He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 906 Touching Porcelain Again

Soon, it was Xiaozhi who was the first to react. He just thought that the illustrated book was talking nonsense again, and explained with a smile:

"Hehe, my illustration book seems to be flooded..."

However, Xiaozhi hadn't finished speaking when the two big sisters in front of him turned serious.

"Hmph, so it has already been seen through?"

"Damn it, so have you been eyeing our brothers and sisters for a long time?!"

At this moment, the two of them didn't have any kind smiles, they both showed fierce and fierce lights, jumped back, and pulled away from the crowd.

Xiaozhi: "..."

No, you jumped out yourself.

Seeing the high hostility between the two, Xiao Zhi waved his hands, not intending to fight...

"Hmph, little devils, whether it's the water drop of the heart or the patron saint, they are already in our pocket!"

"Don't try to stop us, otherwise there will only be a dead end!!"

However, the two only threatened so sharply.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The next moment, from a certain dark place, a white spider thread suddenly shot out, roaring.

It landed on Xiaozhi's body at an extremely fast speed, and then entangled one after another, directly binding Xiaozhi's hands, feet and limbs tightly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The spider silk sprayed out again and again, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Gang and the three of them were bound together.

It turned out that at a dark street corner next to it, there was a large red-purple colorful spider lying on its stomach, blending in with the environment, making it difficult to distinguish.


"Hmph...you are at the end of the road!"

"Knowledgeable, hurry up and tell us all the information you know!"

Sanna and Lian shouted threateningly.

The vicious big spider also came behind the two of them, and the colorful grimace on the abdomen made people shudder.

Hiss... hiss!

However, at this time, Xiaozhi just exerted some strength, and completely tore apart the spider threads around him.

Sanna and the two: "?!"

Even this Alidos had a confused expression, and began to wonder whether the protein content of the silk he just spun was not enough...?

"Small ball flying fish, use wings to attack!!"

Xiaoxia in the rear also quickly instructed.

The little ball flying fish was flying in the air, but it was not affected by the spider silk.


The latter's complexion froze, and the two little wings lit up with a burst of white light.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

The little ball flying fish slashed at the spider threads on several people, and tore them apart easily.

Although he was just born, it is not known whether it is because of Master Ajin that he already has a lot of combat power.

For things like spinning silk, in fact, if you cut them vertically, you just need your hands.

But like Xiaozhi, he broke directly from the middle...


But Xiaozhi's eyes gradually turned brighter.

After all, he is not obligated to help arrest the thief, as long as he doesn't attack innocent Pokémon in front of him, he will be a stranger.

But if it's an active collision...

"Hmph, since you guys took the initiative to attack, then I'm not being polite, Pikachu, it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb, his eyes were bright.


Pikachu had already jumped in front of Xiaozhi, and the electric current was ready to go on his cheek.

It was buried in the watermelon just now, but it was not attacked by Alidos.


"Tsk tsk, the brat's momentum is not bad..."

Seeing this, her sister Lian just wanted to command Alidos to fight, but she was held back by her sister Sanna.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered around.

As the number one thief in the world, he couldn't be so exposed to the public.

The two looked at each other and understood the next plan.

Retreat first!


At this time, a sunflower-shaped potted plant placed in the corner suddenly made a sound.

Immediately afterwards, a sunflower Pokémon with a golden head jumped out, and its limbs were curved green vines.

Sunflower Monster.

Alidos wasn't the only Pokémon that the two were ambushing around.

"Now, use the seed bomb!!"

The sun flower monster understood, and suddenly threw a brown seed to the central open space of the crowd.

Boom boom boom...!!

As soon as the seeds touched the ground, there was a violent explosion, and smoke and dust billowed up.

After the smoke cleared, the figures of Lian and Sanna, Alidos and the Sun Flower Monster all disappeared in place.


Somewhere under an arched bridge in a dark alleyway, a stream of water flows beside it.

The figures of Sanna and Lian have quietly escaped here.

The two took off their troublesome holiday dresses and put on the black tights specially designed for thieves, with skillful movements.

"Hmph, it seems that those brats are not simple..."

"But it doesn't matter anymore, we just need to know the legend of the water drop of the heart, it really exists!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time retracted Alidos and the sun flower monster next to them.

Xiaozhi met Latios... That proves that the legend of this city is not completely fictional.

"The prey targeted by our number one thief in the world can't escape!!"


Then came this dark corner and alley, and there was a long and wild laughter.

The last two figures disappeared into the darkness again.

Things change later, they plan to take action tonight!

The location of the water drop of the heart, the two already had a clue!

The two of them didn't just come here for the first day, they have been dormant in this city for nearly half a month.

Every time before stealing, you will be ready before you make a move.


It is still the dark corner of this place.

Come here for a while.


A blue-haired man, a red-haired woman, and a short figure slowly poked their heads out from behind an abandoned wooden box.

"The number one thief in the world?! Hey, I have a bad temper!!"

Musashi was the first one who couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped up suddenly, with a grumpy and angry expression.

The Rockets don't even dare to say that they are the number one. How can a country girl be so arrogant!

Have you put their Rockets in your eyes!

"Wait a minute meow..."

And Miaomiao's focus is obviously on another keyword.

"The drop of heart they are talking about seems to be an incredible treasure... If you dedicate it to Boss Sakagi..."

The three of them looked at each other knowingly, and they all showed sneering sneers.

So the Rockets trio followed Lian and Sanna slowly.

Originally, they planned to surprise the Pokémon Center where Xiaozhi and the others were staying tonight, taking advantage of the situation to take Pikachu away.

Well, plans change.

Cut off these two arrogant thieves tonight! !



As for the Pokémon Center, only Xiao Zhi and his party were left with the seed bomb, which turned their faces into ashes.


Xiaozhi is the most speechless, he has been touched twice today.

Run away with a punch all over the body, very cunning!

"Unlucky, go back to sleep..."

"Yeah, sure."

Everyone looked at each other, turned their heads decisively and walked back to the room, choosing to go to bed early and get up early.

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