He knows Pokémon better than me

Eight hundred and ninetieth eighth chapter things temporarily come to an end


Xiaolan's Divers jumped up and landed beside Bilan Divers.

The structure of the two is exactly the same, but Bilan is three times larger than the average Ditto, and it is a large group of pink ooze.

In addition, the expression parts of the blue cardinal are not like the simple bean eyes of ordinary cardinals.

But a pair of big watery eyes.

It seems that this is a variety monster that has been treated with face beautification.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?"

Bi Lan, who looks like a ditzy monster, can still speak human language, but when she wants to transform into a human again...

Puff puff...!

It lasted for less than a while, and then turned into a variety monster again.

"Huh huh huh!!!?"

This sudden change made Bilan flustered and screamed loudly.

Although she now has a new body, can't she maintain her transformation ability for a long time?

She doesn't want to be a real changeable monster! !

Is this not the way to go?

The current her, can she still be subdued by the elf ball? !

Overjoyed and saddened by the change, Bilan's heart was overwhelmed.

Looking at the Ditto that trembled and deformed on the ground, Xiaolan couldn't help but climbed up worriedly.


From time to time, he stretched out his little finger and poked the body of the blue captivator.

Well, it is indeed the texture of ordinary Divers.


"Maybe it's the body stability of Ditto, isn't it enough?"

At this time, Xiaozhi also walked up to the blue captivator suddenly, and said.

His voice was quite low, and his face became quite stern and cold.


Xiaozhi and Chi temporarily switched bodies.

"Stability of Ditto...?"

Hearing this, Bilan thought for a while.

Chi couldn't help reaching out for the trembling pink ooze body, and also poked Bilan's body.

Really soft.


It's just that this monster with big eyes and cute eyes is not peas-eyed, which seems a bit curious.

"So how do I increase stability?"

At this moment, Chi seems to be the understanding brother, so Bilan can only let the two of them keep poking at her soft muddy body for a while.

"It's very simple. Ditto's crystallization strength is not enough, so change it to one with enough strength..."

Chi Ruo pointed out something.

Although there are countless kinds of Pokémon in this world, there are only two that master the "transformation" move.

One is Ditto.

As for another...

"Is it a dream?!"

Bilan blurted out.

The dream is also called the cardinalis. It is said that the gene of all Pokémon is contained in the body, and it is the common ancestor of all Pokémon...

Naturally, the deformation stability of Dream must be much stronger and more stable than the crystallization energy of dozens of Diversified Monsters!

Ditto, in fact, is more like a low-level substitute for fantasy?

"Does that mean I'm going to find Dream now...?"

Bilan squirmed for a while, and turned back into her human body again.

It seems that since this is the first body that he has changed, the stability is stronger, and he will not attack immediately.

"It's really unlucky to say that, once you transform into Xiaozhi's appearance, you'll die immediately..."

Bilan looked at Chi rather sadly.

Could it be that it is not stability at all, but that he has provoked an unlucky existence?


Perhaps, there may be some reason for this.

"Hey, so my current body is still a half-finished product, so I'm going to find Mengmeng again..."

Thinking of this, Bilan felt quite a headache.

A phoenix king is in a mess, and then he has to look for Mengmeng whose whereabouts are a mystery.

Bilan couldn't help but turned her head and hugged Xiaolan, crying.

"Don't cry, Sister Bilan, it's just a dream, I'll help you arrest it now~!"

Xiaolan is not familiar with this kind of Pokémon, so she just opened her mouth to comfort her.

But dreams are not so easy to find.

It can maintain its deformation for a long time, and generally it will not easily see people with its true colors.

In other words, any Pokémon they encounter may be a dream.


Rabbi next to him also shook his head helplessly.

Although Dream is also a fantasy Pokémon like it, it is the most special among them.

Shirabi, who has the ability to connect with plants and expand his perception, can't find the latter either.

Don't look at the fantasy is counted in the illustrated book of the Kanto region...

But the haunting location of this Pokémon is in every corner of the world, it is not fixed, and it will not only stay in the Kanto area.

"Tell me..."

At this time, the elf ball on Chi's waist started to move, and a voice came from Chi's mind.

"You can't, Chaomeng."

However, before Chaomenghua could speak, Chi had already interrupted him.

This is not Chi deliberately contradicting the latter.

Although Chaomeng is a Pokémon cloned based on Dreamy's body tissue.

According to biological genetics, the gene sequences of the two should be completely identical...

But the fact is that the genetic sequences of the two are not the same.

Mewtwo doesn't have the latter's transformation ability.

It seems that the body has additionally added some destructive genes, and Chaomeng is even more violent and powerful in terms of temperament and destructive power.



But what he wants to say is... With his own ability, he should be able to barely perceive the existence of dreams?

Is it because I have been too depraved recently, and now I am offering to help?

This favor, do not help worth mentioning!

Chaomeng cursed in the master ball.

Hmph, I really think that Chaomeng has no temper! !



The Fengwang incident has come to an end for the time being.

Separated from the three holy beasts.

Seeing that it was still early, Xiaozhi went to the nearby hunting area for a stroll.

He just heard that a special explosive head Kentaro appeared here, which aroused his interest.

And a group of Kentero group, who slammed their iron hooves and stomped on the ground repeatedly, had an incomparable impact...so that this group of trainers didn't dare to make any moves at all.

But this is not a big problem for Xiaozhi.

He has seen this kind of scene a lot.

Accompanied by endless dust, among the cattle, there was indeed a Kentaro that looked extraordinary.

A head full of black afro hair, only revealing a pair of cold and arrogant eyes, and a pair of extremely thick horns extending from both sides...

Xiaozhi is an old trainer, and under the incredulous eyes of all the trainers, he managed to subdue this afro Kentaro.

Of course, the special hunting balls used in the hunting zone are used.

Happy opening today, 30 free coins.

Seeing this, Xiaolan next to him naturally couldn't lag behind, and became full of energy.

It wasn't until dusk that Shi Rabi used his own teleportation technique to teleport the two back to the Viridian Forest in the Kanto region.

The current rabbi is not only diligently doing his duty as the god of time, but also waiting to take advantage of Dialga's failure to give him a good backstab.

Similarly, it is also working hard to do the job of the forest god.

Shi Rabi plans to expand the scope of his forest territory to the forests in the Kanto region.

"Oh, you can find my tool bird, the Viridian Forest seems to be its territory."

Xiaozhi reminded.

When Rabbi becomes the God of the Viridian Forest, wherever he wants to go in the future...going out is a free teleportation point.

Have fun with the tool bird picture, the tool god is the answer!

As for Bilan who just got a body.


Until she finds Mengmeng and completely solves her physical problems, she can only continue to stay by Xiaolan's side.

The two of them are not in a hurry now, they are just waiting for a week to go to the city of water for a good vacation and rest...

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