He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 902: The Patron Saint of the City of Water

When this vacation is over, the Rockets trio will go to the Fangyuan area to attack these two half-black and half-white local organizations!

Then extend Team Rocket's minions to the Fangyuan area!

"Hmph, two small organizations, dog eats dog."

Musashi said with the tone of a master of Dachang.

"Dog eat dog...it's a good way..."

Kojiro thought more.

Unlike the Kanto and Johto areas, the gray organization here has only one Rocket team...

But in the Fangyuan area, it can stir up internal fighting between the two organizations, and their Rockets can take advantage of the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fishing net!

It is worth mentioning that, like Team Rocket, the Lava Team of the Water Fleet here is not a purely black and evil villain organization...

Instead, he is walking on the edge of gray, allied with the local Pokémon, and is in a state of rivalry.

Although a year ago, because of Gulardo's clumsy performance, the lava team that believed in Gulardo, the company's stock melted down several times, and even faced the brink of bankruptcy by being swallowed up by the next-door water fleet...

Now a year has passed, Gulardo...

Well, it's still like that though.

But black traffic is also traffic!

The lava team seized the opportunity of this black traffic, and the entire enterprise took off again. This time it even went the other way, suppressing the water fleet!

In a word, it is...

Or dog eat dog.

"But for now, let's have a good vacation~!"

Musashi was the first to give up thinking, collapsed on the sofa, and began to enjoy the special massage in his position.

Seeing this, the other two also fell to their seats.



But at this moment, Miaomiao suddenly raised her ears, her expression froze.

He heard it, it was the cry of an electric mouse...

Meow meow winked, and Kojiro immediately got up and walked to the aisle, opened the curtain separating the cabins, and quietly looked towards the rear economy cabin.

"Sure enough, little ghost head, little ghost number two, and little girl and number two... are all here!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Musashi and Miaomiao suddenly changed.

Then, a sinister smile appeared at the same time.

I thought it was just a simple vacation...

It seems that this time, even God will let them arrest that electric mouse with exquisite bones!

They are now a brand new Rocket team, and they will not fail again!

"And that black Pokémon!"

Kojiro reminded.

They watched the live broadcast of Xiaozhi's Heavenly King Challenge ten days ago.

It seems that they have grown to the stage of monsters now...but even the champion, the three of them can still grab it!

"In short, all the precious Pokémon on the little devil's head are our cats!!"


The Rockets trio laughed wildly in the first-class seats, making the other rich passengers around them unaware.

Where did the soil turtle get in?


As for Xiaozhi and the others sitting in the economy class, they shivered, feeling as if they were being blown by some cold wind...



Odomare is a classical sea city, completely isolated from the mainland, surrounded by the ocean.

In fact, it should be said to be an island.

It's just that the island is covered with modern humanistic buildings, and there is basically nothing in the wilderness, so it is called a city.

This sea area is approximately between the Johto area and the Hoen area.

Due to the low-lying terrain, seawater intrusion is caused... The laneways and corridors of this city are all intricately intertwined with small ocean tributaries.

To walk from one street to another, you either take advantage of the stone bridges that can be seen everywhere in the city...or sail across the river by boat.

After a few hours' journey, soon, Xiaozhi and the others officially set foot in this city.

Walking through the outermost airport, the first thing you see is a vast stone wall square.

The bricks and tiles are old, and it looks like a building that has been around for some years.

What the whole city blows to the face is a breath of ancient vicissitudes...

At the entrance of the city, on both sides of a huge bridge leading to the interior, there are two rather tall stone pillars.

On the top of the stone pillars, there are two sculptures.

What kind of Pokémon does it look like? The appearance is similar but there are some differences. The body structure is like a small plane.

At this moment, around the two huge stone pillars, many tourists gathered to take pictures.

The hot sun shines down, this is the mixed smell of tropical beaches and classical cities...

"This is...?"

But Xiaozhi is obviously more interested in those two sculpture Pokémon.

"It seems to be the patron saint of this water city, and is deeply believed by the local residents...?"

Xiao Gang held a travel brochure and explained slowly.

I took out the illustration book and scanned the sculpture for a while, but couldn't retrieve any data.

Compared with their Kanto mainland, this place is actually closer to the Fangyuan area...

From the looks of it, it might be the legendary Pokémon in the Yoshien area?

Now Xiaozhi and Xiaolan's illustrated book has been upgraded and expanded to the Fangyuan area by Dr. Oki, and the data is completely shared.

"A legendary Pokémon? I really want to see it..."

Xiaozhi stared at the sculptures on the two stone pillars quite eagerly.



The time for Xiaozhi and his party to come is not good.

"Hey!! The water festival in the water capital, so it was yesterday?!"

Xiaoxia cried out quite complaining.

She knew in advance that there will be a water Pokémon racing competition in the celebration here, and this is a stage for her!

As a result, the contest had already been decided the day before.

There is nothing worth noting about the following celebrations.

"Okay, let's take a stroll in this city and relax~! Xiaoxia sauce, let's go shopping together~!"

Putting down the luggage at the hotel, Xiaolan took Xiaoxia's arm and went to girl time.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feels that Xiaoxia seems to have something bothering her and she's not in the mood?

She wants to comfort some of the latter.

"In that case, Mr. Gang, let's go on an adventure in the wild, maybe we can see some incredible Pokémon..."

So Xiaozhi turned around and sent Xiaogang an invitation to be a macho.

Just turning his head, he found that Xiao Gang's figure had disappeared at some point.

Although most of the tourists here come to experience the classical sea city atmosphere...

But on the edge of Odomare, there are also sunny beaches by the sea.

Having a beach means having a big sister in a bikini...

Xiaozhi or something, let's talk about it next time.

Xiao Gang took his flashing Cocoa Dora and ran to the beach area.

The latter has just been hatched and now has to be carried with him to increase intimacy.

Xiaozhi: "..."

In the end, Xiaozhi could only be alone, following the guidance of the map, and walked towards the depths of Odomare.


At the feet, Pikachu did not continue to lie on his shoulders today, but walked slowly.

They intend to go straight across the city.

According to the map, the other side of Aldo Mare is a vast and uninhabited wilderness.

Compared to the various historical museums in the city...

That's what made Xiaozhi more interested.


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