He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 900: Yuki’s Perfect Start


Oda Scroll looked at his watch and saw that there was still some time, so he spread out his big satchel and placed it in front of Yuki.

"So now I can only give them to you a week in advance."

There are three elf balls in the big satchel at the moment, in a triangle shape.

It is the three imperial families in the Fangyuan area.

Seeing that it was not a formal ceremony, Yuki frowned, looking rather disgusted.

But right now, for Dr. Odaroll, his son is obviously not as important as Gulardo...

"Eh, it doesn't matter."

In the end, Yushu grabbed a poke ball casually, and didn't choose the specific attributes of it.

With his own memories of that world, no matter what Pokémon it is, Yuki has the confidence to cultivate it to the strongest.

Seeing this, Oda Scroll hurriedly stuffed a picture book and five elf balls into Yuki's hands.

This is the standard equipment for novice trainers, and I can't give any special treatment just because the partner is my son.

Before leaving, Dr. Odaroll gave Yuki the entire satchel... together with the second set of illustrations and five poke balls.

"By the way, you can't leave here for the time being... about a month later, a girl from Chenghua City will come to the research institute to receive the initial Pokémon. At that time, you will let her choose one, and by the way, give the second Pokémon The Pokémon Ball set is also handed over to her..."

Yuki: "?"

Even the official ceremony is gone, and now he is still a nanny?

Yuki is planning to set off immediately after the meeting and start traveling!

"Dad, wouldn't it be over if you asked the assistant of the research institute to help..."

Yuki complained rather that he didn't want to accept this stall.

"That girl is the daughter of a close friend of mine. She is about the same age as you. Her father specially asked her to come to me as the first stop of a new trainer. Naturally, I have to ask my most trusted son to help!"

After Dr. Oda Maki finished speaking, Yuki was not allowed to say anything, and he ran out with his luggage.

If you don't leave, you'll be late...

At this moment, Xiao Mao, who is far away in the city, is also catching a plane...

In the same place, only Yushu was left staring at the big satchel.


"Hey, I'm so troublesome... Do you want to stay here for another month?"

In the end, Yuki could only accept this troublesome matter and put away the big satchel together with the second set of illustrations.

If I had known just now, I ran away after taking it...!

Then, he took out his elf ball and threw it casually.


A red light flashed, and an aqua-blue Pokémon appeared in front of him, with orange-yellow spiked sacs growing on its cheeks and standing fins on its head, quite small and cute.

"Water jumping fish? Then give me some advice~!"

Seeing this, Yuki showed a kind smile.


The Yusanjia of the water attribute in the Fangyuan area also greeted him quite affectionately, and looked at himself, the new trainer.

Seems like a reliable human being.

"But it will take me a month to start traveling, and I will wrong you in this month."

Yushu rubbed Shui Yueyu's head, and apologized softly.


Water Leaping Fish just smiled honestly, as long as he can stay with the trainer, it's not a big problem.


However, the next moment, Yushu had already taken it back into the elf ball.

Water Leaping Fish: "?"

Its expression, like the state of the marsh jumping fish, was a little dull.

Shouldn't the next step be to take it for a walk outside to increase intimacy?

Why did you take yourself back all of a sudden?

But then, Yushu just went straight to his room, turned on the computer, and stored the water jumping fish in it.

Well, the grievance he said did not mean that he would stay here for a month...

Instead, stay in the computer for a month.

Since he was going to stay here for a month, then Yusanjia, who was his initial Pokémon, naturally had to officially be together again on the day of departure.

Water Leaping Fish: "?"

Then Yushu fumbled with the computer, and there were already six more Poké Balls around his waist.

That's right, he already had six Pokémon when he officially set off on the trip.

Of course, unlike people like Chi or Qinglu, the elves in the computer were also teleported over when they traveled.

At first, Yuki's computer was empty.

His way of traveling is different from Chi Qinglu and others.

In the end, Yushu held five elf balls, walked out of the house, and came to the outskirts of Mobai Town.


At the foot, there is also a lively serpentine bear.

His sixth Pokémon is this snake bear...


"Come out, everyone!"

In the suburbs, Yuki threw five poke balls together.

boom! boom!

Several crisp elf balls sounded, and the next moment, five small brown and beige spiked beasts appeared in front of Yushu at the same time.

Together with the snake bear standing at the feet...

There are six serpentine bears in total.

"Then, thank you for your hard work today~!"

"Aww~~!" "Aww~~!"

As Yushu clapped his palms, the six serpentine bears turned their heads one after another, headed towards their respective directions, and got into the bush field, and disappeared within a while.

And Yusuke just set up a sun umbrella and a deck chair on the spot, lay down slowly, and rested quite leisurely...

Next to it, there is also a huge backpack.

"I don't know what the snake bears can bring back for themselves today...?"

Yuuki sighed.

The characteristic of Serpentine Bear - picking up items, walking in the wild, there is a certain chance to pick up props, the types are random.

This is a very common characteristic of Youshu in the electronic world.

But he found that few people in this world seemed to know about it?

After all, Snake Bear is a bad street Pokémon, and no one will catch a litter like Yushu, and then spread it out to pick up relics.

Even if they knew, they didn't know that once the serpentine bear was cultivated to a high level, the props that could be picked up would also become rarer.

A year ago, Yushu, who had just crossed over, was empty, neither Pokémon nor props.

Yes, there is only one perfect brain.

That being the case, he intends to start from scratch and create the most perfect start before officially setting off on the trip!

Yuki first borrowed a poke ball from his father, and then used a trap to capture a snake bear.

And it can't be just any one.

Through his own eyesight, Yuuki can distinguish whether the characteristic is a pick-up, a greedy ghost, or a scud... Only when he is sure that it is the pick-up characteristic will he throw the poke ball.

Then, starting with a snake bear, after a year, we kept picking up lost props and catching more snake bears, doubling the efficiency...

Most of the props are ordinary wound medicines, poke balls, anti-numbing potions, hole-piercing ropes, etc... But even if the probability is low, you can still get a lot of rare props.

During the period, Yushu even fed them the magical candies he picked up... This doubled the probability of Serpentine Bear picking up rare items again.

Although these serpentine bears are mediocre, the level of each one is surprisingly high.

In this world, only he knows how to get rich like this!

Even when Dr. Oda Maki borrowed a Poké Ball, Yuki directly returned it a hundred times!

"Hey, but I've been picking things up for a year, have I squeezed out the suburbs of Mobai Town...?"

It used to take half an hour to return a snake bear, but now it takes almost an hour and a half to return one.

Yuki shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"No, you can squeeze it again, and I will stop squeezing it for the last month!"

After being busy until dusk, Yushu returned home contented with the six snake bears.

"Well, now ordinary wound medicines, anti-numbing medicines, elf balls and other junk items can be thrown away...just keep the powerful wound medicines, panacea, and advanced balls."

"All kinds of combat props, evolution stones, and skill machines have also been collected."

"With three more magical candies, I will be able to get together 4 groups of x99, and then I will be able to reach the full level of the water jumping fish on the first day..."

One month later, the moment Yushu stepped out of Mobai Town, a novice trainer of true monster level would be born in Fangyuan area.

Of course, one month later, it was also the day when Xiaozhi officially came to this area...

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