xiaolan's palm, just melted into this pink ball of flesh.

Although she already regards Xiaolan as her twin sister, the relationship between the two is extremely harmonious.

But sharing a body is still very troublesome after all.

Still have a new body, more perfect!

It stayed in Xiaolan's body for a long time, but Bilan was suffocated.

She is not a quiet master.

Although Xiaolan has been trained by her a lot, she has never had any evil intentions or courage. Xiaolan can't cooperate with many of her troublesome operations.

Not enough fun.

But now, the problem is solved! !

Bilan felt that this group of Divers crystals had been fully endowed with life and activity, and it was a body equivalent to that of ordinary human beings.

What is missing is a soul like her!


Thinking that after going out, the future of this world is doomed to tremble in her own hands, Bilan couldn't help laughing wildly.

In the laughter, there is great madness and frenzy.

"Hiss, what a savage laugh...!!"

The terrible laughter made even Xiaozhi couldn't help taking a step back.


Rabbi hid behind him again, trembling in the wild laughter.

The scene in front of me was extremely curious.

The golden-white sacred flame covered half of Xiaolan's body, and the pink ball in front of her was constantly trembling and deforming.

"a ha ha ha!!!"

Rough and violent purgatory laughter continued to be heard in the flames all over the sky.

For a moment, Xiaozhi couldn't help recalling the scenes he had seen on TV before.

When the evil villain, the big demon king, is resurrected, he will also show such wild laughter, which makes people tremble...


Soon, Xiaolan let go of her palm and withdrew from the sacred flame.

She could feel that familiar breath in her head had completely disappeared.

This made Xiaolan feel disappointed for no reason.

After getting along for more than a year, she is already familiar with Bilan and lives in her soul world.

At this moment, the whole brain seems empty.


Emperor Yan on the other end also put away his own flames, quietly watching his masterpiece in front of him.

Puff puff...!

The golden-white sacred flame kept shrinking and weakening.

Instead, the pink meat ball inside was constantly expanding and deforming.

Gradually, it evolved from a ball to a standing stick-shaped object.

The details are constantly evolving and deforming, and gradually moving closer to the direction of the human body.

From the looks of it, Bilan is about to transform directly into her own appearance.


At this time, a reminder sounded in Xiaozhi's mind.

Xiaozhi understood, and quickly shouted loudly through the flames:

"Boss Bilan, Brother Chi said, remember to put on your clothes when you come out, it's not suitable for children!"

After all, in the normal process, through the resurrection and deformation of the Dittoman's body, it should be the existence of a fruit body when it comes out.

Chi felt that he still had to remind him.

Through Xiaozhi's eyes, he could already see this human-shaped pink mud mass, with two majestic peaks raised on his chest...

The blue in his impression is not so high.


Xiaozhi's words made the ball of pink mud tremble again, as if it almost burst open on the spot.


In the end, the powder continued to condense, and with the complete disappearance of the sacred flame, a graceful figure of a woman also appeared in everyone's sight.

Of course, the kind with clothes on.

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